MELISA-COOPER live! webcams for YOU!

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29 thoughts on “MELISA-COOPER live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It was a thank you present , she doesn’t celebrate Christmas but I took her to a small getaway in the mountains.

  2. I feel like i'm doubting myself, what if i did say it? I'm pretty sure i didn't. and it's not like he doesn't want me to stop talking to her, just not rely on her as much as i do. what if i'm the problem? i was talking to my mom on the phone telling her all this and she was yelling at me to stop, that he's doing this on purpose.

    unfortunately, my mom is severely allergic, so i wouldn't be able to take her, even tho she is in my name

  3. I’m sorry to break it to you, but if you haven’t heard from her in 10 days you guys aren’t together anymore, and frankly, you don’t want to date someone who is so rude to your mother.

    Don’t date people where you work.

  4. What makes you still like him? It’s seems like he’s irredeemable in your eyes (and ours) anyway, I don’t. Get why you even like him at this point?

  5. If it's your dad laying guilt on you, I think you need to get very boring in your responses.

    If it's your own brain, maybe get back into therapy? Or you could try just gritting it out a time or two; it will probably get easier after you've gotten through it.

  6. Tell him that you expect a heart felt apology and not more excuses. He said what he said.

    He said what he did. Instead of owning up to his mistake, he is trying to say he didn't mean it and he meant something else.

    Don't have sex with him if you don't feel like it.

  7. This is more about what your “friend” said not him. You say he laughed and agreed with her comment— are you sure he wasn’t feeling awkward and didn’t know what to say and tried to brush it off? If he was cheating with her he would definitely have been more defensive to hide it. I will say my ex best friend would make “jokes” like this or say my ex had two gfs because she was always with us. Long story short she tried to fuck him behind my back. I’d be weary of your friends intentions with your man.

  8. I find it hot to believe he was abusive, if I’m honest he came across as the sweetest guy ever. He was never actually directly horrible to me, it was subtle.

    Although I invited him to my family for Christmas dinner and we stayed there a few days. But on Boxing Day, he felt unwell so we had to go back to my house. I felt weird sad feeling to go back to my house, I felt very lonely. And that evening he told me ‘this is a red flag to me and shows me that you’re codependent.’ It was the first time i had shown sad emotion around him, and I felt really ashamed after he said that.

    I dunno if he’s an abuser, but all his exes still speak to him which makes me wonder if he’s not? He was a nice guy, I just wonder if he’s been hurt by his past relationships

  9. She has already said she will reconsider the relationship if you don’t marry her so she is the one giving the ultimatum. You are saying you don’t want to get married at all but need a prenup if you do and she says absolutely not and is not speaking to you. It seems pretty obvious how this marriage will go. Divorce is a given here. People get auto insurance not because they expect to get into an accident. They get it because accidents happen and they need to be prepared. Soery, but you both need to reconsider this relationship because it doesn’t look good.

  10. I can sort of relate because my wife has a very sensitive sense of smell. However, she has never been so rude as to tell me that I stink when I was reasonably clean. You might try using your husband's spray just before he gets home. Then tell him the next time he wants to smell your armpits, you will elbow him in the gut. Perhaps then he will realize this is his problem, not your problem.

  11. You bringing up the opposite shifts is brilliant. That has to be playing a big part. Wife is feeling neglected in other ways, finds out husband is giving attention on the DL to another woman, gets upset. Makes sense to me.

  12. Here's my issue. It's the way he worded his response. He believes his whole purpose is procreating when it's more than that. If he had mentioned more about being a father, spending time with young children that is driving the urge but his response makes me feel as though he's just focused on kids asap. When you have tunnel vision, you just looking for a reasonable match for that goal but a child is a lifetime commitment and not to be taken so lightly.

  13. You made the right choice. Getting revenge is the end of a relationship. People who love each other don't intentionally hurt each other. Don't worry about your mom. Break ups happen. Just say you were wrong about her. That's a normal thing that happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives, and she shouldn't hold that over your head.

  14. He moved in to your place and he “forbids” them in the guest room? Who the eff does he think he is? Kick him out.

  15. Can I give you a hug? Because damn man, you need a hug.

    Now onto the rest. I can't believe she'd be so, completely clueless and tactless. By saying they're good family, it's like saying you're a liar or your trauma doesn't matter.

    I can see why you'd think about breaking up w her. She's not the type of partner we need when trying to heal.

    I have a lot of childhood trauma that lead to me thinking verbal and physical abuse was normal and I ended up in multiple domestic violence situations as a result of it. It took a long time to find a loving, supportive, and nurturing partner.

    My husband would never do to me what she did / said to you. I think you're with the wrong person. And you're right. You can't trust her. I wouldn't.

  16. Hm, i just had a conversation about this with the guy. pretty solid convo, histories were cleared up and our intentions of what we’re doing seem more aligned.

    i’ve been friends with this person for over a year. his relationship with my friend was not my relationship.

    i do not agree with the “girl code” i don’t like the idea have people being possessive of another person. i value processing and understanding above all.

    he has qualms. one of our first conversations was about this situation that was bound to happen. we also talked about our feelings towards each other.

  17. Are you sure they sold them? That was awfully fast.

    I doubt they went into a storage unit…. dumpsters? Dropped off at thrift stores?

  18. He really wasn’t relationship material it’s difficult to come to terms with when you want it to work so much. Maybe FWB could work that’s all I felt like I was anyway we pretended it was a ‘relationship’.

  19. Lol sure buddy.

    I did answer it, and you. And yet here you are anyway.

    So here's my advice:

    Let her go on the cruise.

    Then reply to that email your spam filter caught, and send some money to the temporarily inconvenienced Nigerian royalty who's gonna make you rich.

    Then while you're at it, drive without a seatbelt. Scream at strangers in public using nothing but racial epithets. Go skydiving with a parachute you invented yourself out of beach towels and fishing line.

  20. Thanks for sharing your experience. Yeah that’s what really gets me is she’s trying so hot and is really a great person. I just can’t help but think about someone who is also those things but less depressed.

  21. Why do you need to know all this? Have you considered that all this scrutiny is exhausting?

    The example of the spreadsheet is not an example of how she hides her past from you. Do you have actual examples of her hiding her past?

    The excel spreadsheet thing is just weird. You found no evidence that she or you made the change? You found no evidence that an outsider made the change? How is this relevant?


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