Loolita-bunny on-line sex cams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Loolita-bunny on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. The kids issue will become a major issue at some point, so you are probably better off ending it now and saving all parties future heartbreak.

  2. Maybe he's insecure about his belly. I think you've accepted his “new body” before he has. Maybe with time he'll accept it himself more and you'll be able to enjoy his belly freely ?

  3. I feel like the first thing you need to worry about is not a gf. Talk to a financial advisor, payoff your debts, invest your money in ways. Sort out everything financially first and then stay low key.

    I definitely would not wait until a couple years into a serious relationship to tell your gf. That introduces trust issues. Establish boundaries from the beginning to show you are frugal with your money and weed out anyone in your life who wants expensive vacations or rent payment, etc, from you.

  4. Sure everyone has a past but I would definitely want to know if my gf has a body count of 25 while I have 1 or 2. And STDs are part of that since many can lay dormant for a long time

  5. you can’t make him grow up, no matter how much you love him. I’ve seen this time and time again with my friends, and every single one of them eventually broke up with the man baby. Save yourself some time and find someone mature enough already that you don’t have to ask to grow up

  6. i went through this exact song and dance a few years ago with an ex and it was the worst and most painful thing i did to myself. i fell into my obsession and delusion and i only have myself to blame for it. would not wish it on anyone else.

    so to this, i say: distance yourself. it's gonna hurt and it's gonna suck, but keeping him close by is only gonna impede your healing process. cease any contact beyond what is necessary for work. block/mute any of his social media accounts so that you won't see him or be tempted to check them. he cannot be part of your life while you're working to move past your feelings.

    and, of course, APOLOGIZE. he didn't deserve being lashed out at in the slightest. he's likely confused and hurt and deserves some sort of explanation, because ghosting without saying anything is gonna cause him more unnecessary hurt. maybe avoid telling him you have feelings for him, and leave it at “i'm dealing with some complicated feelings and need space from you for a while, i hope you understand.”

    it hurts my heart how needlessly nasty and unsympathetic some people are in this thread. what you have is a very unhealthy relationship with this friend (and yourself), but you're still a human being deserving of happiness and empathy. you can't help how you feel, but you CAN control how you handle your emotions.

    please show some kindness to yourself and your friend, and pull away for a while to work on yourself. my heart goes out to the two of you. best wishes ❤️

  7. Your bf is an asshole. Imo there are only two reasons he would ask you to suck his D after you told him your trauma. 1- He's selfish 2- Your trauma turned him on.

    Leave him, sooner rather than later

  8. Hello /u/Brilliant_Silver4967,

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  9. We’ve had sex and have talked about the things we like sexually. And you think me sending him porn is a big deal? What you’re saying makes no sense at all.

  10. So you saying that she was not always doing it there so much is not a bad sign in this case soecifically and that I should not be worried or being upset with her for that?

    As extra info she keeps expressing how much she loves me and making plans to move together so that makes me feel safer. Its just that sudden change and focus hmmm

  11. You have no idea, do you.

    You both have responsibilities toward your child. Like it or not and as wrong as it is, SHE has abandoned hers.

    It now falls to you to be strong, to hold your child tight and be the best dad ever. NOT letting them on-line in such a horrible environment but to do what's right.

  12. They aren’t calling him a child but her child or their child, which he absolutely will always be. They won’t see him as a child, but biologically and legally he is recognized as their child. ?

  13. I keep my gun by my bedside… But I'm in the US and we have the second amendment. In the UK I'm guessing the self defense options are a bit slimmer.

  14. Divorce this man, hell maybe an annulment is on the table.

    I'm sorry to say you get what you put up with and you shouldn't of put up with this so long.

  15. So, not 100% the same details but pretty close. My mom died from cancer, they were happily married for 30 years, I was relatively nearby my dad and felt a similar sort of desire/need to help support him emotionally. Our relationship grew closer. I know how you feel.

    So my dad did tell me and my sister when he was going to start dating, and while of course I had emotions about it, I—like you—just wanted him to be happy.

    I think what you wanted was for your dad to sit you down and just talk it through that he was ready to date, and he knew it might affect you and he will always love your mom but he just wants to be happy for the rest of his life. You didn’t get that moment—it was just an abrupt change in this already grieving state of your life.

    If the above is the case, just talk through it with him. Tell him what you were thinking and feeling, and tell him you hope he’s happy. If you grew as close as it sounds you did after your mom died, he will understand.

  16. woman who only has something to offer by cooking, cleaning, and sex

    aka bangmaid. This guy is so sexist, what is a smart sexy dynamic woman like OP doing with him I wonder.


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