Li-baby live sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “Li-baby live sex chats for YOU!

  1. SO?? It sounds like he's a control freak… he also is an emotional abuser. And you are tippy toeing around him to “not upset him further”. RED FLAGS… CAUTION….. time to rethink this guy… time to move on… this is NOT going to get better…

  2. I don t understand how can she insist that you go out with her sister…. it sounds really weird. Just imagine telling her the same exact thing and asking her to go with your brother 😀 Especially that you only know her for a few month….

  3. Sounds like he's just coasting until someone he deems better comes along.

    Doesn't want to move. Doesn't want long-distance relationship. Doesn't think she's “long-term” material. He just needs to break up, because Jesus, he's wasting her time.

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  5. Internet mom here. I used to wonder why so many people with young children got divorced. It’s because you find out exactly who you married. So. It’s beyond unacceptable that he used his size to intimidate you. Not okay. In my marriage, my ex became really angry after our 2 kids because he never dealt with his horrific childhood. I foolishly believed him when he said he’d never do what was done to him. He didn’t but the bar was sooo low it was underground. I left for my kids. I didn’t have the right to raise boys that believed that it was acceptable to treat women as I was treated. I couldn’t raise a girl thinking this was what a good man looks like. Just my experience. But. It’s not childcare. It’s parenting. He wouldn’t last a week in your job. I’m not telling you to leave. I am saying that you have some red flags but you know that. I’m available to listen if you need an ear.

  6. Internet mom here. I used to wonder why so many people with young children got divorced. It’s because you find out exactly who you married. So. It’s beyond unacceptable that he used his size to intimidate you. Not okay. In my marriage, my ex became really angry after our 2 kids because he never dealt with his horrific childhood. I foolishly believed him when he said he’d never do what was done to him. He didn’t but the bar was sooo low it was underground. I left for my kids. I didn’t have the right to raise boys that believed that it was acceptable to treat women as I was treated. I couldn’t raise a girl thinking this was what a good man looks like. Just my experience. But. It’s not childcare. It’s parenting. He wouldn’t last a week in your job. I’m not telling you to leave. I am saying that you have some red flags but you know that. I’m available to listen if you need an ear.

  7. Internet mom here. I used to wonder why so many people with young children got divorced. It’s because you find out exactly who you married. So. It’s beyond unacceptable that he used his size to intimidate you. Not okay. In my marriage, my ex became really angry after our 2 kids because he never dealt with his horrific childhood. I foolishly believed him when he said he’d never do what was done to him. He didn’t but the bar was sooo low it was underground. I left for my kids. I didn’t have the right to raise boys that believed that it was acceptable to treat women as I was treated. I couldn’t raise a girl thinking this was what a good man looks like. Just my experience. But. It’s not childcare. It’s parenting. He wouldn’t last a week in your job. I’m not telling you to leave. I am saying that you have some red flags but you know that. I’m available to listen if you need an ear.

  8. Sorry bro.. Enjoy the little things.. Give yourself time to heal and connect… A fresh start and you will find your way.

  9. I've done that already, he didn't seem too bothered by it. When I asked him why he didn't post anything on our anniversary, he said “well you can't give me grief because you didn't post anything either” but I was just waiting to see if he'd post anything :/ a little petty but I don't know what else to do at this point

  10. How can I say it any clearer…there is a difference between withholding sex and physically being incapable of performing.

  11. Nope. He doesn’t deserve another chance.

    He deliberately lied and broke your trust. Tell him you can’t trust the words of a liar and to forget your number even exists.

  12. No says the health teacher with a masters in education and school health. Being stupid about safe sex is a common thing with the uneducated. I don’t feel sorry for her bc the fact she has unprotected sex and then wants to flip out for the fact he didn’t pull out is the dumb part.

  13. He will be out of town tomorrow, I plan to take my sister with me to get some things I had at his place, I plan to text him and let him know it's over, I agree it might not be safe to tell him in person

  14. It’s okay to ask a partner for a favor. It’s okay for the partner to say no. Your GF didn’t do anything wrong in saying no, and you have to understand that you are not entitled to her free labor just because you wanted it.


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