Kitana55 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Kitana55 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Because we are long distance and still studying. No steady income, not independent, it would be stupid to get married right now

  2. Yep, I’m 29 F, and I don’t live! with my parents. I do on-line close to them though to help them out. I’m getting help- but it’s been a long journey. I don’t know if you’ve ever had depression- but I couldn’t even get up from bed at the time. I tried to ki*l myself twice but failed both times. I do have friends, but I pushed them away and my friendship isn’t as close as you see on TV or something.

    And I’ve been asking for help- but it’s not possible for me to get up and dust myself off all at once. Im resurrecting the various aspects of my life one by one. I absolutely don’t think im ready for an “artificial” relationship rn. I made absolute terrible decisions in the throes of depression- it was like I wasn’t seeing clearly- and I don’t think I am still strong enough to dedicate myself to a relationship yet.

  3. I'm not seeing any issue with your actions. He cancelled and expects you to sit at home doing nothing. Seems possessive to me.

  4. I’m thinking this is one of those fear of missing out things. Im feeling like these “ changes” she wants to make involve basically being a single fancy free party girl. I know a girl who torpedoed her marriage because of this. She spent too much time on social media and thought everyone else was out living their best life and she was tied down by her marriage and responsibilities. After a year of drinking and partying and lost her job, she realized social media was a lie and asked her husband to reconcile. He told her to piss off

  5. You made the choice when you started dating your girlfriend. The issue now is having the balls to stick with it now it’s finally being challenged. You knew what your parents were like and you must have known your girlfriend wouldn’t appreciate being treated like a second class citizen.

  6. Student loans can be refinanced. Not sure about that amount though. That would take some serious research.

  7. Why not tell him? Butt dialing an ex is a funny story. If he asks for more information, tell him the rest.

  8. I got to admit i am always baffled when people say they want no kids but don't even pretend to try and use conrraception.


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