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35 thoughts on “LUCIIAANAA on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Just rip off the bandage and tell everyone the truth. It is admirable that you do not want drama, but now your reputation(s) are being damaged. Tell everyone that you were not invited, and your friend has been isolating you and several others since his ex came back to him. He is the one inviting this drama by not sticking up for you

  2. It's possible he deleted the app but didn't delete his profile. I have never used a dating app so I may be wrong. But for example, if I delete my Instagram app on my phone, my profile still exists, I just can't get to it from my phone unless I go to an internet browser or re-download the app. Is it possible this is what happened? Maybe he deleted the app, not the profile?

  3. I know exactly what you're feeling. When I got into a car accident I texted my boyfriend and the first thing he said was were you on the phone? No are you okay or nothing. We ended up breaking up because he was just a selfish person.

    You're totally entitled to your feelings and if you want to break up with him, I say go for it

  4. I think defining the terms would have been important. Swinging is typically something a couple does together, and isn’t the same as an open relationship. I think by carrying on with this guy, it’s no longer swinging and is honestly cheating. But it also sounds like you may not have understood this concept, or your discussion with your partner was very unclear. I think it’s a good time to talk about what happened and how it derailed. Feels like an honest mistake tbh.

  5. What a Hell of a nice guy to tell you that… next time tell him that his junk is not as big as you thought it was and wish it was bigger.

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  8. While I mostly agree with what you said and I appreciate your input and commitment to even read to this clusterfuck, but honestly get off the high horse a bit with this don't get into anymore relationships, as I said, its a first real one for me and obviously I'm not going to make same mistakes again.

    I was too concerned with “saving it” and “not losing” in this one. But equally, this is the only relationship in my life that I will go to such lenghts to “save”. I would even consider forgiving her (and myself) for what happened in the past, is how much I value the person. But yeah, breakup atleast for near future is definitely the only solution. Distance and time is the only thing that heals.

  9. Hello /u/14530206,

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  10. Lol so funny you say play stupid games win stupid prizes, because that is exactly what you did. And now you are getting stupid prizes.

    I was raised by a narcissist so yes I know what one does and how they are.

    And he isn't one. Not by your post description and your comments.

    You said in your reply he loaned you money and then wanted it back, and when you didn't pay him back he broke up with you. That doesn't make him a narcissist.

    You keep saying he was separated. And trying to make that excuse of him being a bad person. NEWS FLASH ITS NOT.

    He told you from beginning. If that makes him a bad person, then it does you too because you dated him knowing this.

    He wasn't a married cheater, his ex told you they were separated, he told you they were separated and they were divorcing which they did do.

    You keep opening your mouth and proving my point as well as his.

    Face it, you are getting what you deserve. Unfortunately you are not learning anything from it. Maybe by the time he is done ruining your life like you did his, other men will see what kind of walking red flag you are and stay away from you, and save themselves.

  11. That's great and all. Do you plan on being heartbroken after it happens or just straight forward so it doesn't happen in the first place?

  12. For what it's worth, no one (who's healthy) actually likes confrontation. It's horrible. But …it is a good thing, because it leads to change.

    I can't even imagine being in this position, nor can I imagine having to make this choice.

    Let me ask you though, what do you hope to gain from confronting your father? What chance do you want to give him? Do you want him to end things with this woman and leave your mom in the dark that it happened at all? Or do you want him to speak to your mom himself? (I would urge you towards this one btw…your mother does deserve to know, so that she can make up her own mind about her marriage).

    If you're going to go into a confrontation, then it's best to have all your ducks in a row in advance, as it will make it slightly easier. You need to know what your aim with him is, in specifics, and you need to know what you want to do if it goes poorly. And most importantly, you need proof.

    So the first thing I'd recommend is trying to get back into your dad's phone to take some pictures of the conversation. And then send them to your email as well, have them in two locations, just in case.

    Next thing I'd recommend is to really think through what you want the outcome of this to be. There is no point telling him you're “giving him a chance” only to be stumped if he asks “to do what?”

    And finally, plan for the worst. So…if he tries to lie, do you show him your proof? If he gets angry at you, do you tell him that you'll be telling your mom if he doesn't? If he just refuses to engage, what do you do then? It's going to be easier to handle in the moment, if you have already decided what to do.

    Now…I guess the only other thing I have to say, is that you need to understand that your mother does deserve to know that he's stepped out in her. I can promise you, people deserve to know if their partner is unfaithful, because they deserve to make their own mind up about what they do or do not accept in their relationships. If I knew my partner had cheated on me, even if it was only once, I would end the relationship instantly. And I'm not saying that to scare you, I'm telling you that because it's about self respect. I respect myself too much to tolerate being lied to, exposed to STDs, and have my marriage vows decimated. I deserve a partner who respects me…and so does your mother. So I would strongly recommend that your goal of confronting your father, be that he tells your mother himself.

  13. Your wife and her family are supremely messed up. I'm so sorry she just doesn't seem to get it. How very sad. I'm not sure how you can tolerate so much nonsense? Her family is incredibly dysfunctional.

  14. Sorry but you sound exhausting. How have you supported him in HIS stressful time? It sounds like it's all about you you you — even though he's going through a serious life issue you still want all the reassurance and attention. He is “distant” because he is worried, depressed, angry with himself, etc. And your response is “waaah your mood is affecting me and I want more attention”.

    You need to get a grip on this. If you want to drive someone away, this is how you do it.

  15. You could try “hey I was hoping we could have some 1×1 time and catch up without any other distractions.” I would also maybe rephrase to specifically say hey I’d like to take you to lunch since I can afford the two of us this week. If she doesn’t pick up that means you can’t afford the whole family then you’ll need to break it down but she’s old enough she should get it

  16. Go back to the house. Do not leave it. He will use you moving out against you and you'll potentially have to give up the house. Kick him out. When he goes to work, pack his shit up and tell him to go stay with his lover because you are NOT working this out. He cheated. It sucks, but you might have to opt for an abortion if you're not too far along with this second baby. Better than having another reason to be tied to this piece of shit masquerading as a human!

  17. I mean, why do people get married if they don’t want to cheer on their spouses in things they do?

  18. oh, trust me me. They ALL noticed. They ALL discussed it. They just didnt say anything to you. You know what else they have discussed: that you have done next to nothing this whole time.

    The only way you don’t have drama at your wedding is to remove the drama ahead of time.

    Why on earth do you want someone standing up next to you at your wedding that does not support your relationship? And this groomsman does not support your relationship. He’s just tolerating your relationship. If he supported it, he wouldn’t host a party your partner wasn’t allowed at. If he supported it, he wouldn’t tolerate the actions of his wife.

  19. OP, start a group chat with everyone involved, EXCLUDING Sarah. Tell everyone up front this is a group chat excluding Sarah because she has become a problem and you need to discuss this problem with everyone without her there.

    Then lay the whole thing out from your perspective:

    Both Sarah and fiancee were at fault for the end of their relationship. Fiancee went nuclear, so she took the blame for the whole thing. Fiancee apologized for going nuclear; Sarah never apologized for her part in the end of their friendship. Fiancee has learned from this and moved on; she no longer expects to be a part of the friend group and has her own friends. BUT. Sarah WILL NOT LET IT DROP. She's been bringing it up over and over, both to people who were there, and to people who were not. She's turned the whole group against Fiancee to the point that people were openly snubbing fiancee AT HER OWN ENGAGEMENT EVENT. ALL OF THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. (you must emphasize this.) (And this is the most important part: your expectations) Therefore: you are banning Sarah from all wedding events from here on out. Bob is not banned, but if he feels he cannot attend if Sarah cannot, that's fine and no one will hold it against him. You EXPECT your friends to show up to support THE ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP; i.e. you AND fiancee, or to declare that you cannot and stay away. If you cannot, and stay away, understand that in your new, married life, you and fiancee will be seeking out friendships that you BOTH can participate in. You will not dump friends, but you will deprioritize friends who cannot be friends with fiancee.

    If you want to talk to Bob about this first, go ahead, but still do this. Give everyone notice that THIS BULLSHIT STOPS NOW OR YOU'RE OUT OF OUR LIVES.

  20. I'm not sure about being liable, and it is hot not to wonder if they should be working harder on getting some kind of work sometimes. I think the main issue is it's naked to predict when they could be functional etc. Employers expect consistency 🙁

    Maybe it is possible to separate out my finances a bit more and let them take their own path on it. That's definitely an approach I didn't really think about – I so often consider us as a unit – I might need to look into it to see if that as an option I end up presenting.

  21. You’re attracted to what you’re attracted to but after this length of time I see this as extremely superficial and selfish. If you truly love your girlfriend you will love all of her and her faults not try to encourage her into an extremely painful huge surgery that can cause Breast Implant Illness or other risks just so you can fulfil your sexual fantasy.

    It would be different if it was totally her idea and you supported her but I really hope she finds someone who loves her for her and you find someone that fits your specific physical requirements.

  22. That means you already had a cheating partner in mind and were most likely already emotionally cheating and you just wanted to obsolve your guilt by bullying your husband into something he is not emotionally or mentally on board with. You should feel ashamed. This will end in divorce no doubt about it.

  23. Hello /u/QueenTreehuggerr, we've seen an influx of posts related to specific influencers and have made a decision to remove them.

    If your post has to do with a significant other who's ascribing to a “high value/low value” standard, please note that while it's your partner's right to do this, it's just as much your right to opt out of such a relationship. Changing them is unlikely to succeed, and advice on past posts about this topic mirror this conclusion.


    -Relationship Advice mod team

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  24. He should go back and re-up his meds.

    Good when on meds / not good when not on meds.

    This seems like a self-evident solution that he should at least try.

  25. You understand that a successful relationship is one where both parties are very compatible correct?

    You need both that and love and attraction.

    Or to say it another way, love is not enough.

    Time for hot conversations, do them now because the cruelest thing you can do is to waste each other's precious finite FUTURE time. Don't worry about the past, that shit is gone. Screw the past, focus on the future.

  26. Your girlfriend is an adult in an adult relationship. If you don’t show her the messages then you are just as bad as they are


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