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52 thoughts on “Lilapop live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yup, not people out here in the relationship help advice sub giving the worst advice possible. If just telling his dad is a bad idea because it will break up the family, what is including his mom in it going to do? That's a very heavy burden for a kid, they should find an adult they trust and at least get suggestions on how to handle it. A 15 year old is not old or mature enough to handle this on their own.

  2. Very fucking weird.

    Talk about sex? How to treat a lady or guy. Protection.


    Sending a fucking porn out? What’s next, they’re comfy enough to watch porn together??

  3. Nobody is using the word synonymous, you dunce. The original commenter even explained the context of the statement and yet you are still frothing at the mouth trying to prove yourself right in an argument you already lost.

    In this scenario – he is uncomfortable because it is inappropriate. Nobody said the words meant the same thing, just that we all agree with OP that it is inappropriate to have your dangly bits in your children's face. And the fact that the wife is so adamant on OP taking a shower with their daughter makes me uncomfortable, and it's inappropriate that she is trying to steamroll his boundaries.

    Call your English teachers and tell them they failed you.

  4. No, I genuinely want to know, what are you guys protecting yourselves from? Is it that dangerous in rural areas? Have you ever had to use it?

  5. There’s some subreddits for these types of relationships, I’m sure you’ll get some constructive advice there. r/nonmonogamy is one of them, but there’s definitely more.

    I think two things are possible here. One, you’re not actually the type for open relationships and although it may seem appealing in theory, it’s not compatible with your real life feelings. Two, it’s something you have to try to actually see how comfortable you are with it. You may discover that starting out slowly will broaden your horizons and it’ll turn into whatever you want it to be.

    I personally have no experience with open relationships, but friends of mine do and have been successfully living it for years. So it can work as longs as both partners are on the same page.

  6. Touché, and I’ll be honest that is at times a big part of the hurt. I don’t think she knew or at least didn’t admit it for 9 years… I may be naive.

  7. I'm 36 and I go biking with a 15 year old and a 51 year old. The 15 year olds mum drives us up the mountain and we bike down.

    Nothing wrong with platonic friendships of any age.

    We are friends because we all mountain bike and he's a great kid

  8. Hello /u/Yemar16,

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  9. I hope you man your ex boyfriend. He's showing you who he is and that he has zero respect for you and only cares about himself and his sexual needs. Be thankful you don't on-line with him, realize he is showing you who is is and most importantly BELIEVE that he is the person he is showing you….ie no good. Block him, move on and stay single for a while to work on yourself and your (very understandable) depression. Be an adult all on your own and find your own happiness. You've never been single as an adult. You will regret it if you don't. Take that from someone who met her first ex at 18 and married at 21. Then rebounded with my second ex. I had never been on my own as an adult until I was 46 when I divorced a second time. I really regret and realize in retrospect I need to figure out who I was without the interference of an (older) partner. My first ex was 5 years older.

    This guy is not going to get better. He's only going to get worse. No one died from not having sex for a while and he isn't entitled to it. He's jacking off right next to you and doesn't care that it makes you uncomfortable. He doesn't respect you and you deserve much better.

  10. 20 is extremely young to get married. It’s completely normal for you to be anxious and scared of feeling stuck or losing your identity. Do you really want to marry a partner that you can’t bring these feelings up to? You should want to be with someone you can trust with your true feelings and emotions. I don’t think you should go along with the wedding, just because you can’t bring these feelings up with your partner. Also, I really don’t think that it’s a good sign for marriage that you’ve only been dating 14 months, yet have had extreme lows where you’ve almost broken up. The first year of a relationship should be fairly smooth sailing. Having fights where you’re nearly breaking up within the first year is not be a sign that you should be thinking about marriage. Also, from the things you say about your partner, he seems really controlling and there’s a lot of red flags with him, imo. You’re a lot younger and less experienced than him, you have to guard yourself from being roped into something that you don’t want. You’ve got good intuition recognizing your fears, but you have to honestly ask yourself why you feel these things. Is it something about him or the way he makes you feel that you’re picking up on? Or is it just cold feet? It sounds like you’ve got good reason to be worried about marrying this man.

  11. You don't love him if you don't even care about the effects this obviously toxic relationship has on him. You just want someone to put the effort into making you happy.

  12. Maybe for some days, but not for weeks, because most of my friends have dogs already or on-line in a place where it’s not allowed to have pets

  13. Out of curiosity, how much do you pay your mom for three days of childcare per week?

    I see your husband’s side. He wants to come home from work and be with his immediate family only. He feels your mom being there impedes his time and his ability to interact with you and the kids one on one.

    I see your mom’s side. She watches your kids for three days and also wants to interact with you. She also wants to help you by cleaning, etc.

    Yes, your marriage needs to be your first and most important relationship above your kids. Your mom overstaying her welcome is frustrating.

    But I do wonder – is she deliberately overstaying or is she seeking to help her child (you)? You need to speak with her, yes. But she’s also giving up three days per week to help you and your husband with childcare. So she’s a babysitter and not just a grandma.

    Rock and a hard place. He likely sees his parents pick up the kids and drop them off and leave. One day and done. Your mom does the lion’s share of childcare and likely wants to be thought of as more than just the paid babysitter.

    You need to have a couple of conversations. One with your mom setting the boundary of leaving earlier. One with your husband letting him know she’s doing you a huge favor and your wanting to spend more time with her.

    You don’t mention your dad; is your mom single? Widowed? Is she lonely? What would happen if she takes great offense and decides to no longer watch your kids three days per week? What if she decides she only wants to be a grandma and not a babysitter/grandma combo?

  14. As for the honeymoon, my friend group (8 including myself) are scrambling to get last minute plane tickets and are renting out an air bnb villa for two weeks. This led to other issues which I'm trying to resolve (fiance doesn't want me going on this improved vacation).

    Please go on this vacation. You need it. While there, please take a long look at how your fiancé bends to his brothers will.

    Is this something you want to spend your life navigating?

  15. Her response that she’s normally a fun person and it’s making her into something she’s not makes me think of the scene from office space. “Well–well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?”

  16. Yeah, I thought maybe it’s just because I’m getting old now but I always thought it was a single persons game myself, mainly because it was in my day!

  17. Fuck these religions nut jobs. Religion is fucking poison and we gobble it up. The quicker we get rid of it, the faster society will progress. Seriously fuck them. They've done nothing but hurt and hinder since they were conceived.

  18. You’re not being dramatic. This is unforgivable. They thought you’d be upset you got invited but couldn’t go but didn’t think you’d be upset by being blind sided by SM pics? And to say “you just need to accept this” WOW. I mean, if it was HIS mother sure, but for YOUR mother to say that? This is a betrayal. And I’d never speak to any of them ever again.

  19. This relationship was immature and toxic. The rules you agreed on were controlling and unhealthy. Of course you still shouldn't have broken them.

  20. Leaving is not an option.

    There are no magic words that will make a person suddenly hear what their partner is trying to say and be better.

    You told him how you feel. He didn’t listen. He didn’t listen because he doesn’t care. If he cared, he’d realize that you feel like things are unbalanced and at the very least sit down and discuss it with you. But he’s not doing any of that because whether you’ve explicitly told him so or not, he knows you won’t leave, but you’ll do the housework instead of something you love while he plays games.

    So you don’t have to leave. But you already know what staying is like.

  21. Funnily enough she's an assistant sound engineer at one of the venues he used to practice at so she's met him a handful of times

  22. Did you read the full post? You understand they went on a 6 month break because he wasn’t happy with her being too sore to have sex, right? This is a man that’s not fulfilling his girlfriend in order to make her want more sex. He would have happily had sex with her that night knowing she was sore. That’s not a man that’s comforting and making sure his partner is enjoying sex.

    When you’re not covering your partners needs in the bedroom, you have to expect your partner won’t want it. Especially when you’re happy enough to have sex with her knowing how painful it is.

  23. Because you are being melodramatic. You’re offended over nothing. He’s not making fun of your hobbies. Would you also be hurt and stop watching your favorite show if he said he found it boring? You sound super sensitive and you’re lucky he apologized. He did nothing wrong.

  24. Don't wonder if you're “asking too much” from him, ask yourself why are you putting up with this for that long? Life's too short… pack up and leave…

  25. He done it in purpose, He said that to see what she would say back To see of she would give him the green light, And start something. Clearly she didn't and now he back tracking, he knew he sent it to her, or maybe he was trying to send it to Someone else that has name starting with same letter

    Either way I think you need to seriously think if this is the man you want to spend your life with,

    If this is the type of behaviour you want your kids to look up too

    If you want to stay which you probably do, He needs consequences for his actions because we know that it wasn't a mistake what ever bull he telling you,

    Tell him when he back to come pack some stuff and to find somewhere else to stay until you can work through what he has done Because you don't believe for one second it was a mistake

    Once he back and if packing tell him to hand over his phone Go through it, Contacts see if anyone you don't know on there All apps, picture gallery the lot.

    Call it a hunch but it was probably ment for someone who he been sleeping with while away for a month who has same letter at beginning of their name

  26. Girl, I get it. I had low self esteem in my 20s from the emotional abuse inflicted on me by my family. I clung onto the first (and second) guy who liked me and asked me out for a long time, too long of a time. At first, I didn't even like the second guy and ended up spending 7 years with him and being his caretaker (he had bad depression and ADHD). I'm glad to hear that you are going to therapy, I wish I did when I was in my 20s. Get an abortion and confide in a friend and come up with a plan on how to get rid of this guy. Break it off and block him, he is bad bad news. Spend your 20s working on yourself and healing and learning how to create and hold boundaries. Go to school, travel, and have fun. All the best to you!

  27. School first. Always. You are going to be an entirely different amazing person in these three years coming up and even after. Your heart might still be aligned with his, and if it is then he will help and support your dedication to your career. Being a doctor is a badge of honor, service and hard earned commitment, he should be proud of you not diminish you for his own gain.

  28. She has to make that much before they'll even give him the visa if they do the K1 (fiance visa). And he won't be able to work anyway until he gets his green card, which could take months after they get married. But he could see if there is another visa he could apply for. Maybe as a student if he's in school too?

  29. Let's be real here – the relationship is over regardless of whether you keep the baby or not. You can drag it out, but ultimately he doesn't want to marry you and his mommy controls him to the point you'll never have a healthy relationship. An even bigger immediate issues, is that he's being manipulative as fuck trying to control you and the outcome of this pregnancy. Personally, I would recommend getting an abortion, losing the bf, and starting over with someone who has the same goals as you. Co-parenting with someone like this will never be easy, and you and your future children deserve so much better than this.

  30. she admitted she's been missing her ex

    By Felicia. You do not want to invest time and effort in this relationship only to find out a year down the road she's been in contact with the ex, hoping for him to come back.

    I really feel for you.

  31. I laughed when he said that. Usually I am supportive. Just not after he tells me something like that lol

  32. I’m not an expert but from what I’ve read inheritance is generally kept separate in divorce even if it was received during the marriage but I’m not sure if that would still apply if he chose to use it on something tangible such as property

  33. OP, body dysmorphia is a real, debilitating mental illness that doesn't get better without professional medical intervention. So get some help (because no one is going to be willing to on-line in the shadow of your crushing insecurities). You and this particular guy may have just been through too much to make it work. But going forward, don't destroy every relationship you have by walking this earth believing that the only way to keep a partner is to prevent them from ever looking at another woman. There'll always be someone more physically attractive than you are. But guys worth dating are looking for more than just a “perfect” body. Embrace what makes you you, and it's not the physical body you happen to be wrapped in.

  34. OP, body dysmorphia is a real, debilitating mental illness that doesn't get better without professional medical intervention. So get some help (because no one is going to be willing to on-line in the shadow of your crushing insecurities). You and this particular guy may have just been through too much to make it work. But going forward, don't destroy every relationship you have by walking this earth believing that the only way to keep a partner is to prevent them from ever looking at another woman. There'll always be someone more physically attractive than you are. But guys worth dating are looking for more than just a “perfect” body. Embrace what makes you you, and it's not the physical body you happen to be wrapped in.


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