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18 thoughts on “Miaa-Garciaa online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Someone who fetishizes another person, thinks they're superior to the person they're fetishizing. They typically treat them less than and talk down to them with a priority on sexual pleasure or gratification. In my observations anyway.

  2. Yes, you should break up with her.

    In future don't ask questions like this…

    Now four months later we're in a relationship and about a month ago i asked her if he was better.

    …unless you know you're going to be OK with the answer.

    She claims this is due to me being out of her league and being nervous but i can't help but feel she'd just rather be fucking the other guy and doesn't want me. I don't know what to do, i cant see myself ever getting over it

    Yup. She chose to say this:

    she said that he was faster, was able to get better angles (due to his dick shape and various positions) and also with how he spoke, what he said and how he would stop and not carry on until she begged him.

    … and she must have known how you would react to it.

    I suggest you just break up because I don't think it's possible to recover from this.

    Also consider some self reflection. In future you will date women with a sexual past, dont let that fuin that present or future moment.

    (I mean in this case it's all too close time wise. As far as I can see it I consider that she cheated on you with him, but I know most people would not agree with that)

  3. Well working together doesn’t make the healing process easy. Is this job high paying? Career type? I only ask cuz we need to keep you away from her. No affection from her either? How are you still in love with someone so cold? No 1 on 1 time? The cons keep building my friend. Why do you wanna be with this person? Well if this is your cup of tea who am I to tell you otherwise. Will you ruin it? Probably not but do you think this relationship will last with how she acts? I wish you the best

  4. I’ve gone through this. I really feel for you. It’s extremely difficult to manage.

    First I had to accept that these were not my friends. Friends don’t act this way. These are people who don’t care about you.

    Then, I had to accept that this was a positive. They showed me who they were. You are now free, as I was, to find new people who actually give a damn about your happiness. It’s an amazing opportunity to find people who are synced with your values, your life right now.

    For me, a decade on, I have found a few good friends among work and study colleagues. I am working on finding more hobbies to this end, too. My wife’s friends I’ve also gotten closer to which is a blessing.

    Good luck to you. I know it’s difficult. I encourage you by saying it can only get better, and this is an opportunity in (heavy) disguise.

    Sending you best wishes. Genuinely.

  5. Right op is obviously not right that he’s concerned his wife is masterbsting to the thought of his best friend but won’t sleep with him makes sense

  6. You need to sit down with your dad and tell him that he has betrayed you in the worst possible way. Of all of the people he could have chosen to have a relationship with, he should not have chosen your boyfriend. Your boyfriend should have ended things prior to jumping into bed with your Dad, and your Dad should of had the decency not to pursue or engage in anything with your boyfriend until your relationship ended.

    As for how do you move forward that's entirely up to you, I do think that you need to go to therapy to work through this. Cut all contact with your boyfriend, go to the doctors and get a full sexual health screening. You don't know your dad's sexual health and unfortunately you don't know your boyfriends either, best to check to protect yourself.

  7. Forgot to add text, sorry:

    For this text, I'm going to refer to my partner as Sally and the work friend as John. So, we've been together happily for over 6 years and moved in together a couple of years ago. We spend most of our time together, apart from when at work of course – I really love every waking minute spent with this wonderful lady, and she seems to feel the same way (although she will occasionally have walks on her own to have “alone time” I suppose, which is great). Less than a year ago, Sally got a new apprenticeship/job in a very male-dominated field. Like, manly man field – where work talk is a little on the sexist side and can be borderline harassment (yes, we are definitely coming to that soon). Of course I wasn't super happy but I trust Sally with everything I have, and I know she really wants a fulfilling career and this is the best way to start! I think it suits her really well. Things seemed to be going fine for most of the first year. And then, out of nowhere, my insecurities begin for no apparent reason. Sally starts playing video games with John – not immediately a big deal, in fact I quite welcomed it as I'm happy Sally was able to find work friends. I guess it might have hurt a little, as this was time that we used to play games together, which she doesn't seem to want to do very much anymore. It didn't take long for the once-a-week gaming session with John to turn into most nights. Obviously, I started to panic a little bit – as I mentioned previously, I love and cherish every second I spend with Sally, and it felt like it was being taken away by somebody who already gets to see her everyday for 8 hours at work. I know, this is a really awful mindset to have and probably actually toxic. I'm really not proud of it, I feel disgusting. I just want to give the full truth to anybody reading this. I listened to their conversations while they play games – mostly innocent but occasionally I sense playful flirting and Sally would laugh in a way that kinda scared me – the kind of laugh she used to make when I made her laugh early on in our relationship. Something I don't hear as much anymore. Around this time, Sally's phone-use would start increasing, but it was a mixture of things. She seems to read a lot of fanfic which I totally respect and don't ever want to intrude on, but I also noticed she was messaging John on WhatsApp a lot – of course, not immediately anything to be suspicious about because they're friends. It was more the behaviour when I came near that worried me – quickly turning off Whatsapp/phone screen. Of course my heart started pounding and suddenly my PTSD of being cheated on in a previous relationship (in an almost identical fashion) came flooding back, sending my insecurity level sky-high. But I kept a cool head for the most part. There were occasions that I made my worries apparent (and regret doing so in hindsight) but we were always able to make it right again. Unfortunately, things just got worse. Sally went on a night work out and intended on staying out late for drinks (something which shocked me at first, since she's never wanted to do anything like that with me despite me previously suggesting going out on Saturday nights clubbing and it was refused for the most part). It was a work event, so I wasn't too bothered – but god I really couldn't sleep. It got to midnight and I thought “She'll be back soon”. Then 1am. Then 2am. I think just after 3am, she get's back and seems like she's happy and had a good time. She told me what happened, and it sounded fun, and she expressed how she wanted to do it more. I was happy for her, and of course I trust her, but I was still unsure where it all came from. Of course John was there that night – hopefully my attitude against John becomes apparent in the text to follow. Christmas soon comes around, and Sally and I are watching Christmas films. I notice her texting John/getting distracted on her phone throughout the evening which kind of annoys me so I kind of have a little melt down and explain my feelings. Sally says I've got nothing to worry about, and that she only loves me and only wants to spend the rest of her life with me. I believe her, but I ask if I can have some transparency between her and John's messages on Whatsapp just once – so I asked if I could see their messages. Sally hands me her phone almost immediately, completely happy to do it. So, I head to Whatsapp and see their messages. Nothing immediately scares me and it looks innocent. But then I saw it. The chat had been deleted earlier that day. There were only messages up to earlier that day. Immediately I almost begin breaking down, and ask her why she's deleted the chat. She responds with something along the lines of “I haven't! When I put the SIM card into my other phone (long story short, she has 2 phones but there is a perfectly fine reason for this that I wont go into) it must delete the chats!” “So why are the other chats still intact” I ask. She stumbles as she's realised I've found something not quite right. She begins to cry. She explains that John suggested she delete the chat, in case I was reading her messages (???). Of course I reply with “So did you had something to hide” She's adamant that there's nothing to hide and nothing is going on. She says she's only deleted the chat so I wouldn't feel the need to worry – something she now realises has only made things worse.

  8. Has she talked to one of her doctors? It’s possible that if she’s back on birth control that has affected her libido and she’s not even thinking about it. It can also be a sign of depression. There are other avenues before asking for an open relationship.

  9. Be a decent human being, look for his wife, and send her proof.

    He's a scumbag and has it well deserved.

  10. Honestly to me if someone truly loves and cares for you they won’t have a problem saying ‘I love you’ or even get annoyed by saying it.

    The most important thing is though is anyone can say those words, but does he show you he loves you? Cause from what im reading it doesn’t seem like it.

  11. The person you’re replying to wasn’t suggesting that OP should have texted. They were suggesting that the wife should have sent a text warning OP that someone was there.

  12. The fact that this girl is not in his “core” group of friends says something to me. Further, you only saw her message and your boyfriend has not made any decision yet as far as I can tell from your story, so don’t jump to conclusions.

    Honestly, I see this as your insecurities causing you to doubt what you currently have. Nothing wrong with this, as it happens to everyone, and glad you are seeking input from others. Think really naked about this, and talk with your bf.

  13. Get a therapist and walk away from him. No contact otherwise, he will lie and manipulate you again. He is selfish and not a true support for you.

  14. You are correct internet stranger. I am merely jealous that I have not found my own diamond in the rough with a heart of gold who alienates all who cross their path and who invalidates all that I have achieved in my life. The humanity.


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