Lunajagger on-line sex cams for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Lunajagger on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. If this were to actually work, all three people have to be enthusiastically involved in every aspect. You do not seem to even like the idea much less be an enthusiastic yes.

    Sorry about this, but the only happy way forward for you is a divorce……I know what you are thinking……happy?!…you will be happier sooner with a divorce than watching your husband with another woman all the time.

    I’m rooting for you, good luck UpdateMe

  2. No sorry, people married for 40 years don’t always have it right. They were taught to “stay together for the kids” and what does that do? Raise children in toxic anxious environments, not healthy ones where there isn’t even respect in the house.

  3. I mean y’all are hanging Xmas eve, so I really don’t know what advice to give you. I guess Xmas eve is the compromise? You can’t expect him to just drop the plans last minute but id let him know that it hurt your feelings

  4. OP, he behaved poorly and it’s worth your anger. That was childish on his part, and I don’t know what he was thinking threatening to leave over playing video games too much.

    That being said, you took a dark intimate detail of his childhood, and threw it in his face in an argument. That was a low blow and you owe him an apology for that. It’s not right.

    I don’t know if you want to continue the relationship or not. Frankly, this sub will tell you to leave him, but we don’t know shit about your actual relationship (Reddit is dumb). If this is a good reason for you guys to call it quit, I would still apologize. If you would like to save your relationship, you have to address this with counseling. That is fucking addict behavior to play 12 hours a day before you are expecting company, and then pout and throw tantrums when you’re interrupted.

  5. I’m really leaning on “not being able to negotiate desire”. Powerful words and ring true. I’ve fallen in love in the past – completely powerless, just a magnetic pull to this prior man.

  6. There is a reason he is like this. There is a reason why he doesn't date people his own age. No woman his age would think about ruining his life by leaving him.

    He threatened you, abused you and you are thinking only about him.


  7. Ask him IN PERSON so that there’s less ambiguity. It can be nude to read tone of voice via text message. Ask him: “Hey, honey. I wasn’t sure how to interpret your message today when I asked you what you want for your birthday. I’d like to get something that you will enjoy and that will make you happy. What should I get you?”

  8. So he's trickle truthing you. Honestly, dude seems shady. Is he really a keeper or just an example of what future SOs should not be like?

  9. So- you’re going to try to get revenge for a prank (childish) and you make your GF feel out of control and fear for her safety (cruel). I think you need to spend a lot of time working on yourself. You’re immature and have a mean streak. RN, I don’t see a lot of redeeming qualities in you. Please get some therapy, or at least ask yourself a lot of nude questions about why you’d want to treat someone this way when you say you love them. You have a lot of work to do.

  10. Is there any way to fix this so he doesn’t do this anymore?

    Sure, break up with him and find someone that respects and likes you?

  11. I would totally act sick and just ghost and never speak to him again. Can you move? I'd hate to on-line in a town where the person I'm dating is a cop w all my personal information. They are scary. Especially the small town ones.

  12. It's pretty Sus to me that you got so drunk you can't even remember having sex but just accept that you were the father. Obviously it's irrelevant now but if she hadn't had a miscarriage I would strongly recommend a paternity test. At this stage listen to your sister. Unless Abc admits nothing happened, which she'll never do, you have nothing worth telling your ex.

  13. LISTEN to your brother. For your sake. He knows what your dysfunctional family is all about. Do not write to her or any of them. Instead of trying to push your children into their lives over some romanticized idea, I would keep them far away from the likes of them. Do children really need a grand parent in their life who treated their own child like absolute shit and use her as their scapegoat to abuse?

    As for your no good sister, STOP feeling guilt. He treated you like a Queen up until that point because his mask did not come off yet. This is how women get suckered in by men like this. Had you been with him longer, or living with him, that would have been you being abused. Besides, maybe had your sister not been the kind of piece of shit to fuck around with your boyfriends, she would not have been in this situation in the first place, right? Right! She fucked around and found out. This is 100% on her for being an awful person to you. Oh and the reason why she is so suspicious and miserable about him and cheating is because she knows that if that’s how SHE got him, that’s how she will lose him, and it serves her right. She gets no sympathy from me.

  14. I know a couple who are married 20 years after he cheated on her with her friend, knocked said friend up, and she hand-held the friend through a termination not knowing the father was her boyfriend. When that came out, it also came out with revelations he was trying to sleep with at least 2 of her other friends. They still went on to get married, have kids and are seemingly happy.

    But honestly, I think they are a rare, rare exception. And to be honest, at this time, we were all appalled that she stayed.

  15. Just have her call the roommate’s sister while you’re there so she can ask her. Not like you’re really breaking any boundaries if she just asks if she used her bedroom when your gf wasn’t there? If she refuses, then trust your gut from that point forward…

  16. He was trying to impress you with wit, failed, and you’re now turned off. I would be too. Don’t feel indebted to have to like something about him, and if when you politely say you’re not feeling it and he PRESSES, you can tell him recycling a dumb tic tok joke was lame. And maybe he’ll know better than to do it next time!


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