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3 thoughts on “MerrieSlow live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Before we began teaching him, my wife and I had talked and come to the agreement that it would not benefit him to go easy on him or let him win, it was better to play at our real strengths and help him understand the game, help him learn to analyze his games, replay the critical positions, and understand where he could make improvements or choose a different line. We were totally on the same page on this, full agreement.

    See, that's not remotely what you wrote, and i'm reading it as i've stated, maybe its just the way you've written it, but it sounds like you both had a conversation about it and agreed to something, and she is now not following through, because she doesn't see the point in hammering your son.

    But for a reason, which you are either completely oblivious to, or she doesn't want to engage over, she is not playing ball here.

    There's a message to you in her behaviour here and you are not picking it up. I don't know if its a symptom of other issues, or the way she feels, but think about it logically, you know shes letting him win, so thats a fact, no one is disputing that here, but in your house she is letting him win.

    The question shouldn't be “what do i do about my wife lying to me over this blatantly”

    But what is the underlying motive for it ?

    What are you doing/like as a person that she feels she wants/needs to let him win.

    And yes, even on my now 5th reading, it still says the same thing to me.

  2. except she also keeps making comments where she is increasingly making him out to be a bad guy and that she should leave bc of his actions and then tacks on at the end ‘… and bc i snooped obvi’

  3. In talking about me specifically, she mentioned she felt like she might not love me the same, her feelings towards me have changed

    Since then, she's spent a lot of time at his place alone with him (sometimes 6+ hour stints), even spending the night there recently.

    I mean, there's a limit to being passive about things. You're entering borderline doormat territory now. It's better to confront her now and blow things up rather than wait for her to dump you after 3 months when their relationship is secure enough for her to leave you.


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