Loza-Hoft online sex chats for YOU!
Let it go.
As much as you would like for him to be open about your relationship, you can't force him to come out to his family. He has to do that on his own when he is ready. As you've noted, due to his cultural and family upbringing, it may be a lot harder for him than it was for you.
Your choice is either to accept it and wait or decide that you need to move on.
Kind of a red flag on the age gap, too.
“He never owns up to mistakes he tries to avoid talking altogether” so why try to have a kid, if these issues existed beforehand? These issues wouldn't have gotten better, they more than likely would/will get worse. You've been together 6 years, is this the first time you've doubted him?
Maybe he's telling the truth, doubtful, but you never know until you find proof, and if you dont find proof, you'll constantly wonder “what if….?”.
I wish it were.
Why on earth would you let yourself be treated like that?!? The title of your post should have read, “. . .my EX boyfriend wants. . .”
It's not relationship perspetive that you need by financial one. However, might as well. Ask for help whoever you can, starting with your family. If your gf is feeling guilty try to ask her for money as well. Meanwhile look for a job and then move to the city you have found it and forget about your at this point ex girlfriend.
Try it and see what happens
He's got trauma, that's very hot. And it's not going to go away just because you are with him. You might make him feel better while he's with you, but that's not fixing the underlying issue.
I don't think his mother is being supportive, it's not like he's an addict that needs to realise the error of his ways, he's struggling deeply and needs as the love and support he can get.
This will go around in circles unless someone puts an end to the cycle, like him starting therapy, or you leaving him.
Take care of yourself, your mental health and physical safety first, then ask yourself if what you have left is enough to emotionally support him through this if it never gets better. Don't get drawn into his trauma, and don't feel guilty if you have to put yourself first and leave.
This! People stop making excuses for your cheating partner. It’s utterly irrelevant if you’ve been working a lot, if the relationship has had issues, if your partner has a difficult past etc. Relationship issues should be discussed with your partner. If you can’t resolve the issue you leave – not cheat. It is never your fault.
He's beyond being an asshole even without an eating disorder, but it sounds like he doesn't believe or respect you about your ED. He should be happy that you are eating consistently and reliably. Very disrespectful of your mom as well.
NTA. In fact you'd be making the best possible choice.
Leave him ALONE if you have any maturity at all. You are a walking red flag and if I were him I'd be so worried about you making up like that he made a pass at you or something to make the person he's with jealous.
Maturity isn't realizing you fucked up and desperately apologizing in an attempt to rewind the past.
Maturity is accepting the consequences of your actions and then digging deep to become a better person.
If these things are important to both of your only hope of being a couple is to be able to agree to never discuss them. That would be true if your differences were about religion, politics, sports or any other subject that tends to get people animated. The world isn't really any more vicious or fragmented than it was prior to the advent of the internet, although it seems that way. But the immediacy of social media has caused a lot of people to latch onto things they otherwise wouldn't have. So yeah, either never discuss this again or end this relationship. It all comes down to your mutual willingness to put your relationship above talking about hot button topics, or not.
He also may still be dealing with what you told him originally – that he was on his own. And his reluctance to accept help now is tied to that. So I would set a time to really sit down with him and talk about it. Let him know you have changed your stance, saw he got into great university and really, sincerely are willing to help him. Then talk about the ways you are willing to help him. I think he may need reassurance that your offers are genuine and he can count on you.
Hey, I was a personal trainer and have been working out for 15 years. 1-2 hours is not a “light workout” and sufficient time for someone to get a full workout with cardio as long as they aren’t wasting time.
Even athletes on PEDs aren’t working out 6 hours a day because you just don’t need that much time.
It very much sounds like your wife has something psychological and serious going on and she needs to see a professional before she gets seriously hurt.
i wish it wasnt either….
I didn't say anything about a restraining order though.
As others have said, be honest and be quick about it. You know you want the relationship to end, so rather than letting it continue, give it a clean break so you can both focus on yourselves. She will be okay.
An emergency C-Section after 4 hours? Not saying it's possible, but my wife had an emergency C-Section for our first child and they didn't suggest that till after 26 hours.
Advice: either invite your sister AND her fiancee or live with the fact that you let your sister down and she might decide to limit contact in response. Those are your options. There is no other advice.
I took “ with my therapists saying it’s because of her” to mean something very different than you.
Catching him in another lie won't make the first one go away.
I owe her an apology for something i said earlier before the added information was given? When i said it it was the best response I could give. But now i have nothing to say or add beyond good on OP for immediately prioritizing her safety instead of feeling bad for him anymore like she previously responded.