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42 thoughts on “MayaMae_x online webcams for YOU!

  1. Or, some of us just simply feel differently about sex and sexuality than the puritanical stand you are taking.

    E 40 wants his superhero back

  2. Guy is bad news all around. You don’t like abortions, ok well it didn’t happen to you. But to bring up someone else’s in an argument of all things well that’s not anything I’d consider acceptable in a future partner or husband.

  3. It's not your lack of sex life that will lead to something foolish. It's your decisions, your choice. You say you'd never cheat on her but you almost did. That's a sign that y'all need to have a very serious talk. Sick of talking or not, how else will you figure this out?

  4. I know I just feel bad. I have her blocked for days. And she finds a way to contact me with the same old story. She loves me. She misses me. She wants to change and be better. Which lasts a week and then all hell breaks loose

  5. Tell him that it was very damaging to you before, and you're not sure you can be “just friends” due to the depth of your feelings for him. Ask him to explain to you why he left that way. And ask what he's wanting now.

    Only honesty can get to the bottom of this. If you don't feel he can meet you halfway, then block him. Best of luck to you.

  6. Girl.. I’m sorry but I think he’s playing you. While these items may have been forgotten about, which is plausible, the fact that he called you a name that ain’t yours IS NOT. That wasn’t a coincidence. He’s being sloppy and trying to play it off as just coincidences.

  7. Idk man seems super off for her to be giving up her life because it makes you uncomfortable but if you’re both “happy” do you I guess

  8. Stop arguing with him. Stop sending him articles trying to get him to understand your POV. He doesn’t need to understand it and you don’t have to justify it.

  9. What I said may sound harsh, but I experienced a man who I dated for 3 years and he was everything I respected and loved. We didn’t online together before we married. After we married, he changed somewhat slowly into a different self. He eroded into a bully. His choices became the priority before me. I was devastated but kept thinking that it was temporary, since his mother died right after we married. And it didn’t stop. After 2 years of marriage, I left him after he raped me. He literally did it when I said no and wasn’t ready. It hurt. It hurt. So be really observant about whether this was a crack in his manufactured visage…. Context: My ex was 13 years older than I and I was a 10 to his 6 in looks. If I could go back in time, I would tell my 20 yo self to make a list of absolute deal breakers for me in a relationship and stick to them as boundaries. I did not deserve to be treated like property. You don’t, either.

  10. Annie might not be ready to be a therapist. What you're doing isn't love bombing at all. She's waaaaaaay off. Don't change, you're fine.

  11. I know man, i've been a in a similar situation before. When you notice your girl start to check out of the relationship, it's better to end things. You don't wanna put yourself thru more pain and hurt. The fact they you got ghosted by your own girlfriend is a really big red flag. I think you'll know what's best for you man, sending good vibes man

  12. He hasn't bothered to change in all this time. It's time to stop wasting your life on this. He's continually been verbally and emotionally abusive towards you. You deserve better.

  13. I want him to be the man for me more than anything. It just scares me. I just feel like he’s better than that but at the same time I’ve done questionable things. I’m also very insecure and jealous type so maybe that’s why I want to control things.

  14. This sounds devastating?

    I think your thought to move forward by moving forward alone is the right one. This man has shown you who he is, believe him and move on.

    Please also consider therapy to help you heal from all this, best to you?

  15. I’ve informed his parents. He’s staying with them—he told me he’d tell me by Saturday…I had to get him to go to another therapy appointment and he said he’ll tell me after.

    If he doesn’t I’ll layout what’s going to happen next.

  16. Definitely needs to be brought up again then. I mean, I’m fine with my husband having friends of the opposite sex, but one of our things is we have to be completely open about it and introduce us, etc. If you feel the same way, make sure to enforce this.

  17. Dude, I can relate to this so much. I grew up with an alcoholic father who acted pretty much the same way. The most difficult part is getting him to see that he is the problem. His relationship with you and your Mum are no doubt being torn apart by his constant need for money to feed his addiction. Its sad but true and it will take something major for him to own up to his problems. It really is ideal you having a call with him at some point and explaining why this behaviour is bothering you and how it's making you feel overall. Point out to him that he has a problem and try and make him understand that it's him and not you. He will probably get defensive but once the seeds are planted, he at least has some awareness. Other than that, maybe distance yourself. Since you're in a different country, you are less obligated to be in as much contact as him. If he gets angry or whatever, go NC until he calms down and apologises. There is a lot of options here but they're all pretty naked. Good luck to you!

  18. Yeah ive tried talking to her. I told her if that i want to masturbate if she refuses. She said that my behavior isn't normal and should be resolved in a different way (like running, gaming or something). We ha sex like once every 2-3 months. She doesn't work, shes a stay at home mom. I try to accommodate her needs to by allowing her lone time, giving her back / foot massage, do chores, but she still refuses almost every night. I asked if we can at least do it once a week but its still a no go.

  19. You don’t own the “year”. And you’re not engaged and how would he know it’s planned for this year?

    Lots of people will get engaged and married this year and the next. Maybe you’ll be one of them. But you’re being ridiculous right now. The world does not revolve around you:

  20. How does he know she was sober if he didn’t remember her coming to the party and was so “black out” drunk doesn’t remember having sex with her? How does he know she didn’t drink anything that night if he doesn’t remember?

  21. Has she expressed any discomfort? If so, maybe the reason she doesn’t want to go longer than that is because of that discomfort. An hour is a really long time! I’d suggest talking to her and seeing if perhaps she is also unsatisfied, and see if you can meet in the middle.

    If long sessions are uncomfy physically, can you try taking breaks and doing oral, or using a lot of lube?

    If she isn’t getting turned on enough to want sex for that long, what are some ways both of you could work towards properly arousing her?

    If you struggle with death grip and thats why it takes so long to finish, can you take steps on your end to fix that?

    If none of the above helps, and she still doesn’t want sex more than once a week: would she be okay with still being sexual without penetration (like hand stuff, or oral, or even just being present and dirty talking while you both get yourselves off) more often on non-sex days?

    Compromise is possible. You just both have to realize that you both have a responsibility to compromise, communicate, and prioritize each other.

  22. Thank you thank you thank you for this. These words felt very relieving to hear. It's naked for me when someone is telling me I'm hurting them by trying to calm my own nervous system but when you put it that way it's absurd I should be expected to render comfort and affection when my own nervous system is so activated.

  23. So she hasn’t told you everything.

    So go back sit her down and tell her she has 1 chance to tell you everything, exactly what happened, what excuse she thought was good enough to put her relationship, and her child’s future in danger, how many times they had sex (they did, you don’t start off like that in the video “can’t happen again” and arrive back to your room in the early hours of the morning without going back to his room and fucking. And ask her why she didn’t bring this up when it happened.

    And then ask how many other people and times. As it is a possibility that this is not the only time, it’s just the one you know about.

    Depending on her answers, couples counselling or divorce, they are your choices.

    And remember whatever choice you make, you have been forced into making it because your wife is a cheater.

    Now she’s probably going to say “if I tell you then you are going to divorce me” then you tell her that you are going to divorce her if she doesn’t m that there is a sliver of hope that counselling can keep the relationship together. But what she should be worried about is the nuclear fallout from her decision – as if she lies, trickle truths, omits anything, and you find out then you will ensure that she faces the full consequences of her actions, including ensuring that your child knows exactly who is to blame for everything, and as they get old enough, exactly what she did.

  24. YTA, “I miss her doing so much for me”…so you want a housekeeper who pays for more joint expenses than you and you can bang afterwards? You want her to appreciate and support you but you're not doing the same for her??? You literally dismiss her health concerns and the medication and treatment she needs. This isn't a partnership. You want her to appreciate and support you but you won't do the same for her? Both husband and I hate our jobs, seriously, we hate them. You know why we do them? We have bills to pay and a family to support.

    In an ideal world we would all be doing what we love and getting paid for it, but this isn't an ideal world. Decide which you love more, your job or your girlfriend. You say you can't believe she's happy for you to do a job you don't love, you're apparently happy for her to handle health concerns alone, do most of the housework, undermine a degree she's working very hot on and make more money.

    You say not to advise you to break up with her, I would advise her to break up with you, you're obviously a child.

  25. You dont want to break up with your bf but unless you do you are putting your baby's health at risk.

    Its ultimatum time. Your bf is not allowed near your baby anymore. Sorry.

  26. Depends on how you practice the polygamy. If you incorporate marriage into your polyamory then it does fall into poly but not all polygamous set ups are polyamorous.

  27. Your insecurities are going to ruin your current marriage.

    Get therapy. You just weren’t for him and people change. A person at 20 usually isn’t the same person at 30, and if they are, god help anyone in a relationship with them if their mentality is still stuck in their 20s.

    He wanted an polygamy lifestyle and marriage was clearly wrong for him.

    Do you want a polygamy marriage with all your insecurities and wondering if the other women are better than you? No, I doubt it.

    You two are simply not compatible.

    Please get therapy if you are this upset over an ex and this insecure. You are going to make your husband and children think they’re not good enough. Is that what you want?

  28. It's definitely something that should be exciting and should definitely not feel like an expectation. Maybe that's part of the issue. He feels like it's expected and that can be a very intimidating emotion. It can feel like it's not really your decision, and for me, I'll push back against the expectation and delay doing what I need to do because of the pressure. I wish the best for you guys.

  29. Actually that is not what I said at all.

    I actually said that I don't recommend people be in relationships when they know they have to work on themselves as it isn't fair for the partner to take on the burden. I include myself in this, it is why I have stayed single. You call me arrogant, and that's fine.

    But I know I would never want to put on a partner the issues of my past, it is not right to expect anyone to burden themselves with things that have happened to me, and this includes a boyfriend that cheated, put me down, and other horrible things that caused me to be broken with no confidence.

    I have worked very naked on that through therapy and self-help books but I recognise that if I were to get into a relationship now, without been fully healed, then I would end up hurting my partner with my own insecurities which he didn't cause.

    This is exactly what OP is doing. She is putting all her insecurities onto her partner when he has done nothing more than have a friend, who was in his life before she was.

    It is not right what she is doing, she recognises it isn't right.

    I will not sit here and go there there, patting her on the back and telling her to leave him because HE has done something wrong, like you're all doing.

    The only thing he did wrong is scream at her.

  30. I was building my self esteem back from a previous abusive relationship

    You're in another one. You have to get out.

  31. She's lying about her injury to manipulate him and she pissed all over the floor in her room…. I think she's maybe got some problems that her parents need to talk to her about and perhaps a professional

  32. You told her you were not ready for a relationship, you were not together. This is 100% a you problem

  33. I get that you feel the other part of your relationship are good but at it’s core he doesn’t respect your decisions and has shown he’s okay with browbeating you into changing your mind or making you feel awful. That’s not a partnership. Imagine a difference in parenting, or finances, it’s a recipe for a miserable life for you.

  34. With all this evidence, what is it that you are asking?

    She is playing the field. She likes the attention.

    I would trust her to behave exactly as she has been.


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