Lizaliett live sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Lizaliett live sex chats for YOU!

  1. As a survivor of attempted murder it appears to me you wife and in-laws are taking a lot of leeway in allowing the BIL to dictate any terms in relationships. Your wife should know her brother is a ticking time bomb and you no longer are responsible for him or the safety of anyone in her family. Stay away from him and you in-laws until they come to their senses.

  2. Lmao yeah I'd of told that B to kick rocks before she finished her sentence or I'd of left myself. Naw no one is gonna pine for another man and still enjoy my milk and honey

  3. Hi there, thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond. It does hurt to hear these things but, i know that i must. This whole thing is a lot for me to deal with, and im trying to see all the angles before moving forward with what id like to do. My parents have offered for me to move back home in case i need it, and i know theyll love me there. Even if my father doesnt understand completely about whats happened, thank you again, this was something i needed to hear.

  4. It's been roughly 48 hours so there's a chance it still is, and that's only if it was rohypnol, she might've just used one of her antidepressants

  5. Put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others. You need to make sure you are okay before trying to help anyone else.

  6. Maybe breaking up is for the best, idk. But when you meet her, I'd at least tell her it's normal to have times in a relationship where people argue and feel bad, it doesn't mean you can't overcome it or that you don't care about each other. Maybe some of her problem is that instead of working with things when they become difficult, she thinks the only solution is to avoid it completely, thinking it's a horrible enormous problem that can never be fixed. But people have these issues from time to time, and they talk about it and hopefully get better so it wont happen again, at least wont happen as awfully.

    Feeling very bad about an argument isn't abnormal in a relationship, neither does it mean you have to end things. Difficult feelings are normal, and even though it might not feel like it, they do pass with time

  7. From what you're sayin', it sounds like she's got a main and ain't lookin' for nothin' serious. And then when you try to take it to the next level, she's like “sorry bro, not feelin' it”. And then when you give her space, she's all like “why you ghostin' me?”.

    It sounds like she's just stringin' you along and keepin' you on the backburner while she figures her own shit out. My advice to you, bro, is to cut her loose. You deserve someone who knows what they want and ain't playin' games. You ain't gotta put up with that kind of behavior, man. Move on and find someone who's on the same page as you. And remember, don't settle for less than you deserve.

  8. Either she has simply fallen out of love with you, she really needs some sort of psychological treatment, or both. I would continue to try to get her to individual or couples counciling. Frankly she is treating you like a maid. At some point you are going to either call “bullshit” on her and ask her what is really going on or let her go.

  9. You need to move on with whatever dignity you have left. He treated you badly. Let him go. You can do better than him.

  10. It sounds like you guys are just in a different place relationship wise. You're his #1 priority when he's not busy, but not nearly as high when he is.

    That doesn't necessarily mean either one of you are wrong.

  11. Ya, I moved from a city of over a million to 32,000. Dating in general is risky ? I’ve been single for almost a year and don’t even want to hook up, lest we run into each other at the one Walmart in town.

  12. Y’all are weird, we bring our laundry over to our older SIL house all the time when we go and have dinner with them. Saves us 5 bucks and they don’t mind at all

  13. People have more empathy for animals than they do their own s/o.

    Truer words have seldom been said, especially on this site. Reddit will go batshit feral on someone who mistreats a dog or cat in any way, but are totally fine with people treating their partners like shit in many cases. (Not necessarily this one)

  14. Ask what the joke was?

    He obviously thinks he made her uncomfortable and was worried the time change was because of that.

  15. Did someone have a gun to your head? You were free to leave when you first started dating and realized she wasn’t able and/or willing to be the kind of partner you want. Oh and you don’t even like her children. Instead you doubled down and had a kid with her (genius move) so even if you split up you are tied to her for another 18 years, minimum.

    I guess short of a time machine my only advice would be to try and take charge of your life and make conscious choices instead of letting life happen at you.


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