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47 thoughts on “MarleneJones live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Oooof. You should try like “you do whatever you want, but don't lie” but I don' really know what to say here

  2. Sounds like she's depressed and menopausal, instead of waiting for her to fill in the paperwork you'll need to do it and start getting her the help she needs

  3. It is completely normal to go offline for 8-9 hours for work. He's that dedicated to work, and yet he still takes time to call you for 30 minutes each day! That's nothing to scoff at, but if you can't handle it, then there's your answer

  4. I would rather my bf jerk to the pics than meeting a girl for sex. Kinda have to pick your battles. A lot men probably do this..

  5. Hello /u/letsgomets75,

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  8. She would definitely get insecure and maybe fight. But the tables can't be turned because she doesn't have a good looking best friend of my type for whom I could say that.

  9. I (40M) wouldnt invest that much in a woman, i am not interessted in. But take it slow and get over your ex first. If he likes you he will wait for you to be ready. Best of luck

  10. Not to mention does she need to dip in to her PTO for that time or make it up the rest of the week? If my spouse just made that type of decision for me I’d be so pissed.

  11. No what’s weird is writing paragraphs to strangers asking for advice and then biting back when you don’t get your desired response. You sound like a bitch tbh.

  12. Idk it’s honestly hard for me to understand where your gf is coming from. She doesn’t sound like a good person, but maybe I’m being naive.

  13. Thanks, due to some stuff in my childhood I can't watch NSFW stuff, so I don't really know anything about that whole scene. I'm doing my best to normalise it and be rational, I know it's not a big deal but where I've had no exposure to it all it felt shocking.

  14. You're both at fault here. You're using your health issues as excuses. I get that they're real but come on, sending a text when you're in the same house, to deal with a rather weighty topic is not cool. He has a lot of resentment which tells me a lot about how he feels treated. It's a shitty thing to tell him you need him to 'work on' his fear. Maybe you should 'work on' your own issues. (We all know neither works that way). Your job as a SO was to work together to find options for dealing with rides while you're healing, not push to get your way. You can't say you don't care about those things and turn around and do that. He's turning to video games as a way of coping. He lashed out and told you how he feels. Those words tell me a lot about how he feels devalued, lost, and hopeless in the relationship. Hurt people, hurt people. It's not unusual. If he didn't he would cry.

  15. Is he paying her for sex?

    You need to confront her. He could be using his position of power to solicit sex. Not the first time I saw it on here.

  16. He may want to confront her. He may have no idea who his father is and want to yell at her for abandoning him. Happens all the time.

    He may see things that give him an idea of who his father is that makes him seek his mother with more understanding in mind. Or he may be looking for a rescue. OP’s family is remaining in his life, it’s not insane to think one of the family members would clue him in when he’s older.

    Kids find their estranged parents all the time for a variety of reasons. Not a fairy tale at all.

    Nobody is arguing that the child is going to have a peachy-keen life living with his father. At all. OP herself says multiple times that it’s eating her alive to leave her son with him. But the alternative is OP staying around to be a bitter, traumatized, unfit mother until killing herself. How does that help her son??

  17. The last man who said this to me became single shortly after and is still single. Your wife is asking you to actively look for a way to manage your emotions better because they have an impact on her. If you care about your relationship and how you make your wife feel grow up and be open to the fact that you don’t actually know everything and “being a man” has nothing to do with “controlling” emotions.

  18. You are not very smart. Your whole “I am man” blabla is laughable. You say yourself you're drowning, your wife sees it and the one intellignet thing to do would be to take your ass to a professional. Just like you do with your car or when you have a toothache or a broken bone. But noooo, you are so much better than the millions of people in therapy… Also your wife is probably fed up with you not coping so don't be surprised if your relationship needs to be added to the long list of your problems.

  19. You broke up with him, he invited you over to comfort you, and you want to get upset that he wasn’t more discrete? Of course it hurts, but its not his job to be discrete to protect you from him moving on. If it bothers you, you need to go no contact, not expect him to adjust his life and his appt to avoid triggering you.

  20. She does not owe you forgiveness. You and your family completely failed to respect her reasonable boundaries; respect them now. She has made it clear that she wants space from you. Stop ignoring what she is telling you she wants and give it to her.

    She should not forgive you. Your behavior was frankly unforgivable. Accept and respect whatever decision she makes, and stop harassing her now.

  21. Woah that felt a bit extreme. He said thanks for the feedback, and he seems willing to change. I get that reddit is a chance for you to say stuff online that you wouldn't usually say in person but jesus

  22. He says in a response to another comment that SHE set the boundary, he agreed to it, and then she broke it.

    Does that change the situation for you?

    You don't do that, lie about it, be secretive about it, then try to gaslight the person who calls you out on it, if you're 'just trying to make friends'.

    You do that when your trying to do something more along the line of cheating.

  23. Evertime I ask a question, my post get flagged by reddit. I want to know why I feel upset and if I have a right to and how I should approach it

  24. Recognize that you MIL will probably always stick up for and believe her daughter over the truth. The only recommendation I have is to ask your SO to talk to his mom and explain that you weren't involved and did not havecany knowledge of SIL's firing until after it happened. If MIL won't believe her son, then there is nothing you can do.

  25. His change of heart is only motivated by wanting to return to the status quo, which if I'm honest sounds pretty unstable in the first place. He should have made this effort when you two started pulling apart. When the idea of an open relationship came up, that should have been the siren going off in his head “She needs more than I'm giving her and I'm fucking this up!”

    He says he’ll never meet someone like me again

    He's right. You were the one in a million. You could very well have been the best person in his life. But he took you for granted. He thought he didn't have to give you what you need, because you always gave him what he needed. He only cares now that he's lost you.

    Loving someone shouldn't feel like it shouldn't feel like work to keep the relationship going.

  26. I thought it was funny until one of her friends looks at me and says “Why are you with my friend? Aren't you too old, you got grey hairs in your beard?”

    Your girlfriend's friend was obviously being quite immature in the situation, but maybe you should take the experience as a prompt to think about this question a little.

    I'm sure your new girlfriend is wonderful and makes you feel appreciated like you say, but she's also just a college student while you're a recently divorced single father. When people including yourself make note of your age difference, it isn't just because of your actual ages but because your worlds are miles apart.

    How exactly do you guys fit into each other's lives? What's the goal of the relationship, for either of you?

  27. The issue is that you now have two men pressuring you to act a certain way. That is absolutely unfair.

    Tell your boyfriend that his pressure is making the situation worse and that instead of being supportive he is giving you anxiety. What you boyfriend fails to realize is that his attitude doesn’t provide a safe space for you to trust and confide in him. He needs to know that.

    On to the boss, keep a record of everything he does and say. Dates, times, etc. get a separate notebook just for him. If he is done, hitting on you, you may not need it. If he isn’t then you really need more than one incident or more than one person to handle a titan in the industry. Just smile, be polite but DISTANT and document, document, document.

  28. If your boyfriend is making you being sexually harassed about him, it's time to find a new boyfriend.

  29. I think those should be two very separate conversations. Tell her soon that you’re in a relationship. In a month, ask her how she feels about him staying for graduation. If she doesn’t feel comfortable with him staying in the house/in your room while he’s here, is there somewhere else he can stay?

    As for birth control, if you plan on having sex you both need to be on the same page and responsible about preventing pregnancy/STIs. Whether or not you end up getting on some kind of BC you need to see a gyno and talk to them about the best and safest options for you.

  30. Tell her if she insists on going, you will be going on holiday with your female co-worker and look how she'll hate that

  31. The smoking in the house and raised voice would be a deal breaker for me too. I’m on your ex’s side

  32. Get your own phone plan and a phone you pay for and do not download the app.

    There is no reason for your mother to be stalking you. Also, do away with the shared Ring.


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