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18 thoughts on “Luuciia1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. He is 45 years old. He knows it’s wrong. He doesn’t care. Fixing the uncle isn’t OP’s job. Calling the police and protecting his son is.

  2. Been with mine for 7 yrs now. He says he loves me, does alot of cute things for me, but he has twitter and is always following porn women on it as well as others. He calls me beautiful and says i am all he wants. My brain says pfft yeah right, where my voice says, um yup. I learned that what i say. Feel or think, it doesn't matter, so i just gave up and got deep into my art. Keeps my mind busy.

  3. Humans are not black or white, he can both love and have good sides, and be a toxic, abusive person.

    The problem is, you can't have this toxicity in your life. Toxic means it will kill you. Slow or quick. You need to get away from it and find someone who isn't toxic.

    Think of him like Meth. He feels good sometimes but he's still terrible for you and ruins your life. He's not a substitute for a healthy relationship and a healthy life.

  4. As long as the you two don't open a bed and breakfast together and avoid attending more than one or two musicals a year together you should be ok.

  5. You need to have the boundary setting talk when she’s in a good mood. Not spring it on here in her angry morning condition. Then when it happens in the morning you can do whatever it is the two of you agreed on beforehand.

  6. You are not married. Your repayment history isn't great. Not sure you understand credit. The bank doesn't think you can afford it. You can trash her credit and have her on the hook with any non or late payment you make


    yes we are in relationships with unspoken intimacy agreements that don’t need expressly verbal consent at any given moment.

    yes we can explain to our partners when we want to establish boundaries because something felt violating, and that doesn’t make them evil for overstepping

    yes you can have a prior agreement that sexual touch is okay in moments of sleep. yes you can then wake up to this and revoke consent.

    yes, (often) women/femmes/submissives/etc take on the emotional labor of having to consent educate our partners in order to feel safe and respected. that’s stupid. this is something we need a much better cultural awareness of.

    OP, it all boils down to how he reacts and responds to an honest conversation you have about it. that’s what determines if he’s an okay partner.

  8. Nosey ex gave me this habit. After she peered over my shoulder and found out some stuff about a friend of mine she definitely didn't need to and he would have wished to remain between us.

  9. Thank you—I really appreciate your response. This former best friend knew what happened and was my roommate both junior and senior years, and I did fly to her city to meet up with her and try to reconnect. We didn’t really keep in touch after that, although I did try texting her. There were a lot of work-related issues in my life in 2022 and I was really caught up and didn’t try as very hot as I should have, and now this. I keep thinking that I didn’t really say what I wanted to say, and maybe she doesn’t get it, but also, I feel like she should’ve understood. I don’t know. I learned a lot, but it still hurts.

  10. You almost make it sound like you just fell into this relationship by accident or by chance and then never bothered to discuss what you actually want and expect from each other.

    Why is either of you with the other if your values differ so much? Why did you move in together in the first place if you don't agree on what kind of household you want and how you want to manage it?

    Sure, your girlfriend may be unreasonable in some ways, but the main problem here is really your absolute disdain for her choices, e.g. her veganism and her spiritual beliefs. Why do you want to be with a woman whose fundamental beliefs make you feel that way? That's neither fair to you nor to her.

  11. Like others said, sounds like he was a 2x one night stand she had during a down period with the terrible dude number 1. He probably is just forgotten.. especially if he was a rebound, or a test to see if she could do causal. Like I forget people I dated in my 20s in as little as a year, especially if we never got to the “steady” stage of going on dates.. and some are truly just remembered by the “No” moment. Like I really only remember one person as the I think using hand towels are disgusting, and Blue moon is too expensive for my beer tastes, dude.

  12. Yeah so he is acting crazy with that. She was probably acting. But it doesn't matter because she isn't obligated to do ANYTHING EVER with him because he doesn't OWN HER BODY

  13. Op, no one else is saying anything but “for sure the baby would be born in May” like it's the gospel.

    My due date changed three times, by weeks, while I was pregnant due to measurements. Original due date was late May, then mid June, then finally July 4th. I was induced on June 30th because the doctor measured the baby and felt that she had not grown in between appointments and was afraid that it was due to failure to thrive. I gave birth that evening to an otherwise healthy but thin and very long legged baby girl. I wouldn't blow your whole world up with accusations just yet.

  14. I get your point tho. 1. On one hand they weren't technically exclusive just friends right. So it's not cheating.

    On the other OP is someone she was close enough to to know they had been I assume flirting and engaging in feelings especially if they had a date planned for the next day.

    Her then saying she loves him in a romantic sense either before she slept with this rando man would indicate to me

    that she felt enough romantic feelings towards OP to express that openly and then sleeping with a guy she just met after would cause me to be very hesitant in accepting that those words actually meant anything and that she meant them. I for one if i liked someone enough to say i love them wouldn't follow that up in fucking someone else. And alcohol is never an excuse we have control over our bodies and doings. Unless she was coerced she gave consent. And her words are voided then.

    If she had told OP she loved him after then that would've just been out of guilt because she knew she fucked up. Not much better bt a more accurate reason to display affection that way if she cared about him and did something she regretted.

    Her saying it before tho and then proceeding to sleep with someone else at the very least OP just shows that wasn't actually for real. You don't sleep with other people if u love someone. Exclusive or not.

    If i had a major crush on a friend and was so excited for our date and future relationship i couldn't then jeopardize that by having a quick one night stand because that kinda invalidates all those feelings then.

    She shouldn't have lied to you ontop of that.

    So technically she didn't cheat no… but I'd personally have a very hot time really trusting her word or moral standings on actually admitting to something you as a partner needed clarity on and she just lied to your face.

    Just my 5 cents as a woman.

  15. When I read marriage counselling I did a double take like damn how would someone come back from this? More so why on earth would she want to be married to someone who fucks sex workers behind her back


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