Leasakura live sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Leasakura live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Breaking up to work on a relationship but actively seeking out other people to hook up, she only deserves to see your back leaving, not a considerate gift you lovingly made just for her with your now no more future plans in mind. I really feel sorry for you, because you're still hoping for something that's never ever going to happen and you're too blind to see the mess you are headed for. PS.: A loving gift like the album you made would actually be counter productive no matter what you hope for. You can still give it to her at a later point in time should you then still deem her deserving to receive it.

  2. Look , he cheated on you , prevents you from peeing and gets mad when you pee (??) , still searches for his ex , is kinda violent and ultimately is horrible . You’ve made multiple posts about what a pos he is , you’re aware of how he is.

    When are you leaving ?

  3. HAVE HER GET A LAWYER. Write up the contract. The contract must be notarized.

    It must stipulate you are severing all parental responsibility including CHILD SUPPORT. NO COLLEGE HELP OR WEDDING HELP FOR THAT CHILD EITHER. NO MEDICAL HELP EITHER. SHE'S ON HER OWN HERE.

    YOU must get a lawyer to look it up, make sure ITS IRON CLAD SO IT DOESN'T BITE YOUR ? LATER. Have him/her approve the contract.

    No judgement here. But do this intelligently. If in doubt, the insemination can be administered in a doctors office with the contract STILL STIPULATING YOU HAVE SEVERED ALL PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY. THAT SHE IS 100% FINANCIALLY AND EMOTIONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILD.

    GET A LAWYER. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

  4. Confidence and self esteem are far more attractive than looks. If the men/women you’re interested in can’t get past looks, you’re interested in the wrong people-they’re shallow. Work on the self esteem part, carry yourself with confidence, and someday the right person will love you for your personality.

    Also-everyone has different standards of what they find attractive. I’m sure you are somebody’s perfect match physically speaking.

  5. Control yourself and leave that married man alone. If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn't want that to be you.

  6. You’re thinking far too much about one girl in thousands of people. It’s best to forget about her and pursue other avenues of friendship rather than put mental energy into trying to find/befriend her.

    Maybe (hopefully) someday in the future you’ll see her again in a situation where you can engage with her one on one, but if that happens and you’ve spent the entire time leading up to it praying for that moment to come, then it will never ever on-line up to your expectations. This is a random girl that is likely putting far less mental energy into you, it’s unlikely she’ll even recognize you, much less be as prepared and ready to befriend you as you are prepared to befriend her.

    join some clubs, stay outside of your dorm as often as possible and explore literally every inch of campus. while doing this, do extensive research on all the fun things that are going on through extra curricular activities. if you like nature, join groups that go on hikes or volunteer to pick up litter. if you like gaming find clubs that focus on board games or video games. there’s always more options than you think there are, but the more you deprive yourself of human interaction because of social anxiety, the worse your social interactions tend to go.

  7. So let me get this right. Dude is 20 but needs his mom's permission to go on a trip? Then does what his mom wants because she cried but ignored the fact you cried for at least 2 hours? I don't see this dynamic changing and he will always be mommy's little boy. Are you prepared to always come in second to his mom (who,sounds controlling and manipulative)?

    To be honest, I started to think it wasn't worth it when they held the discussion in Spanish with you in the car and you don't speak Spanish. This is rude and disrespectful right from the get go. He should have insisted on English right there.

  8. This is cheating. He cheated on his respect and loyalty to you. He betrayed your trust. He would have continued if he hadn’t gotten caught

  9. Yeah, this lemonade has salt instead of sugar. It is unpalatable and unsafe. Wish her well in her future life. Tell her you are looking for a one and only, a life partner and that her question disqualifies her from the position

  10. It doesn’t sound like he’s angry at you, just indifferent to why you’re upset. That or he’s frustrated that you’re obsessing over something that he’s decided he was willing to ignore since there isn’t much to be done other than report the neighbor.

    You’re both still fairly young and learning to manage emotions/communicate. It might be time to sit down and talk about how each of you manages or reacts to this sort of thing and air out how you felt when he dismissed you like that.

  11. Sweetheart, a good therapist can help you through this. You never deserved to be treated that way. You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. You are worthy.

  12. You are not me and you need to be comfortable in your own skin.

    In your shoes I wouldn't mind the communication as long as there was transparency about it on his part. That would be Focus. Why are you hiding


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