2 thoughts on “Kitty-moon18 live! webcams for YOU!”
Due to societal expectations of masculinity that should be improved or changed, men have been conditioned not to show emotion, which gets further reinforced by the misconception that emotion equals weakness.
As a result, it's more difficult for men to articulate their emotions. I'd advise communicating with him about what you want. Being as direct as possible would be best.
And she can't afford to take 1.5 years off of work either. The cost of tuition is high, but OP didn't even acknowledge the lost wages, which will add even more to the debt than the tuition costs.
Due to societal expectations of masculinity that should be improved or changed, men have been conditioned not to show emotion, which gets further reinforced by the misconception that emotion equals weakness.
As a result, it's more difficult for men to articulate their emotions. I'd advise communicating with him about what you want. Being as direct as possible would be best.
And she can't afford to take 1.5 years off of work either. The cost of tuition is high, but OP didn't even acknowledge the lost wages, which will add even more to the debt than the tuition costs.