LuvTessa on-line sex cams for YOU!

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41 thoughts on “LuvTessa on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. This doesn’t sit right with me. Realistically what’s the difference between giving your ig or giving your phone number? The guys are gonna text, it’s just a different way to do so.

    I don’t like hearing this talk about “not knowing how guys are gonna handle rejection”. Seriously do women think they are so unique and irresistible that guys are gonna get mad if a girl says she is spoken for? It’s just an excuse for a double standard.

    Anyway, this girl is weighing up her options and eventually she will find someone who she thinks is better than you. If she was loyal she wouldn’t be doing this.

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  3. My last relationship was with my sons father. My son was unplanned and living there was situational. I was not staying there because I thought it was healthy or sustainable. However, you have provided valid points however judgemental your comment may come across.

  4. I can only begin to imagine the pain and grief you both must be going through, I am so incredibly sorry OP, I really truly am.

    You say you're attending grief counselling. Is this as a couple or solo, whichever one it is, starting doing the other as well. If you're going as individuals, schedule a 2nd session weekly where you're going as a couple.

    Group Support.

  5. Well, i am not acting out and taking it out on my baby daddy so i think I'm off to a good start. I'm still treating him with the same level of affection and everything.

  6. This is sexual assaults and sexual abuse as well as emotional and mental, I'm so sorry your in this position, the kindest hearts usually find themselves here. You are not alone, your sisters of abuse are with you in spirit to help you through the emotional pain of both this situation and your mother. I love you, we love you, you are loved and you deserve true love and respect of boundaries and a partner who lifts you up with respect not bring you down and hurt you.

  7. Hello /u/Alone-Obligation7424,

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  8. You are ruining your bf's physical snd mental health and you can't give a crap about it? You are an awful human being.

    He's also pretty dumb for keeping your cheating ass arround, but hey, I'm pretty sure you also did your pretty share of manipulation to stay together.

    Honestly, you should probably leave everyone alone.

  9. I just feel like society doesn't want that type of relationship to exist. What should I do ?

    Way to blame society for your inability to remain loyal to someone you claim to “love”. This has nothing to do with society. He wants monogamy and you apparently can't give him that. Set him free and stop being selfish.

  10. Dude this is a fucking mess.

    Your life seems chaotic.

    Idk what advice to give you man.

    Start prioritizing making a better life for your child. Whatever that means to you.

    I wish I had better advice.

  11. Yep just another in a long line of embarrassing stories but the more embaressing stories always seem to be me getting outed in funny ways. Its a curse.

    Dad became someone I could talk to about my sexuality and go to with problems regarding it but the way he found out wasnt pretty. He was looking for batteries one day and knew i had some, went into my room to look in one of the draws. One of the draws was full of sex toys. Im talking dildos, vibrators, buttplugs, hand cuffs, whips and all sorts of nasty stuff you dont want your dad seeing. The way he let me know he found out… he walked passed me in the hallway and said “the black one in your bottom draw is a little to big dont you think” and kept walking. I could not look the man in the eyes the rest of the day and he had a stupid smirk the rest of the day.

  12. As a 29 year old male, you would have a better chance of a healthy relationship with a woman that is between the ages of 25 and 28.

  13. Yes that is exactly the issue. No I haven’t asked him why he hasn’t. Maybe I should. I just don’t see why he wouldn’t be able to, he gets off at 3-4pm and I’m not asking for the call to be hours long. A few minutes would be just fine for me. The need for the call is just cause I only see him on weekends and I guess I just miss him. I completely understand that with our schedules, it is impossible for us to see one another during the week so the compromise to me is a phone call here or there at least once a week. Also, we only tend to FaceTime at night to watch shows, it’s just the same thing every time and it’s getting… idk the word for it … maybe predictable is the word.

  14. Naw I would find that request unreasonable.

    It’s your home too. If she wants to hang out with friends without you, which is totally reasonable, they all can go somewhere else. Asking you to leave your own house? Rude.

  15. I didn’t say your house was on fire.

    If he lived 1000 miles away, the best you could do is call the fire department for him and tell him to get out. That’s all you can do. That’s this mental health stuff. All you can do is be there for him, and he has to decide whether or not he wants to leave the burning building.

  16. No, she knew what you meant en EXPLICITLY said your relationship is strictly professional. Let it go.

  17. OP -doesn't make you feel confident in JUST the wedding (planning)?

    His attitude speaks volumes, and he's telling you one thing, then expecting all this to just come together when it takes months of planning & coordination. And throwing it AT you, then doing everything he can to basically sabotage it, or make it seem like YOU are to blame for HIS desire to get married in an actual wedding but doesn't want to do anything to help you. And then tell you how horrible you are, or whatever else he's doing, saying, or not doing, saying as the case may be.

    I think you have bigger problems here that you're either unwilling to see/acknowledge, and maybe it's because he's behaved this way all throughout your relationship, so you're used to being confused by his initiation……then lack of follow-thru. Been there, done that, was the whipping post for a bit until I saw it for what it was ->ME being blamed for their lack of initiative and/or follow-thru.

    You are right to put all this on hold until your fiance grows up and behaves like a man and not a boy. You don't know where to go from here because he's got you where he wants you -on the ropes, so he doesn't have to do a goddamn thing but keep you there and blame you when it all turns to shit. As it has already, and he's not talking to YOU? Wow, lazy & immature.

  18. He's a disgusting asshole. Eat off dirty plates? That's nasty and will make you sick! He's doing this on purpose so you'll do everything and he can sit on his ass and not lift a finger.

    Yeah he works, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to do anything around the house. Did he online on his own before you moved in together or was he still living at home and Mommy was doing everything?

  19. This is one of those “ignorance is bliss” times. My wife works with many male celebrities and all of them are really handsome. Does she do it? Probably. Like their photos are everywhere on the internet. Do I want to picture her doing it or catch her in the act? Hell no.

  20. Maybe the group makes a load of misogynistic jokes and he doesn’t want you to know. It wouldn’t be out of character for a friendship group almost exclusively of guys that play live games.

  21. Do you have a naked time distinguishing between wanting more in a relative sense and her saying I don’t make much in an absolute sense?

  22. You’re trying to manipulate him and violating his boundaries about your dog. You don’t sound respectful at all. I hope this isn’t real. But if it is, you deserve to get dumped for being a fucking idiot.

  23. Sure, but the answer isn’t to take any another person’s consent in creating a life that doesn’t yet exist.

  24. I think you are in denial about what he is saying. Why would he lie? Your wife cheated and you trusted your gut. Ask he to take a polygraph and then look at her expression and answer.

  25. You are going to be a parent now (exciting! Congratulations!). This is your chance to heal generational trauma. Do what is right by your kid and not what you think your parents would want (especially since they seem like the worst). If they don't like it, they can kick rocks. They could surprise you. Some people really do change when they find out they're going to be grandparents. But they need to prove to you that they are good enough to be around your kid. Good luck navigating this next stage!

  26. You did the right thing!

    I wish more people recognized and acted upon these type of red flags, there would be a lot less divorce. I say this as someone who is divorced because of ignoring stuff like this.

    You saved yourself a lot of heartache. Even though I know it doesn’t feel great now, but it’s wayyyy better than wasting years, money and energy with someone to only end up separating later because you were incompatible the whole time.


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