LuvAlysa live! sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “LuvAlysa live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend complimenting it or drawing attention to it. I'm insecure about my belly and I wouldn't like it if my husband drew attention to it, even in a positive light. I don't like him touching it either, because it draws my attention to it.

  2. Online your life! You are an adult, so are your parents. What they decide to do is their decision and their problem to deal with the consequences.

  3. This is how it starts. Please believe me that this will get worse. Leave this piece of shit before he stops taking no for an answer.

  4. I don't mean to be a dick but “his efforts” were a) go behind her back to arrange things with her manager as if she were his child and b) make an appointment at a spa. You've articulated the heart of the problem very well, but another thing that bugs me about this whole thing is how self-congratulatory his tone is for… making two phone calls.

  5. Surrogates aren't legal everywhere, there's a lot of risk involved, and it's likely that there are enough fertility issues that a surrogate wouldn't be particularly relevant.

  6. This is why the bulgarian government requires tour guides to be licensed by the Ministry of Tourism and have their names published in a list.

  7. The audacity of these people to think they can just sleep together and that it wouldn't affect you. They are either too self-centered to consider the implications of their actions, or they are just extremely dumb. In any case, they are not a good friend and partner.

  8. So she cheated, lied about it, and you guys broke up. What advice are you looking for here? I’d personally be thankful she showed her true colors early in the relationship, and didn’t wait until you were married with 2.5 kids. Maybe count your blessings and block her?

  9. Why should you stay and look after him? He didn't “look after” you or your feelings when he cheated. His addiction has nothing to do with you anymore. It's not your responsibility.

    But you chose to stay with someone that disrespects you and is using you too. If you stay, you will only prove to him that he can get away with anything and blame it on his mental health and addiction.

  10. No, you should not give him any more chances. You should only have to state a boundary once, especially when it comes to sex stuff. If you continue to see him, thats only telling him that he can continue to push your boundaries. You may like him, but he doesnt respect you.

  11. Op very clearly states a few times that he believes his fiancé was wrong, deserved the backlash she got, literally says this whole things started “mostly to the fault of my fiancé”, and then calls what she did “nasty behaviour”.

    So I mean…..

  12. I'm struggling with “from a period we weren't really in touch” it's really confusing me. I don't feel like you're referring to puffer jackets circa 1965. Like you're referring to 5 years ago yeah? Are you saying you weren't in touch with your girlfriend 5 years ago or are you saying society has progressed in that time. Please enlighten me.

  13. When you make coupons or IOU's for someone as a gift, it's not for your benefit. It's for theirs.

    If I give my wife a book of promises; wash the dishes, wash her car, do the ironing, a massage, or anything else, it's for her benefit at a time she needs it. There were no T&Cs for the coupon. If you're not going to follow through on promises, don't make them.

    Yes, your bf was being childish and immature. Was it manipulative? I don't think so. He was frustrated and angry. Make him another promise and see if he believes what you say.

    Simple rule. Live up to your words and promises.

    Good luck

  14. Yes and as a partner, why would you even put yourself in this position as if you were available whether it lead to anything or not.

  15. In an edit she reveals she did “my birthday is a week from now/tomorrow/ soon and I'd like to cut cake and spend time with you

  16. That's great! I always feel for people who don't have any access to the money. It makes things so much harder when they do want to leave. I was in a similar situation when I was younger and was thankful there were no kids to consider.


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