Luuciana online sex chats for YOU!

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47 thoughts on “Luuciana online sex chats for YOU!

  1. He is 45 years old. He knows it’s wrong. He doesn’t care. Fixing the uncle isn’t OP’s job. Calling the police and protecting his son is.

  2. Dude you are being seriously ABUSED. Do your fellow man a favor. Set up cameras, let her know they are live of course. Tell her to leave, call the police if she does not. She can grab her things then or later. There's no nice way to get rid of an abuser. Just yeet them the fk out the door.

  3. It's up to you, but I would say yes. When a good portion of popular politics is focused on basic human rights and bodily autonomy, it is important to know where you partner stands. Of course, I'm also coming at this as someone who's existence is seen as a political debate so I probably have more extreme views on it's importance than others.

  4. Thank you so much for your response! I’m 21, and I super appreciate your perspective on this, since I have intentions to make this man my husband one day, as it’s been about 5 years for us! We are long distance and he’s a huge physical touch guy, not really much of an expressing feelings using words type of guy because of his past relationships. He definitely is lacking in giving me compliments! It’s difficult being so far away him. Also, I may have made it sound like a lot of men are coming up to me and complimenting me but that isn’t the case! Perhaps I am just overthinking when I do get a nice compliment on the occasion that I do get one! Thank you for being so kind, I wish you and your wife many more years of happiness together!

  5. Job interview on a Sunday before Christmas? Graham if you are gonna recycle posts think about what day it is

  6. uhhh the fact his step mom is carrying his child is a pretty big choice to make without talking to your WIFE about it first

  7. Sounds to me like you now have an ex because that behavior is only going to get worse and more controlling.

  8. Ok, you need to recognise that you're being passive agressive. He needs to recognise that he's shutting you down. Both of you need to improve communication skills.

  9. Unless your friend groups only activities are orgies and gangbangs I would hope you could figure out how to be in the same room as someone and not have sex with them. If you see someone on the street or at work do you sleep with them or say hello, how are you and get on with your life.

  10. Are you afraid for later because with each child you've had you felt like you lost your wife a little more?

    Does the following resonate witn you at all?

    “When men have kids their love multiplies, but often feel like their wife has a limited capacity for love, and that each child takes away love for her husband. E.g. she had 100% love for her husband but after two kids she now only has 33% love for him.”

  11. Perhaps. But also to basically admit that you are saying hurtful things and using the disclaimer that the person is supposed to know they love them is pretty clear. I'm sure the food thing isn't the only example, perhaps OP can provide another one.

  12. He is a monster. You've lost 3 babies and put your life at risk just to satisfy him. You should never have child to satisfy someone else. Is he offering to be a SAHD because otherwise its just your life will be turned upside down FOREVER! Don't do it.

    He can still father a child at 70 so why would you need to be in a rush. He's treating you like a brood mare and blaming you for the loss of a child. MONSTER!

  13. This is an immature way of framing the issue. Yes he doesn’t have the right to tell her what to do with her body obviously, not really sure why you listed their ages. You left out an important part which is that OP has the right to not be comfortable with his gf being a sex worker and he wouldn’t be unreasonable to break up as a result.

  14. I know this isn’t the popular advice on here, but families come in all shapes and sizes these days. Men come and go, but a bestie for decades doesn’t and they are much harder to find than a relationship. Plus, it takes a village to raise a child. Rent is insane these days—another one in the plus column. I think you should get divorced but keep things how they are for a while.

  15. The last story you heard is probably closest to the truth. Her choice and she can do what she wants but it would be a pass from me.

  16. Honey I know you think you’re grown up enough to date someone so much older than you….. i can promise that when you’re 30 (or even just mid-late 20s) you’ll look at 18 year olds and go WOW. he was a fucking creep for being 32 YEARS OLD and dating someone who’s barely legal. That’s honestly where your relationship issues are stemming from and i SO hope that you dump him.

  17. Yeah I love the idea of the alternation myself, it makes it into the kid's house that the parents are moving in and out of, rather than the kids having no control or no stable home as they're going back and forth between parent homes. Especially as a lot of kid things are location-based, they're always close to their daycare/school and activities.

    That being said, it sounds like a luxury as the parents each needs to keep an additional home. 1.5 homes per parent sounds expensive. How is his wife supposed to maintain 1.5 homes on her own if she's struggling with baseline stuff?

  18. Because of jealousy of course, is not a matter of trust. Watching movies with him is something exclusive cause of how intimate it is and I wouldn't do that with another guy.

  19. My advice, lawyer up and follow there advice.

    With her saying she's using emotional distance, emotional abuse as her “reasons” if you start doing anything even opening up new bank accounts before getting the proper advice she can And probably would use this as evidence against you.

    “Look he opened up an account he's leaving me, I've done nothing wrong I'm the victim, he's controlling me.”

    Sadly as your the man it's easier for a woman (I'm female) to play the victim. This does piss me off.

    So yeah start getting organised but get professional advice before you do anything and make clear to lawyer she's going to be using “control abuse” for her actions.

  20. I can smell a putrid odour in towels and clothes that have been left a bit damp that none of my family, friends, or fiance can. It's so horrid that I gag. Turns out there's a type of yeast only some people can smell! It's like living in an alternate reality!

  21. I’m actually more surprised at the fact that it’s common elsewhere to not shower and let alone wash their hair daily. Everyone I know takes a bath/shower regularly too.

    Does she not smell herself tho? I mean if it is that bad you’re bound to smell yourself right?

  22. I won't give advice about the BIL, but I will ask you and everyone else reading this a specific question. Why are so many of you marrying into families where there is a real possibility of you being miserable? Maybe I'm wrong, but I will never love anyone enough to deal with their families bullshit on a regular basis.

    I know love is supposed to conquer all, but there has to be a limit on what people will deal with just to make their SO's happy.

  23. The only relevant info is this:

    This isn’t the first woman he’s messaged inappropriately behind my back.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  24. You should ask him to talk to you about this. He's not responsible for your insecurities but he should know what's on your mind. Ask him how deep that was? Also tbh ogling a friend of yours is kinda weird and you're allowed to ask him about it, otherwise you'll be panicking thinking about the way he sees your friends. It probably means nothing

  25. You need to take a step back and put things into perspective; she's over the top insecure. In saying that, from a general perspective, what her behavior has shown you is that she doesn't trust you. I get it; she was cheated and lied to which makes it extremely difficult to trust someone new again. Healthy relationships can't work without trust. She's projecting her past onto you, and you're just dealing with it.

    You're now learning that while it seems like not a big deal at first and all it'll take is a little reassurance, it just gets progressively worse and worse. There will always be something that's a problem. And if she doesn't have a problem, she'll look for one.

    What makes her especially problematic is what happens next; she downloads your old dating apps and looks through your old messages. If we're to assume that any interactions you had with other people occurred prior to meeting her or before you two established exclusivity, then she for no reason at all looked to find a reason to be mad at you for something she can't be mad about. To take a step back though, did you do something inappropriate from the perspective of something you did while in a relationship with her?

    If not, it doesn't matter if you had a “hoe phase.” It doesn't matter how many people you slept with. What about these messages “broke” her? But now she apparently can't look at you the same. So you're conflicted on what you should do? What you should do is tell her to get the fuck over it and stop thinking you need to be apologetic and sensitive to what's ultimately bad behavior on her part.

    What does she expect you to do about this? Logically, she knows there's nothing that can be done, largely because nothing needs to be done. Either way, knowing there's no “fix,” her intent is to just use this information to manipulate you. If a reasonable person couldn't look at you the same in the sense that they're so disgusted by you that they'd never have committed to you if they'd known that information, they'd end the relationship. Your girlfriend? She's not going anywhere. Go ahead and see what happens when you start standing up for yourself.

  26. Yeah. Put her on an information diet. She’s not entitled to the details of your life and if you meet someone else, it’s going to drive them away that you share so much with your ex who has the audacity to get mad at you for living a normal life.

    Practice these kind of responses:

    “What are you doing for the weekend?” “Oh, dunno yet, I’ll see what I feel like doing later.” ignoring her messages if you’re out with your friends and telling her afterwards just that you were “busy and didn’t have my phone on” “what are you up to?” “Not much, just catching up with a friend, can’t text because I feel rude being on my phone so much” leaving it longer and longer before replying and then changing the topic away from you

  27. In my region, the mortgage usually outweighs the rest of the bills combined. It sounded misleading to call yourself the breadwinner and dismissive and insulting to call his contribution “video game money” when he is in fact paying your mortgage. He appears to literally be the primary bill payer in this story.

    You certainly don’t need to stay married to him if you are so bored, but you do sound a bit cruel to me, in how you characterize him.

  28. Does your husband have any sort of issue with alcohol? This might be a leap, but holy crap, this reminds me of my friend’s (now) ex, and how he acted during her (not high risk) pregnancy, and even after the baby was born. He’s an OK dad now (as much as she sees), but he is an alcoholic. He had such a weird fixation on giving up partying and was far too old for it (also early 30s) to be so obsessed once they decided to have kids. It was confusing to watch, until we later realized how much of a problem alcohol was.

    Just a guess and leap.

    Also, I’ve never had kids, but when my sisters has their first (second and beyond weren’t an issue), they set the clear boundary that third trimester, no travel with friends. Get ready to be a dad, because it starts now. And their husbands were excited to help with everything involved, and in that last trimester, they were doing nursery setup, buying stuff, getting ready, in general. And enjoying each other as just a couple for the last time. My sisters wanted that and my BILs were happy to oblige. None of them were high risk, but you also never know what might happen. Any pregnancy can go into labor early, need bed rest, or otherwise have complications that a partner needs to be physically there and supportive of.

    I’m sorry you’re going through this but congrats on your pregnancy!

  29. So he cheated on you multiple times? And you aren’t running to a divorce lawyer to get your ducks in a row?

    You do realize he won’t change, right? You do realize he is using you for the bills, right? You are just his bank (like you said you pay the bills).

    It’s time for you to get therapy to help define yourself worth and find yourself a good divorce lawyer.

  30. Not terribly original, but just give her a time that's 20 minutes earlier than you plan to be there. You'll probably still beat her there, but you won't have to wait so long. On the off chance that she's there ahead of you, use one of her excuses for being late.


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