Kendra-spaded online sex chats for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Kendra-spaded online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Okay I see what you mean.

    Still just wanted to say this isn’t just about “sticking my dick in a girl,” i’m actually looking for a romantic partner

    also about the gym part, i go 6 days a week, watch my calories, all that shit, i’m fully in the “gym life” or whatever u wanna call it ?

  2. Every time I read r/relationship_advice and think “wow, that’s the shittiest behaviour I’ve ever seen,” some new asshole comes along and lowers the bar.

    Your husband is a piece of shit, and I am so sorry you have to deal with this. Fuck him and his designer pants and his manipulating you into providing “free” labor of a type you never volunteered for and also don’t have the skills for.

  3. The way I see it SIL invited you either :

    To show that there are no hard feelings anymore and wants to give you a second chance.

    To force a repeat of the wedding by having you around alcohol and expecting you get wasted just like you did at her sister's reception thus proving her point that you can't be trusted .

    It is a difficult situation to be in because you are still early on in your recovery journey and exposing yourself to alcohol isn't safe yet.

    If I were you I would respectfully and politely decline the invitation and either come up with a white lie as to why I couldn't attend or straight up explain that could be a trigger because I was dedicated in remaining sober and that I was serious about that decision.

  4. Ooh boy. This isn't a plea for help, it's a humble brag. Let me translate: I'm in my 40s and I “accidentally” banged my 22 year old ” gym buddy ( dude, what were you thinking? Carl from work is a gym buddy. That 22 co-ed was always an affair waiting to happen.) I won't tell my wife, and I probably shouldn't tell my bros, because they might talk about it and it might get back to wifey, but deep down, I'm stoked I'm sexy to a young lady and I really want strangers to know how virile I am. Please give me advice except actually being accountable for my actions. I'm going to respond with lip service about how much I love my wife and I'm totally over the gym bunny I mean buddy, except I'm actually already replaying the action in my mind…


  5. As long as he doesn’t regularly put you down or give backhanded compliments, I think he’s probably just ignorant about this and lacking tact. My ex used to point out pimples without meaning any harm, but I’ve also dated some people who did mean to make me insecure by pointing out flaws. You have to look at their overall behaviors to see if they’re more clueless or malicious.

  6. Time for a serious sit down and fry his ass. Do not take any bullshit and make sure he apologizes.

    You see, there is no way a relationship thrives on disrespect and he has disrespected you in front of your child! Used the mother of his child as a bad example, as a failure!

    Even your child was obviously schocked by this and felt the need to tell you.

    Go on a freaking strike at home or something. Demand couples counseling because he obviously has some bottled up resentment towards you.

  7. I'm big on no taboos when humor is concerned. And I particularly enjoy “black humor”. When stand up comedy is concerned and sharing it with people who enjoy it too. Meaning, it's all about context. A personal joke (a joke directed to a specific person) is a joke only if it's funny to the person who is concerned. If it's not, then it's not a joke at all. At worst it's an insult and it's apology time. I doubt your husband is stupid enough not to see that his “jokes” are upsetting to your BIL and your sister. Some people use the “I was just joking” passive aggressive trope when they actually want to hurt someone while hiding their true intentions. Why your husband is purposely upsetting people who are going through difficult times and who obviously find it all upsetting is the question. I'd never allow my husband to behave that way towards my family or even friends. If you cannot make him apologize and stop you should leave your sister's home. Or tell your husband to leave. In fact I'm surprised your sister didn't already ask you to leave.

  8. Same as you don't know it's not simply about the “being ravaged” part…

    Imho you should expect something at least weird when putting out a kink conversation. OP most likely from the way he describes his fantasy of risky place was the one who went and started with testing waters via that conversation. But I digress. He opened up and created a space in which she felt safe enough to tell him something she wouldn't normally even voice because she (definitely) knows it's weird on at least few levels and now she's supposed to get the boot for that?

    What's up with people saying everything is a deal-breaker? Relationship isn't an eternal test where one theoretical question should instantly fail you… Smh

  9. This is worded more like GF is regularly kissing friends. Kissing as a greeting would be just that and not what OP has described.

  10. Of course she's a mean person. These are red flags. You've only known her a month. When you first meet someone you're on your best behavior and trying to impress them so of course she's nice to you. That will change, eventually she will treat you the same way. Who the hell is she that she thinks she's better then someone else because of their job? She's a rude, stuck up bitch. She's not just mean, she's actually trying to endanger someone by making them go to a bad neighborhood. She's psycho! What the hell is wrong with you that you're just sitting there not saying anything? You better watch because when you do eventually wake up and break up with her, you're really going to see how mean and psycho she is. The longer you let it go on, the worse it will be.

  11. Texting her back is the BARE MINIMUM.

    You weren't willing to do the BARE MINIMUM to reassure her and show her you care about more than getting your d'ck wet.

    You lost your chance. Do better next time.

  12. You've already been together for 5 years. You want to get married and have more kids. Isn't it better to know now whether he wants the same?

  13. You are right both need to go to the therapist to deal with the divorce in the right way.

    He showed you were his priorities are.

  14. 6 months. For 6 months she lied, cheated and manipulated you. She looked you in the face, told you she loved you and then went to see another man. You forgave all of that and now she's back talking to the guy. She clearly hasn't learned her lesson and the lack of consequences last time has emboldened her to do it again.

    The whole “it was only messages” thing in some ways makes it worse. That means that your relationship meant so little to her that she was willing to throw it away just so she could message this guy a bit.

    Forget the sunk cost and break up with her, she's not wife or even gf material.

  15. Yes. You've been dating 2 years have met none of his friends as his girlfriend or his family? Yeah I'm sorry to say but you are probably a side piece and his family and friends know his actual partner and that's why he refuses to have you guys introduced. There is no other legit reason why somebody would not introduce you to friends or family this far into a relationship.

  16. It's worse to stay with someone primarily because you are avoiding breaking up with them. Would you want someone to do that to you?

  17. She texted him a pic of him and who ever else he was with at the restaurant not sure why she took it on her phone tho. Guy clearly hitting on her she’s brushing it off tho

  18. The fact she said she doesn’t want to be responsible for your feelings kind of raised a flag for me about yalls relationship. Like how you two interact may not be as ideal as you think it is. Do y’all ever have arguments? Do you feel like she has a hard time saying what she’s thinking bc she doesn’t want to make you upset? Does she avoid certain topics with you to not make you upset? And how do you react to feelings like sadness, anger, disappointment, etc? This is a super common occurrence for women to have to deal with when married to men especially bc women tend to be socialized much differently all their lives and end up doing ALL emotional labor in a relationship. But putting that aside I’d say the relationship is over and maybe both of you can just work on yourselves and go your separate ways at this point.

  19. Yes, for me, it would.

    Nothing against a glass or two of wine while out at a dinner, but over that – and habitually ? That’s not something I choose to be around for all the reasons you mention.

  20. Tell him you don’t want to feel pressured into paying for HIS house.

    Also, you should seriously consider dumping him all together

  21. Take your father out of the discussion. People who want to get married, get married. So, what happens if you put thousands in the house and he dies in an accident? How do you get the money back? You're looking at this the right way. His language in this discussion is rude. You should think about that.


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