I've talked about my college experience a few times, but I think it's relevant here as well. My (now wife) and I also started dating while we were both seniors in high school. I ended up moving away to go to college and she stayed home and went to community college.
The LDR didn't work well. I needed more affirmation than the LDR afforded, and I was so touch starved after a few months that I was just always irritable. Plus, I wanted to branch out and meet new people and do new things, but my GF was at home doing the same stuff she had done in high school and constantly calling/texting me. I started to feel like she was holding me back.
We had a really crappy on-again-off-again relationship for three years. I resented her a lot and treated her like garbage. I broke up with her so I could sleep with another woman, then a few weeks later got back with her and didn't tell her about it right away. When she found out we broke up again…
Long story short, it was bad. Frankly, the only reason we're married now is because we broke up after I moved home and spent a good bit of time apart. We developed separately, which we both needed, and then after some time, during which we both had other relationships, we decided to try again.
My advice from my experience: your GF treated you like crap here, and is certainly in the wrong for not communicating better, but you're both young and that's kind of expected unfortunately. You're likely in a lot of pain, and that's understandable. Take the time you need to grieve this relationship, then move on. Believe it or not, you're much better off breaking up early than stringing the relationship along for a few years and almost hating each other by the end of it.
Maybe it would help if you made explicit plans with each other ahead of time and let him know that on nights you don’t have plans you may make plans with other people
Sounds to me that it didn’t work out with the other person and he’s having the grass ain’t always Greener on the other side syndrome. However for you it’s greener than ever. Don’t go back to him. He’s trying to find familiarity again with someone he knows will take him back. Been there done that. I let a guy back in my life after he started to date someone while we were in the talking phase. He came back a few months later, I gave him another chance. He was also seeing someone else again while we were talking again. We ended things again and he’s now engaged with her. Take the higher road and move away from someone who made you a second chance, bc you are so much better than a man that doesn’t always pick you first.
I think the solution for this is to invite your parents to come over and visit the baby at your home. Sorry, but I agree with your husband about staying at their home for nights at a time. If your sister has a history of violent behavior and jealousy, I wouldn't let her anywhere near your baby.
she tells me that it's her fault for making me feel that way and she is sorry for it she says that she's regrets it but at this point idk if her words are still valid because there's been a meeting which we both participate and that time she seems happy with her friends and I can hold her private stuff like her accounts that she says that's an assurance that she is still with me but I still don't know
That’s obnoxious… cops don’t know shit about the law, and I’m assuming most ppl are asking for help in civil matters rather than admitting to crimes.
I've talked about my college experience a few times, but I think it's relevant here as well. My (now wife) and I also started dating while we were both seniors in high school. I ended up moving away to go to college and she stayed home and went to community college.
The LDR didn't work well. I needed more affirmation than the LDR afforded, and I was so touch starved after a few months that I was just always irritable. Plus, I wanted to branch out and meet new people and do new things, but my GF was at home doing the same stuff she had done in high school and constantly calling/texting me. I started to feel like she was holding me back.
We had a really crappy on-again-off-again relationship for three years. I resented her a lot and treated her like garbage. I broke up with her so I could sleep with another woman, then a few weeks later got back with her and didn't tell her about it right away. When she found out we broke up again…
Long story short, it was bad. Frankly, the only reason we're married now is because we broke up after I moved home and spent a good bit of time apart. We developed separately, which we both needed, and then after some time, during which we both had other relationships, we decided to try again.
My advice from my experience: your GF treated you like crap here, and is certainly in the wrong for not communicating better, but you're both young and that's kind of expected unfortunately. You're likely in a lot of pain, and that's understandable. Take the time you need to grieve this relationship, then move on. Believe it or not, you're much better off breaking up early than stringing the relationship along for a few years and almost hating each other by the end of it.
Maybe it would help if you made explicit plans with each other ahead of time and let him know that on nights you don’t have plans you may make plans with other people
Sounds to me that it didn’t work out with the other person and he’s having the grass ain’t always Greener on the other side syndrome. However for you it’s greener than ever. Don’t go back to him. He’s trying to find familiarity again with someone he knows will take him back. Been there done that. I let a guy back in my life after he started to date someone while we were in the talking phase. He came back a few months later, I gave him another chance. He was also seeing someone else again while we were talking again. We ended things again and he’s now engaged with her. Take the higher road and move away from someone who made you a second chance, bc you are so much better than a man that doesn’t always pick you first.
Sounds like she’s not the sharpest tool in the box either.
You have to read the other definitions dumbass! You clearly don’t know how a dictionary works.
I think the solution for this is to invite your parents to come over and visit the baby at your home. Sorry, but I agree with your husband about staying at their home for nights at a time. If your sister has a history of violent behavior and jealousy, I wouldn't let her anywhere near your baby.
Despite all the jokes about men thinking with their dicks, they actually have very little control over the state of it.
Your age is showing more than you realize. You are 18 and complaining about FACEBOOK.
I didn’t even think 18 year olds knew about Facebook or used it ? But here you are both using it and crying over it.
Sticky date pudding?
Cut him off. Keep your panties on. Be friends and keep boundaries.
He deserves better, he should leave you and find someone worthy of his affection. Cheaters are the worst kind of people
Like WTF ? Yeah
she tells me that it's her fault for making me feel that way and she is sorry for it she says that she's regrets it but at this point idk if her words are still valid because there's been a meeting which we both participate and that time she seems happy with her friends and I can hold her private stuff like her accounts that she says that's an assurance that she is still with me but I still don't know
Like other's have said
You just cut her off
block her on everything and act as if she never existed