Luisa-cameron live! webcams for YOU!

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37 thoughts on “Luisa-cameron live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It's a red flag sure, but she's done the right thing and asked reddit….. Just kidding! It's a matter of when something happens. Whether jackie23 starts it or hubby starts it is unknown. Gotta let it play out. If you love it set it free…. No joke

  2. While I agree with those saying it's a bad sign that he has her around since I've been through a similar situation, I also see it from another perspective. For example, my mother.

    In high school, she dated this guy and they didn't work out because he was too much like a brother to her. My mom ended up getting married at 19 to my dad, and her ex stayed in the picture as her best friend (Uncle G). He introduced all his girlfriends to her and if they had a problem with mom being in his life, they weren't the one for him. He met this amazing woman (Aunt L) and now she and my mom are closer friends than he and my mom are, and he is close with my dad.

    It's even to the point my parents play around and say Aunt L is mom's wife (or mom #2) and Uncle G is dad's husband. Eventho there's nothing romantic between any of them. Uncle G taught me basic car maintenance when I was younger and I babysat his and Aunt L's kids for years. They'll always be family to me.

    Being FWB/exes doesn't always end in a bad outcome. Feel out the situation and see what'll come of it.

  3. OP, this wonderful, patient, sexy, funny and interesting man sounds like a wanker.

    Your boyfriend is a dickhead and I would recommend getting rid of him or trying to safely rehome your cats. I would go with the former, personally.

    He completely ignored your desire to introduce the cats appropriately and seems to be treating your cat’s response as a bit of a joke.

    You say in your comments that it’s more like “he’ll tease me and doesn’t show physical affection and then will be glowing and totally infatuated the next”. That’s how the man who abused me started, by making me question the stability of the relationship. That inconsistency is a massive red flag, and you then try to say he’s not “cruel” but refer to it as him “teasing you” earlier in the same paragraph. Read your own words.

    The love bombing, the moving in early, the cruelty towards animals…you see where your original description doesn’t fit, right?

  4. Why was he hanging out with a coworker in his apartment? Were the other friends coworkers as well? He lied by omission here, let’s be clear. Why lie if nothing is going on? If you have already told him you were uncomfortable with him spending time with this girl outside of work, he disrespected/didn’t care for your boundaries. My question now is: what are you going to do about it?

  5. He gets you gifts, which is more than a lot of boyfriends do, based on the posts we’ve read here on this sub.

    Give him a list of what you want and tell him to buy from that list. It could be a really long list so that it’s still basically a surprise whatever he gets you. A lot of families just use Amazon gift lists to make sure they’re getting something their loved one wants. I totally get that it’s not as “romantic” as putting a ton of thought into someone else’s gift to surprise them and get something you know they’ll love, but you need to compromise here since he’s clearly challenged when it comes to gifts.

  6. Exes are exes and belong in the past. Rekindling RARELY works out. This is your decision, though. If you want to be with her again, go for it.

  7. You don't need to appeal to everyone. If you're emotionally healthy enough to feel your feelings and cry instead of repressing and getting angry (LPT, crying is healthier) you're also going to want a partner who's mature enough to appreciate that. That's it.

    Ftr I'm fortyish, my also fortyish (male) partner is perfectly fine with crying in front of me, and I think it's fantastic that he does.

  8. Statutory of rape is 5 years if you are in the US. Meaning you have 2 more years to file charges before you can’t do anything.

    But I’ll very honest with you, with so much time passed and lack of evidence it will be extremely difficult to prove unless you have it recorded in text messages.

    I am very sorry this happened to you. You were raped by someone who you thought you could trust. I really hope you have texts and maybe the restaurant still has footage from that night to help your case.

  9. Threatening suicide to keep someone in a relationship is a documented emotional abuse tactic. He's weaponized his own crisis AND his recovery against you. This isn't someone treating you with love or respect. The issue is way bigger than his overbearing new recovery evangelism. He's using you as a prop, and not demonstrating any real love, respect or consideration for you as a person.

    I know it's extremely hot, but you have to leave. He might mellow out or feel stronger, but he's not going to magically transform into a healthy, considerate partner. I guess it's remotely possible after years of therapy, but what is the real benefit to sacrificing your youth and wellness on the pyre of his recovery? Even if that very remote possiblity could come true someday down the line?

  10. Sounds like you both enable the other’s annoying behavior. If you are 100% certain that you are right, don’t listen to a diatribe trying to defend his shitty behavior. Leave him with his stupid excuses for the day and hang out with a friend if you need to.

  11. From what you've said.

    Its all in your head. Valid. But. Nothing has happened.

    He's spending time with his friend. That's okay.

  12. Red flags everywhere. Dump him. Find someone who won't eat YOUR chips. Ffs! Deal breaker. #whatotherclichelinesarethere?

  13. Your feelings are valid. This is toxic. Even if it wasn’t toxic her behavior is causing you to be unhappy and it does sound a bit codependent. She also never seems take your feelings into consideration, and this won’t change as the relationship progresses.

  14. It would have been sad if you had decided to stick with him. This is shit but still best case scenario considering.

  15. In the beginning I was taking care of them until I told him I was tired of it. So he told me not to do anything for them, but then he only cleans their litter once a week and doesn't always put water for them. I can't see them being treated like that it hurts me the way he treats them. I also have to on-line with the headache of them crying all the time. He keeps saying I shouldn't have a problem with them because “I'm not doing anything for them”.

  16. Just because a lot of people have to work full time, doesn't mean he should have to, if he has a better life/work balance and can save and travel like he is. Isn't this the goal? You sound jealous that he's not miserable.

  17. That’ll never happen, she’ll have these bills for 10 more years due to the situation with her sons dad. But again, she’s making me feel like a sugar daddy and not a partner. When we looked at wedding venues she made it abundantly clear that I was to pay for everything because “I could afford it” when I told her explicitly that I couldn’t.

  18. Cheating is cheating.

    That women can't cheat with women is a sexist and homophobic idea that assumes nothing two women do together could ever be sincere or meaningful.

    I would understand the point somewhat if a straight woman gets drunk and kisses another woman, sobers up, and then realizes she feels no attraction to women whatsoever. But your wife is literally bisexual, meaning to her sleeping with a woman would mean just as much as sleeping with a man.

    I get she might experience confusion, and she is allowed to ask the question. That she disrespects your feelings this way and guilt-trips you into granting permission is what makes me dislike her.

    OP, if she wants this so badly and completely disregards your feelings on the matter that strongly suggests she will act on these desires – if she hasn't already. She clearly thinks you're being silly (which you're not) and that is enough for me to think she will go ahead with it anyway.

    If a one-time flick with another woman is so important to her that she is willing to risk her marriage, you might just keep your own dignity and leave yourself.

  19. As someone who partakes in my own fair share of gaming, I know what it's like to get extremely frustrated and annoyed, I'll occasionally spout off the occasional “wtf”, or “what the f** is this guy doing??!”. That said I firmly believe that whether or not the person at the other end of the game hears you, wishing cancer or death on someone or their family over a video game is downright warped. I don't care how expressive you are, you're unwell, something is off up there, bar none. You've also expressed that due to past trauma, his explosive outbursts are triggering. Your home is supposed to be the safest most and stress-free place place on earth, and he is actively disturbing that ecosystem. So, despite sharing those feelings, rather than recognizing the problem and finding both rational and realistic solutions to address his destructive, rageful tendencies, he instead opts to suggest you get headphones…. What?

    Don't allow any forms of normalization of this behavior. No, it's not healthy or “stress relief”, at best he's causing major disruptions at home. At worst, he's shown you what kind of person he becomes when deeply upset, and how he resolves conflicts with a partner, through deflection.

  20. She emotionally cheated on you ?!?!, she’s 40 years old acting like a teenager she told you not to get her a present on her birthday and that’s what you did. She’s playing games she obviously is not mature enough for an adult relationship regardless of her age. You can do better you really can.

  21. She’s your blood and she needs u, don’t think there is any other way to go around this situation than to chose ur dtr over your wife if it comes down to that, hopefully the three of you can make it work out

  22. I wouldn't mention that at all unless you want her to know there's absolutely no way you're interested in romance with her.

  23. People didn’t say the actual threesome would go wrong, they said everything after would. Now it is. Honestly, you are an idiot. Just go back and let them do whatever they want because clearly you don’t care.

  24. I'm going to tell you the harsh truth. She is unhappy in the relationship but she's too scared of the pain of separation and being single to break up with you. She has the mental health/childhood issues you mentioned which make it more difficult for her to be brave enough to end the relationship.

    You need to focus on what you deserve. You deserve someone who is sure about you and enthusiastic about a future with you. Even though you love her and want to make it work/ support her, you have to put your own needs and wellbeing first because she's causing you a lot of anxiety and pain. That's not healthy.

  25. There's nothing to be unsure about. Though, I get it if you're busy and stressed with work and life.

    I bought my exs engagement ring at 16, two weeks after we got back together. I knew she was the one immediately. I'm just stupid and never proposed when I promised I would and never did in the end. It was the biggest mistake I'd ever make.

    Don't be stupid, anon.

  26. Thank you. I don’t even know what kind of advice I was looking for, I just never had a chance to talk about this topic with anybody. Your reply really helped me 🙂

  27. Recovering from SA takes a professional approach. There are therapists that specialize in child victims of SA that are now adults.


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