Koko Kay online webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Koko Kay online webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry but getting engaged is not the answer to this issue.

    She is an adult, and she can get other medical options. She has to look into them and choose what she can.

    If she is on her moms insurance then why can't she see a therapist? Her moms beliefs have nothing to do with it. She can as a adult make her own appointment, and insurance pays for it. So to me that excuse makes no sense.

    I honestly wouldn't get engaged until you see if things like therapy are going to work out, because if you get engaged and she doesn't get help with her issues, because if things don't change, and you don't get the intimacy you obviously are needing then things are not going to work out for you in the long run.

  2. 7 years age gap doesn’t sound like a big gap until something like this comes up.

    You clearly told him you weren’t ready numerous times and he just didn’t listen.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if you also felt relieved now that the relationship is over. Just enjoy yourself

  3. The first time my ex admitted to going outside our marriage he told me, “you have to forgive me, I didn’t have sex with her.” When I read your story, I got flashbacks of that. I can tell you from experience, it’s not worth your precious time and energy to try work things out with someone like that. I wasted 3 years of my life trying to work it out and all I got was therapy bills. Kick him out and take care of yourself.

  4. You could call CPS in to report this, if you wanted to.

    Don't have babies with him. Imagine how his EX feels when he says things like this.

  5. Wtf.. I’m a father of 2 daughters and I have repeatedly stated that I couldn’t care less about who or what gender they are dating as long as they are happy and treated well and with respect. It is up to me to show them how a healthy relationship should look like. What your husband is stating is just sick and disgusting.

  6. Of course it won't be easy, but you only have two options. Either you leave, work on making yourself happy and give your daughters the best life possible. Or you stay, you'll be unhappy, miserable and frustrated the rest of your life and teach your daughters that this is the kind of shit they should expect from a partner and that this is a healthy relationship.

  7. This is actually part of the abuse cycle. The “crumbs,” where he gives you JUST enough to stay and NOT demand what you want/ need out of the relationship.

  8. Shouldn't matter? Maybe. Does it matter? Yes. It clearly does to him. It's pointless looking for logic in it, just accept it for what it is. The man does not what to hear about you having sex with other men. It's not a difficult thing to avoid talking about.

  9. Yeah she's showing you what your life will be like with her if you stick together. You do the heavy lifting, she does the easy stuff. You have to do what she wants no compromise, but you have to compromise what you want to do for her. This is a one way street. That's not a relationship, she's using you. I would not be surprised if she broke up with you once she got settled into her field. Or even just done with the masters.

  10. Well rather than 'dating', stop looking for love, and start looking for platonic friends. There are guys out there looking for love who are also feeling the same things you're feeling. Be patient, don't focus on finding a romantic relationship; Love will find you when you least expect it.

    Also, find a good therapist to help you sort out your emotions, show you how to boost your self-confidence & learn how be a good friend etc… Find clubs that align with your hobbies/interest and join them. Be kind to everyone, Do you, and don't worry about building relationships with who can't/wont accept you for you. Learn how to be comfortable/happy with your own company and love yourself, as you can't truly love someone else until you love yourself. You're young and have a lot of life ahead of you, be the best person to yourself you can be & enjoy the here and now.

  11. sorry princess, chiv's dead, the future is female and you need to man up if you're gonna play with the boys.

  12. Yeah..that's definitely true. We weren't even dating and she thought we were. Dating would require seeing each other at least twice a week. I might as well have been a friend with benefits.

  13. It's incredibly rude to continue a conversation you know your host is uncomfortable with at their table while celebrating their birthday. If this is a social skill you lack, there you go, you know now.

  14. I used to feel this way about adoption too, but I changed my mind after hearing what adoptees were saying. I’d never thought of it that way and at first I said no way, but it stuck with me. They said adoption should be a not for profit service to find the best families to raise kids who don’t have one instead of a billion dollar for-profit industry centered on people who want to become parents. I know you may not agree with this, but I wanted to chime in because this was something I really hadn’t thought of and think their perspective is something to keep in mind.


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