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44 thoughts on “LittleeCutee live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I mean, he's clearly not prioritizing you, why are you even hesitating?

    You're not blocking him for his brother getting sick, you're blocking him for the one before, and the twenty times before that. Does that help at all?

    This wasn't the one for you, sis, throw him back.

  2. Sounds like a breakup on the horizon. He isn’t doing anything wrong but you don’t have to stay with him.

  3. I would love to wake up to my girlfriend playing with her self under the covers. I would just watch kiss and caress her. Some guys are so fucking weird.

  4. You are a shitty human and now you should do something good and cut the contact with this guy. Both of you are disgusting and he will cheat on you too, you must be really dumb to think otherwise

  5. I am absolutely interested in how to make things better, I would be really grateful if you would share that with me.

  6. It’s a crush. Not like she’s dating him. She’ll probably be jealous but if this is what ends the friendship, I’d say it wasn’t too strong in the first place.

  7. She did not want to swing, her husband kept pestering her about it until she finally gave in. That’s not really consensual is it?

  8. I would be so embarrassed to date someone like that and I don't know how you have any respect for him at all.

    He says things like taxes are more important than abortion issues so to just get over it? What happens if you move somewhere strict and you need or want a termination? What if you're denied healthcare because he was grubby and greedy and didn't care about how these polices hurt others.

    What if you have kids and your child is trans? He's “claimed” to you in the past that's okay but mocking people and their gender/sexual identities and dismissing what they go through to just being “chopping off a dick” is so damaging and is one of the main reasons so many trans youth are at risk of suicide. A lack of support and an increased risk of being rejected when they come out is dangerous for them.

    I don't think you have to agree on everything but basic fundamental human rights is a pretty big thing to clash on.

  9. Oh dude she’s 100% trapping you. Don’t stay with her bc of a child. In the end it ends up fucking the kid up more than being apart. Don’t admit anything until a DNA test is done bc in the end she’s being mad fishy and I think this kid is either fake or her ex husbands.

  10. After some mental gymnastics I concluded that I had different expectations from her as a partner in a closed, monogamous relationship. Which is why I don't expect anything from her again. I too will meet my exes from now on, just bc apparently I (we) can. It's childish, I know, but I can't help myself any other way. I have sleepless nights bc I think about it through and through. I'm exhausted, physically as mentally but I love her so, so much.

    You've already concluded that you have different goals and have different views on relationship, I'm not saying end the relationship, only you can decide that. But you are clearly uncomfortable with her seeing her ex who still has feelings for your GF and its completely reasonable and disrespectful and inconsiderate of your girlfriend not to see that after you've told her.

    You need to ask yourself are you willing to continue to put yourself through this every time she sees her ex or move on.

  11. Break up completely and move on.

    She will continue to see both of you because she’s calling the shots with both of you.

    It sounds like she’s the one who wanted the open relationship not her ex.

    It’s now the same for you. She wants open with both of you and she doesn’t care what either of you want. Your feelings are not considered. She’s a selfish lover.

    Break up and block. You should be able to do this easily as you haven’t had 4 years to get over her like he has to do. You’ve not invested much time so just walk away.

    It’s him that has my pity. He’s prepared to have an open relationship just to have her in his life.

  12. People are being super unfair to OP imo. Not every gesture is going to land but it seems like the effort was in good faith.

    And idk who these people are who act like taking 2 hours off early is some incredible burden on their work. They should spend more time on anti work or something lol

  13. Quit asking for permission and buy yourself a sex toy. If you want one, get one. If he doesn't want to be part of the experience, it's his loss. Learn how to be assertive about your sexual needs now, so that you're comfortable telling your partners what you want so you don't have to compromise your own needs.

    You're old enough to say “sex,” by the way.

  14. It’s not a matter of personal preference when the concept of “body counts” didn’t even exist 10 years ago, it’s entirely over-hyped and popularized by social media.

    Prior to that (as I previously mentioned) women couldn’t even have ONE partner before marriage or they were discarded as used or “trash”.

    Throwing away human beings because they participate in sex is like if I threw you away for commenting too many times on Reddit. It’s a value judgment that if you are applying to anything, can be turned around on you just as illogically.

    In its essence, you are placing value on a complex human life that you have absolutely no right to do, you can only judge and assess your own value.

  15. I agree. This was the first thing I noticed when I read through… he’s very upset that she didn’t react the way he expected her to. Yikes!

  16. You sound like a crazy person. N would have made a move, even if you didn’t, if he were interested in you. He simply wasn’t.

    C took nothing from you. She can’t take someone you never had.

  17. You set a boundary and he violated it. It doesn't matter what the object or action was, only that it held value to you and that the value was ignored. He should apologize since it sounds like that hasn't been done yet.

  18. But again, I gave no details about my situation or how it worked. Where do you get off accusing me of having my wife pick up my slack?

  19. What's creating that dread for you? Is it because you are antiabortion or because you feel some sense of ownership over her and her decisions?

    Because if you were truly anti-abortion, you wouldn't care who the biological father was, if there was a baby.

  20. I've always found guys who do that (message me randomly on IG or other SM when I don't know them) to be weird and I always assume they want something more than friendship. And they usually get angry when I politely reject their conversation which is even more red flaggy.

    Although idk if you can really call him out for trying to cheat or anything if he hasn't said anything explicit or thirsty in those messages? Maybe he really is just looking for friendship but he just doesn't realise how women see that kind of approach. It's creepy!

  21. You are almost an equal player in her games. The more you play, the more you two will be intertangled and will get hurt. Additionally, she's a bit more toxic in her behavior towards you which is concerning that you are going after someone like her and not creating boundaries with yourself and this relationship. When you create boundaries for yourself, you would see someone like her for who she really is and would be able to walk away a lot easier.

    For some reason, you are just wanting more of a relationship with her than she is with you. It's clear that she is looking for any opportunity to dump you, and basically using you for your time. Examples of this:

    She won't define the relationship as you are not “official” Typically you initiate things. Most likely when she initiate things, she has no one else to hang out with or talk to and she sees you as the last resort. You get in fights, which sound like it's more on her side When your feelings were at stake and hurt, she didn't see fault and blamed you as she didn't apologize. When her “time frame” was up, she did not hesitate to block you.

    Even at a “friend” level, this isn't how you should treat someone, ever! She is cold, manipulative, has no interest or concern for your feelings, unreasonably demanding, and probably has a longer list of faults that you haven't mentioned.

    When someone is not matching what you think a relationship is, be that romantic or friendship, there is no reason to stay. She blocked you and that is on her. She is not a friend nor a romantic relationship and she was looking for any reason to stop contact with you. You gave her one. It's time to move on.

    The more time you spend on this, the more this will take away your time and energy that could be used for other things and the right person.

  22. But not pointless to compare outcomes. Right now, you have a broken heart, but you don’t have a messy divorce, splitting assets, shared custody & child support. At 25, you have an ocean of time ahead of you to build a life with someone who won’t betray you.

  23. Sorry, if he got a DUI he clearly has a problem with alcohol. He also is drinking and driving which is absolutely disgusting. You should have ended things when he got you kicked out the concert. You cannot fix him. Sorry.

  24. Take a break from dating and get back to being your number one fan. I read this and basically detect you are neg about yourself. That alone is a turn off.

    Based on what I have seen, looks are not an impediment to having a relationship. World is full of less than conventionally attractive people who pair up and marry and have less than conventionally attractive children who will also grow up, pair up and marry. Therefore it is not looks that will prevent you from having a relationship with anyone. It may prevent you from having one with someone you view as beautiful who may also be pretty shallow or have a limited attraction palette.

  25. Ummm….. This is patently false (source: I do criminal background checks for a living).

    “Simple Assault”, even when initiated against a police officer, government employee, or emergency worker, is generally a misdemeanor.

    “Felonious Assault” is usually charged in cases where there is an unusually severe level of injury, or when intent to kill or grievously harm (maim, disfigure, etc.) the victim.

  26. I'm sorry that there's so many comments making this about you wanting attention or being a shitty parent already. It's quite obviously about your shitty family continuing to not prioritise you or value you, during the one event in your life where you thought for sure you would be.

    That's a horrible, horrible thing to feel, it must be absolutely devestating. And I'm so sorry that you're in this position.

    In one of your comments, someone says “move far away”, and you responded with “I wish I could”. There's another comment about saying you'll limit your relationship between you all after baby is born if they don't treat you better, and they called you manipulative (and didn't address your concerns). Those two comments, to me, indicate pretty clearly that you are very aware of how broken this dynamic is, and how you are never going to be prioritised the way you should, and that it's bordering on time to cut your losses and begin to put some distance between yourself and your family, for your mental health and the sake of your child. I think you maybe just need a push to do so, or perhaps even the validation that it's okay to do so.

    And I want to tell you that it is okay. You can decide that enough is enough, and walk away, put some distance and boundaries between you all, and know that it's okay. Your family is wrong, it is not manipulative to refuse to subject your child to this behaviour. And yes, the behaviour is awful, and you are being treated absolutely deplorably. You deserve better than this. And it is okay to decide to make things better for yourself, even with a baby on the way.

    I'm sorry, but as I'm sure you already know, your birth family unit is broken. Your sister(s?) is the golden child, while you are the family scapegoat. And I think you need to focus on building a new family, especially right now. So just know that it's okay to set some boundaries, to limit contact, to begin to put them at arm's reach, or even to cut them all off this very minute and never speak to them ever again. Whatever you need to do to prioritise your mental health, and your new family, is the right thing to do, and you are no villain for it.

  27. You’re a mirror, a projector screen, for his insecurities. And now you’re a moral punchbag.

    I’m sorry you have to deal with someone for whom the loving nature of bestowing pleasure and intimacy on your loved one is treated as a dirty shameful thing when in fact it’s one of the most selfless in life.

  28. Unless you're fully prepared to leave this job you can't say a thing. You're management and so by definition uttering a word about this is de facto sexual harassment whether she welcomes it or not. She's also dating someone else. So if you can't keep these feelings to yourself start applying for other positions so you can get away from the temptation. If you've worked your way up to supervisor it would a shame to destroy your career and make yourself unattractive as a hire anywhere else just to clear your conscience on this woman.

  29. It is helpful though. Mark, at 41, had the mentality of someone in their mid-20s. Now, at 51, he continues to have a stunted mentality of someone in their 20s (or earlier, let's be honest). It's entirely germane to the conversation.

  30. Yea I have asked him for a sit down about it but we will do it after the holiday that we’re going on this weekend with his fam. When we’re back I wanna ask him if we can talk concretely about it

  31. Yes, these are major incompatibilities. You should break up with her because chances are, she'll try to baby-trap you to get her own way (via meddling with birth control/condoms.)

  32. Any time you are keeping something like this a secret, you are straying into bad behavior. Lying to your SO and hiding things from them is very often a relationship ender. It doesn't have to be sexual – the dishonesty itself is the problem. I mean, why would anyone choose to stay in a relationship with someone who continually lied to them?

    Why can't you tell your GF about this? Seriously, why can't you be honest about what you are doing and why? Why would you want to stay in a relationship where you can't be yourself?


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