MEGAN-HUDSON01 live! sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “MEGAN-HUDSON01 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Both of my parents were college professors. Education is very important to me so yes, it would be a dealbreaker. There’s also something to be said about shared experiences and having things in common.

  2. The good things do not outweigh this level of betrayal. You need to protect yourself and move on from this relationship. He betrayed you in the worst way that a partner can do to another and is now gaslighting you about it when you’ve decided to forgive him?

    If you value yourself and your sanity, you give this person a life time of space to sit with the repercussions of their actions. If you can’t value yourself to see that, then you’re doomed for future pain. Do not get back together.

  3. Thank you for sharing your experience and advice.

    As much as I wish I could have a go at trying again, it's not possible, nor is it worth it with how things ended. I'll just have to learn from this and move on, hopefully having even better experiences.

  4. You and your ex have an 11 year age gap so it makes sense that it didn't work out because you are still developing as a person. His mom not understanding this is crazy. You learned a valuable lesson. The reason why his Mom wanted to be friends was to get you and your ex back together. Since that isn't going to work out, you should block her. You may want to let your ex know what his mom did also.

  5. Hello /u/Anonymous4050,

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  6. This is sort of what I’m wondering…I don’t go on instagram but as long as someone isn’t ogling their friends or being creepy towards ppl who are just living their life while looking attractive, I don’t see how this isn’t on some level a form of porn? And idc about (most) porn. Like are these images of women and profiles of women posing provocatively? But I also don’t know much about instagram so maybe that’s what I’m missing.

  7. It’s not her dancing that’s the problem it’s the disrespect. To ditch your bf, that you’re dancing with, mid song and grab another guy to dance and sing with would be a huge red flag to me.

  8. It's not appropriate to bring it up if the pictures are from the past.

    But also if you were a little older, you might know this, and that's why people are going to comment on the age gap. It's too much.

  9. I swear I’m not trying to make it about ages…. But at 18 I was immature like that. Overly jealous, analyzing things that didn’t need to be analyzed, reading into signs that weren’t there.

    Just accept that he has a past, it is over, and it has nothing to do with you and your future. Unless he is pining after her, there’s no reason to put any significance to what he didn’t delete off of Facebook… which not a lot of people our age (I’m also 24) even use regularly anymore since everyone’s parents got on it lol

  10. So he knew that you wouldn’t be happy with him working out with Julia, so he should have said No to her when she asked to work out with him.

  11. Tell the girl that you “broke” up with the truth and quit playing games. Otherwise what would be the point in staying in contact if you broke up.

  12. Don’t listen to my advice because I’m to cynical for this. In fact my advice is to stop reading this now. I do not understand for the life of me why people shell out for a murder rock on a gold band that is purely symbolic. Before you say it, there is no way to verify your diamond is ethically traded. You are taking the traders word for it. In my opinion it would be better to pay for an experience than a symbol.

  13. Fuck that, that is some gold digger level shit right there. “Oh you make more money now? Give me more” 6 figures on a wedding is fucking ridiculous as well imo, it’s 1 day the amount of money that could generate you invested compared to blowing it on what’s essentially a fancy party is dumb.

    Imo you need to speak to some of your friends about her because straight up from what you said it just seems like she sees you as a paycheque. Obviously we don’t know your relationship just what you posted which is why I said speak to some friends but seriously bro like just read what she’s asking you and think what you’d tell a stranger to do.

  14. You did nothing wrong. Your joke was not directed at anyone else, not mean-spirited, not racist or sexist of phobic of any group. It was graphically sexual, so if you had told it in front a child, or someone's parents, or a religious figure, I could see that being on you. But you made a sex joke to someone with whom you have sex. He may find the idea of the act disgusting, he may prefer you not tell graphically sexual jokes in the future, but if you're not put on notice you can't know that

  15. Ok, not everyone but the vast majority of redditors here. No need to be this nitpicky.

    So what you're saying is that because I provide for myself I'm not worthy of being defended?

    I clearly did not say that. Take some tea, relax and reread my post. You'll see that I said: – no point in engaging with trolls on-line – if something happened irl, your boyfriend should stand up and protect you. Same thing in reverse, equality – if you want a traditional boyfriend, you have to be a traditional girlfriend. Same in reverse

    Also i browsed through your history and if I were you I would break up with him as he's treated you badly (or at least you perceive it so) for over a year and he keeps dismissing your concerns, even serious ones.

    This concern over a video game is stupid though if you're older than 12.

  16. i agree with all your points except the “you can't ruin a romance that never existed”. what made you say that? people can and do have romantic relationships without any or little sexual aspects to it. i do really care for her and she does for me. the only problem i see is that neither of us is actually asexual so i think sex does play an important role in a relationship.

    but saying that romance never existed when you don't really know anything else about our relationship is kinda an insult to me.

  17. I’m waiting for you to be like “oh my goodness! My wife posted too??”. But you haven’t even acknowledge the fact that this post is fake. At least have the courtesy to play into it a bit more. The people of Reddit deserve to be entertained (even if it’s poorly done).

  18. Is compassion part of his religious belief system?

    Or caring about things that don’t directly affect him?

  19. Y'all are in your early twenties. People grow apart. It's better to accept and move on and stop wasting each other's time.

  20. Lmao report her for having a pet. A dead one at that. That is very gross.

    Seriously though tell her you won't be over until its taken care of. I really hope it didn't die in transport that would make me sad.

  21. I mean, as a woman, if I was with someone and he wanted to kiss me after going down on me and I didn’t want to.. I’d either get over it or expect him to stop giving me head.

    How could I expect them to perform a sexual act and then behave like it’s so gross that I won’t let my lips touch theirs?

    u/scrunchiecola.. do you like jizz? Like actually genuinely enjoy having it in your mouth? Or do you get over it because your bf enjoys getting head?

    Because honestly? Jizz is fucking gross.

    It’s a rare person that loves them some jizz. I imagine it’s a rare woman that actually WANTS fresh naked jizz in her mouth. But women do it because it gives their partner pleasure. (Note: referring to the genders of OP’s situation, obvs it’s not just women that give head).

    If you find it at all gross.. then you should stop doing it. Your partner doesn’t mind not kissing you because he finds it gross. So why would you continue doing something that makes him view you as gross for any period of time?

  22. Brown belt here chiming in.

    It's incredibly non sexual. For sure you end up in positions that outside or off the mats would be or could be seen as sexual.

    Your hands touch things accidentally.

    But… A person is trying to submit you. Actively trying to submit you by grinding their body into you and wrenching or choking you. It puts newer people into a state of fight or flight. And experienced people into a zone where they're combating another human being.

    My partner and I both train. She just got her blue belt. She's attractive as fuck. But when I'm on the mat with her it's just another body to move around and submit.

    I will say everyone is different. And because people are people there definitely are creeps out there. But.. in the decade plus that I've trained I've seen one. That's it.

  23. It just sounds like you two aren’t on the same page with relationship expectations. Probably best to have an honest talk about what you both want.

    As an outsider, it looks to me like she thinks you two are casually dating (not exclusively), while you think you two are boyfriend/girlfriend. Talk it out and figure out what’s up. Maybe you two aren’t a good fit right now.

  24. He wasn’t like this at first, and if I could leave I would. Why did you even comment if you have nothing constructive to say?

  25. If you do get married you’ll have a sexless marriage. It’s only been a year so maybe it’s best to leave so you can both find someone you’re compatible with?

  26. She and her friends used poor judgment. After an alcohol-filled night, the 3 women went with 6 friends to a remote location. Did they have any safety measures apart from a hired driver waiting outside? Did any of them give their address to a a trusted person? “Safety in numbers” doesn’t track when you’re outnumbered 6 to 3 by people who are stronger and have the information advantage (their location). I’m glad they came back unharmed, since they put themselves into an inherently dangerous situation.

    You’ve explained she didn’t tell you because she didn’t want you to stew on it. You know a simple measure which would’ve mitigated this? Calling you to tell you where she was going, then calling you to talk for a few minutes when she was there. Additionally, this would signal to the men loud-and-clear that she loves her boyfriend.

    Has she acknowledged how her behavior has affected you and how she will fix this going forward? Or are the both of you in agreement that this is simply a you-problem which you need to fix?


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