Libbyloveheart on-line sex chats for YOU!

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31 thoughts on “Libbyloveheart on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. yeah this is the part that others are confusing me on, he literally agreed to the boundary and then decieved his partner.

  2. I mean technically he could have a kid with someone else while being with you. It happens all the time. If that's not an acceptable solution to you, you should probably break it off.

  3. I’m most likely going to type it out. I know for a fact she is going to cry in front of me and that’s what makes it nude because I hate feeling like the bad guy. But you are right. Just gotta do it.

  4. The two years part has science behind it actually. People's dopamine and cortisol levels are not normalized the first two years of dating each other. You have no idea how someone is going to handle stress the rest of your relationship together until their cortisol levels normalize. The dopamine (reward neurotransmitter) does change to an oxytocin increase (which is also called the love drug) at some point around 2 years as well.

  5. The offensive part would be that I know for a fact that he is their dad (hell, one of them is his mini clone). The offensive part would be that I went through 10 months of painful pregnancy to bring OUR child into this world kicking and screaming, and RISKING my life in doing so all for him to then say, “you know what I actually DONT trust you, I actually believe that you are capable of one of the worst betrayals of all, so I'm going to need proof that the kid is mine after all. No hot feeling though right!?”

    So yeah, I would be pissed to say the least.

  6. Of course. For her to understand what's going on is the first step–further treatment won't work until she understands anorexia and what's happening to her body. Once she understands that and its implications, then she can get more intense treatment.

  7. You don't ask him about does he want you or anything like that, it just doesn't make sense and causes him additional stress.

    That he went soft during sex is not an issue at all. If he doesn't finish the job with any of his remaining appendages you can get back to it later or next time. Do not in any case demonstrate it is a big deal.

    About the frequency of sex I don't know.

  8. I suspect that was said more to hurt you than to be an accurate representation of how he felt throughout the relationship.

  9. I think what he did was probably for the best. I’ve been in his situation before. It just can’t really work. At least from the perspective of someone with a high sex drive, and wants to monogamous. It’s tough.

  10. What the fuck? Lol.


    Somewhat sounds like it:

    Now that my career doesn’t fit her financial agenda, she hates me?

    Sounds like with you making less, means more her son has to dedicate to his marriage, which in turn could mean less money for her.

    Your boyfriend has a lot of weight on his shoulders… however, I do think it his responsibility to curve his mom (and sister) in this situation.

    When you have toxic family members, its your role to protect your partner from it.

    Like seriously…

    My brother wants an ambitious partner, so sort your shit out! That's strange, my boyfriend never told me that! What are your intentions with my son?! Are you getting a job or not?! Ma'am, respectfully… stfu and mind your business

    They sound exhausting.

  11. It's pretty easy to do when you are young, and especially when you are in college. At that age, you think that every one thinks like you. The majority of people during that time are actively making sure that they don't get pregnant, so it never even crossed my mind. Like, I never even thought about someone else would want kids. At OPs age, yeah, it's pretty odd.

  12. So his income difference from you is gonna be even bigger then. And he still wants 50/50. Wow. The entitlement on this guy.

  13. I didn't tell tell owner unfortunately, which I know was a mistake. I did call the police but they weren't serious, they just said “thanks for the information, we'll check with you later”.

  14. Block him. He's not someone you should spend any more time on. You met in an unconventional way. Trust your gut, this guy is not for you.

  15. It wasn’t exactly planned. But yes, I know its my fault as well. I thought that in time he would be more empathetic or we would have more of the good times. But ive just been miserable

  16. Unfortunately, you need to understand that he is essentially going through puberty again. This is going to be a very difficult and emotional time for both of you. Just do your best to assure him that you love him unconditionally and that you would love an opportunity to learn from him. That you fully accept him. You understand you are not an expert, but you WANT to be more educated and would appreciate it if he would help you understand so you can best support him.

  17. I was expecting this to be something like serious substance abuse, a felony record, being married, having a bunch of kids you didn't mention, you know, stuff that would actually affect him?… but you read stuff that isn't intellectual? He's way overreacting. And unless you were bragging about reading books you weren't actually reading, I don't even think you were misrepresenting yourself.

  18. Ahh, one of the sacred fandom texts. Tell her to join r/Dramione to come and cry when she reads the final paragraph of Manacled because it still haunts me to this day, years later.

    Also, tell her to read The Auction. It is an AU of an AU and it is AMAZING. If she likes Manacled, she’ll like that. Another Voldemort Wins AU.

  19. Lying certainly isn't acceptable behavior, particularly when it puts you as risk. As to how to work that out, I think it's important to discuss boundaries and expectations within a relationship.

  20. I asked if he went there specifically with that intent, and he said yes.

    He somehow thought that I would react to this by wanting to support him.

    … support the fact that he intentionally went to a place and was pleasured by women? He may be a bit unhinged and delusional

    He thinks we can work through it,

    Of course he does

    and he was/is depressed, and that caused him to make this “mistake”.

    Getting your sword polished is not a ‘mistake’. Burning your dinner or taking the wrong exit on a highway is a mistake. Also if he’s so depressed he needs a therapist and/or his mom. You’re neither of those things.

    He wants to go to couples therapy, but only after realizing I am serious about ending it.

    Spend that time, money and energy in healing and finding a new partner. Maybe travel a little bit.

    He said he has never cheated on anyone in the past, and he doesn’t know why he did it.

    Well, there’s always the first time. He did it because he wanted to. Getting a happy ending is a long process, like time wise. Someone was diddling him for a while before he finished, and at no point he thought he should stop it.

    What do you all think? Is something like this a “mistake”? Or is this telling of deeper issues?

    Yes it’s telling a deeper issue, and the issue is that he’s a cheater and an opportunist. Also comically delusional apparently. You should thank him for telling you the truth, and then put your energy into moving on

  21. Just stress that you want to take the time to be with him and know him closely. Best advice I was ever given.

  22. if it happens naturally without me being involved in his relationship, I'll confess. but i won't jump on him the moment they break up– if they do. I'll probably wait a while until he's been single for a bit. thank you, i definitely needed to come to my senses :))

  23. I said it like a week in. Still going strong six years later. Hell we moved in together after like two months?

    Life is too short to hold those feelings in.

  24. So your boyfriend used to casually date his friend’s wife?

    That doesn’t seem like super important info to bring up. It doesn’t sound serious.

  25. It seems a little soon to be upset about not meeting his parents but I guess if they’re local, it is a little odd that there hasn’t been a single family dinner out, bday to celebrate, some kind of informal get together, etc.

    If it were me, I think I’d reframe things.

    While it was a small gesture, I think putting your name on the Xmas card was an olive branch. If they’re decent people, they’re probably embarrassed. And everyone got played by the cousin. Sounds like his parents are protective and wouldn’t you believe family over someone you don’t know at all?

    I’d tell your boyfriend how you’re feeling because he really should be addressing this with his parents. I don’t think you should expect them to roll out the red carpet and apologize profusely. But your boyfriend could certainly organize a dinner out with them.

    To me (44F) it’s up to your BF to manage his family and that includes how they treat you and when he introduces you. I agree with you that just “dropping by” would be a no. That just will potentially make things awkward for everyone.

  26. It's not really though. Kids demand so much time the first X number of years of life.

    I don't get how people think they can have multiple small children, jobs, cars, houses, bills, etc and an unchanged sex life.

    Kids take a massive toll on women. MASSIVE. And it's like men are shocked by this reality.


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