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31 thoughts on “Lindazuc live webcams for YOU!

  1. Seems like you were doing your thing him his, you did not have lunch together and you could not get away from him fast enough to enjoy your solo skiing, from the minimal time you wanted to be with him he was probably reading the room when he got injured and did not want to guilt you, or cut your fun short. So he dealt with it on his own. You were clearly enjoying yourself that you did not think of him until it got dark! It is very hot to understand why you are mad he made decisions to inconvenience you as little as possible and be allow you to do exactly what you did! Even in this post you don’t seem particularly upset that you weren’t there for him so what exactly is the problem?

  2. This was my thought as well. Also, false negatives for chlamydia is pretty common. So it is possible he has had it since before they even got together. Or that matter, she could have had it.

  3. I understand how you feel. I gave all of myself to my ex. She was the only person I've ever truly trusted. She cheated with a guy bff. Broke me to see them together before we'd even broken up. I've been dead inside since. I definitely won't trust anyone the way I had trusted her.

    Good luck, you can do so much better than your ex.

  4. It’s strange to me that you would suddenly make yourself available had you known his ex could drive him. Why couldn’t you do this in the first place? Your making an too big of an issue out of his desperation for a ride. She sounds kind, you should follow that lead.

  5. Given the timeline, I'd get a paternity test. It sucks, but you can't discount that possibility. As to your marriage, it's dead. This was likely an exit affair, given her reaction once confronted. Someone concerned about their marriage would be crying up a storm and begging for forgiveness, etc.

    Her callous response is refreshing since you get to avoid the whole “is she remorseful or not phase”. Look up and implement the 180, and give it a few days in order to properly process what happened. Reach out to friends and family for support and to set the narrative going forward. Once you've processed it, get a lawyer and try and have an amicable divorce.

    Staying with an unremroseful cheater for the kids is moronic. Given her callous response, she clearly isn't in love with you anymore. I'm guessing she justified her affair by making you out to be the bad guy in her head, and it got to the point where she actually started believing it. No one likes to admit they're a POS, easier to blame your spouse and play the victim.

  6. Is there a chance he dated you when you were underweight because he's attracted to that aesthetic and not you as a person?

    I knew someone in uni who did that, he found women who were underweight because they were usually more insecure or some of them had lost weight due to stress. He liked feeling like a protector, then as they'd start feeling better and gaining weight as a result he'd dump them. He always said it was because they gained weight.

    When all that had happened was that they no longer looked fragile or ill. Basically they weren't emotionally dependent on him anymore and he liked feeling needed.

    I've seen other people who do the same thing, not always with weight but if you're not in a good headspace they want to be there and fix you. When you don't need them anymore they hate it.

  7. This definitely calls for a friendly message to the bride if you can, or even the friend, where you say “Congratulations on your wedding. My husband is very excited about planning your five day bachelor party, but I am nervous. Do you know if any of the other wives have kids, and if so if they have any plans or tips they might share for how they're covering the five days alone? Just looking for someone to brainstorm with.”

    This may result in him covering for his friend, or he may be just confused enough to tell the truth, or he may be a stand up guy and help you. But if he seems skittish or shady about it, you have your answer.

  8. Was she the one that started talking about celebrities? Seems like she was setting you up for all that. She’s the one that showed you the guy’s pic and said he was cute, yet you’re the perv for agreeing with her? That plus her blatant hypocrisy regarding her own boyfriend would make me cut her off completely. Who needs someone like this for a friend.

  9. The only thing you did wrong was not do this earlier. She is a condescending, jealous bitch, and she's not your friend. Do not apologize to her. People like her NEED to get dressed down in public, because it makes them think twice about opening their mouths.

    Text her back, let her know that you rescind the apology, because she was the one in the wrong. Tell her that being blunt isn't a medical condition or uncontrollable- she makes the choice every day to wake up and be an asshole. Tell her that it's unfortunate that she is too ignorant, mean-spirited and nasty for anyone to every really love her, but if she's lucky someone might settler for her one day. Then block her and never talk to her again. And if your friends push it, tell them to stay in their lane because none of them stood up for you when she was being a bully, and they all owe you an apology too.

  10. Actually we met when he was 19 thanks to a dating app I’m definitely not a predator and I got pregnant close to our one year mark which was months AFTER we got married

  11. Get an agreement in writing to pay you back, dump her, and take her to court if the payments don’t arrive. She stole from you. You are being used.

  12. I dont get it, so you're getting a vibe that your bf might be trying to “alpha-out” his ex's new bf? and that makes you think he's still into her? I mean makes sense, I can get that. I mean, even if ex's are friends after the relationship…everything that happened still happened. That being said, could be the new guy really is insecure and just making your boyfriend uncomfortable. My thing with ex's is you can be friendly and stay super close, but it's never going to be the same type friendship as other friends in your life. the history and scents of intimacy is still.

    Whats your bf and his ex's dynamic? they hang out one on one or in a group? Do you think he's annoyed at her new bf for being awkward, or he's trying to fuck with this guy?

  13. I also feel a bit gaslit with the “attractive man” comment.

    Not what that word means.

    Do you earn more than her? Less? About the same?

    Giving up her apartment means she gives up what sounds like a sweet deal she can't expect to get her hands on again if things between the two of you turn sour. If she's very concerned about finances and financial security, that's a big ask for someone she's only dated for a year. I also think that what she meant with “won't look into a cheaper place” was “won't look into a worse place than what she has now.” Paying less is unlikely to be a dealbreaker.

    It sounds like you'd be better off abandoning moving in together to one of your existing apartments in favor of finding a different place that are up to her standards and within her price range. And get on the same page about finances first or it's going to be what ends your relationship.

  14. When someone breaks up with you, the feelings can vanish very quickly. The trust and love are destroyed, and some people recover quicker by actively focusing of the negative sides of the ex to make the feelings go away more quickly.

    It's good she moved on. There's no coming back from your break up.

  15. What in the world… Not gonna lie this is kinda hilarious mainly because of how he went from one thing to another out of the blue.

    But you think he is hiding something because of a random fact about TV make up?

  16. It sounds to me like your husband and I also relate on the father figure front as well. I know all people are different people, but I will say that I would have never made the progress I have without the support I’ve received through therapy. It’s a lot to unpack and it will be REALLY FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE for him, but it is so important and eventually, freeing. Holding a mirror up to ourselves is scary, but it’s the only way we can see just how bad the wounds really are.

    Don’t forget that matching with a therapist can be a lot like matching with a partner. Compatibility matters, from communication style to personality. It might take meeting a few for him to find the right fit.

    I wish you all the best and good luck with the little one.

  17. And you’re 25? Girl to girl, I think this is fucked. Pick up your big girl panties and tell him you want to break up. State your reasons, because they’re valid, but stringing your boyfriend along like this is so disrespectful, it’s wasting his time and yours. I hope he realize one day

  18. Honestly, this is a case by case basis.

    For some people it can be cathartic getting it off their chest and closing that door, for others they don't need closure the same way.

    Ask yourself if you would feel better yourself if you talked to him or if you just bounced.

  19. If it were me, I would let her go alone to be with her friends, then replan the honeymoon for another time and place.

  20. If he does leave, will his father let you continue renting the house that you on-line in now from him?

  21. It sounds like everything is going great to be honest.

    Your BF already told you that his dad isn't talkative. And it seems like that checks out.

    You are overthinking this.


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