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One thought on “Laurasaenz01 live webcams for YOU!

  1. How would talking to someone by myself help any of our problems though? Because it’s not just one of us, it’s both. I’m not perfect, I know that, I get snippy because I’ve asked him to do something one too many times and I just don’t have the patience any more, as one example. But if I learn patience but he still doesn’t do the thing I asked (like take his damn shoes off when he comes in the door and not leave his socks on the coffee table) then nothing has changed I’ll just go even more insane trying to stay patient.

    Also many times I’ve tried to plan ahead so he can’t say something came out of nowhere. Take literally today for example. Like 5 days ago I showed him this corner shelf that I thought we could build together and he said he liked it so I asked if on his days off this week if we could go to the store and buy the stuff for it and he said yes. Then yesterday and today were his days off. We were in town grocery shopping and I asked if we could go buy them and then he said he didn’t want to. I said something to convince him, don’t remember what, and then he still said no, so at that point I just gave it up rather than ending up in an argument, because I was pretty sure that was the way it was going.

    I’m not sure if his mom waited on his dad hand and foot, but she does all the cooking and cleaning, if that’s what you mean. Even so, I do all the cleaning aside from an occasional time when I ask for a little help and I often get him to dry the dishes when I wash them, albeit, usually not without a little complaining first. And I do most of the cooking aside from grilling/smoking or cooking steak.


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