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28 thoughts on “Ladylluck live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Let them go!! They are not a part of your life anymore and just realize that sbags deserve each other. You have a good life and a good man besides you and if you ever get the opportunity to tell her off then tell her. Do you have them on social media, if you do take the garbage out and block them, and delete them from your life and don't talk to them ever again.

  2. He hasn’t shown any signs of getting physical yet even though we are a month into dating.

    Abusive partners rarely show their demons at the start.

    Amended/reduced just means the state lawyers/prosecutors didn't have enough evidence (he said/she said) to push more charges than the physical evidence. For it to get to the stage of charges means she would have real wounds and a medical record backing it up.

    He could have made a plea deal for lesser charges too. Or the mother of his child didn't want him in jail, so he could keep supporting her, because she had feelings for him, or any other reasons.

  3. The comeback to that is to make some crude comment referring to his tiny penis- at least he showed his true colours early and you don’t need to waste anymore time on him. It sounds like he hasn’t seen many vaginas in real life.

  4. Do you think she was trying to potentially cheat on me with a guy in that area? I don’t see why else you would post that while in a relationship?

    Maybe she was just thinking “I'm feelin good and lookin good and at the beach!”

  5. Tf kinda person wakes someone up at 3am for sex??? That’s nuts. I would be beyond aggravated if my s/o did that shit. You really think your horniness is more important than his sleep???

  6. it's not alwaysss lost feelings yet, just recognition that it's not forever and there is no point wasting time.

  7. I always tell my partners who I’m with or where I’m going. It’s just a habit that I’ve had for awhile, even if it doesn’t come up.

  8. Yeah I wouldn't be too happy about a tattoo like that on my partner and I'd seriously consider breaking up because it would be a massive turn off for me. I would find that trashy.

    Writing something like that with a marker during some kinky time? Absolutely. Getting it permanently tattooed? Fuck no.

    As to the whole “shed cheat on me”, I think you're looking too deep into something that isn't there.

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hello! My husband and I have been married for 4 years. I have three best friends, one of them is a male who I dated very briefly in college about 20 years ago. Lets call him Tom. We are all friends and even last year we all went on a ski trip with me, my husband, Tom, Toms wife and the rest of our college friend. We are all friends with each other. There has never been an issue.

    The other day, my husband went through my phone and saw Tom had texted me a photo of his abs about 6 months ago. My husband freaked out. The story was that I was talking with Tom and Tom's wife on the phone and they told me Tom had been working for the past year on a “six pack” workout. Tom's wife said that she thought he finally had a six pack. Tom said he didn't think so yet. So they texted me a picture of his abs and I gave my opinion. Fast forward 6 months when my husband goes through my phone and see this. He tells me I can never talk to Tom again, and storms out and got a hotel. Its been 36 hours and he still hasn't come home, he says he won't come home untiil next week.

    I totally understand feeling jealous. But there is nothing at all between me and Tom. I feel like he is really overeacting but I don't know because it can be hot to be objective.

  10. Yeah, I know and I know it’s really a technicality, but it’s kind of weird when things like that happened because somehow your heart doesn’t always remember that. So that’s the problem I personally would have. I wish you the best of luck.

  11. Find out what the laws are regarding abandoned property in your jurisdiction. A quick call to the sheriff’s office will usually do the trick to find out. You want to give him, don’t involve anyone else, the chance to pick up his stuff. You can request a civil standby or assistance too, that way a deputy can be there if he’s uncomfortable being there alone with you.

  12. Consider this:

    Somewhere along the line you learned that being argumentative and inflexible was strength. Maybe it was the only way to talk to your mom or dad. Maybe a sibling rolled over you if you didn’t demand that they see things your way.

    You learned that digging a trench and fighting to the death for that trench was your best move.

    Let’s rethink that. You don’t have to fight those people anymore. You can listen to other points of view. You can be friends with people you disagree with. They aren’t trying to take your lunch-money, they just feel the world differently than you so sometimes.

    Practice this: and do it with your girlfriend if you can. Tell her, Let’s try an experiment. Say something, not meanly, that you know I’ll disagree with. Even better if I’ll know you really believe it.

    Could be anything: the fastest route to the post office or that Nickleback is an awesome band or that cats are better than dogs.

    In this exercise, I want you to commit to not fighting, but more than that, asking yourself, “Why, really, is it so important that I make her agree with me? What am I afraid will happen if she doesn’t agree?”

    Pause a moment, and nod, and say, “I see . Tell me why you think that.”

    Listen. You’re not allowed to argue. You will feel yourself needing to, but return to your questions: “Why does it really matter if she differs from me on this? What am I afraid of?”

    When she’s done explaining, say, “Thank you.”

    Now make a list: what were you afraid of?

    Why did it matter to you, really? And DOES it matter really? This is a person who has consented to share love with you, and that will be far more important than 98% of political, religious, philosophical, or scientific opinions.

  13. 90% of the sexual abuse in my country happens at home with uncles and grandparents with the highest incident rate.

  14. Better to address it now than have years of faking interest and it slowly pushing you away.

    The same respect you want to show her, she needs to show you. You can’t over value her feelings at the expense of your own. That doesn’t work.

  15. It’s not the same as the real thing. It’s a workaround that can hopefully take some of the pressure to perform off of him so that he can start relaxing and enjoying sex. Anxiety is hell on arousal.


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