Keimiricci on-line webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Keimiricci on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You sort of just contradicted what you said. Yes it's a “him” issue, but as you also mentioned, he's allowed to feel the way he does and is equally allowed to (and generally encouraged to) be open and communicate with his partner about how he feels,- not to repress the way he feels because of his own insecurity. If he decides this is a dealbreakfer for him, that's his choice. He doesn't need to accept what she does.

    Clearly it's an issue for him and obviously they are both on very different pages about this situation.

  2. I say this with love (been there, done that): take some time to work on your self esteem and boundaries. Like, you absolutely deserve to be treated with respect. ABSOLUTELY.

  3. He’s admitted to calling his ex and another woman for the sole reason of hurting you. Why would you trust his actions?

    Also, if you’re so abusive, allegedly, then why does he stay with you? Why is it okay for him to accuse you of cheating or lies, but when you have actual reason to be suspicious you’re suddenly overreacting and not deserving of reassurance.

    Nobody who doesn’t have to hide anything deletes their texts.

    It doesn’t sound like you’re very healthy for each other.

  4. Grow up and realize neither of them owe you anything, even less so your ex.

    You don't have to remain friends with him either but it's an idiotic reason to break a friendship up for.

    Why do you even care after 2 years? Really, you need to get a life asap. For your own benefit.

  5. Allan and his gf are tasteless and lack empathy. They show nude greed while another family is grieving. If you don’t want to intervene, that’s fine, but at the very least don’t support Allan and don’t expect someone like Allan to be supportive or considerate of you. Keep him and his gf at arms length.

  6. I think if she feels like a third wheel and she's paying rent, you should maybe listen to her. There's probably a reason why she's feeling like a third wheel. Three times a week overnight is reasonable. Any more than that… That's kind of pushing it

  7. Yes…but I can understand her position having not experienced her full sexuality. She may decide it's important to her. Also seeing the divorce rate the answer to your first question is no?

  8. Tell him you have to do it to him first before it can be done to you. That shut my husband up real quick ?

  9. As others said, be honest. Don't have sex with her. Not before, not after. When you're done, block and lose her info. Don't do boot calls, or anything.

    She's going to hurt no matter what. Once she is over it she'll be fine, meet the man of her dreams and move on.

  10. Unless he shows you the dated results then I don’t see how you came back positive for it and he’s “negative” there’s just no way possible if he’s the only person you’ve been for a few years with as you stated in your post.

    I’d ask him to show you, I do know that some men can be silent carriers of that particular STD but he has to have it.

  11. I'm so sorry but you need to exit this relationship as soon as possible. This is such a wildly significant violation that I don't think it's repairable, or even should be repaired. Exit. Get out. Go.

  12. Do you want to hang out with Greg and Miranda? For you? If you had no husband/Emily concerns, what would you want to do? Does your husband hang out with you and Emily and her current husband?

    Reality is, this situation will never go away and it will always be background factor as long as you and your hubs are friends with Emily and Greg. If you have even a faint hope of a dinner party with everyone eating happily around a table, lose that now.

    This is the deciding factor on what you do next – if the only reason you would hang with Greg and Miranda is because your husband wants to, then you need to do some thinking about your boundaries and having a long chat with your husband about what YOU are comfortable with and how YOU and YOUR HUSBAND will jointly address the uncomfortable social situation.

    Either way, you need to have a talk with Emily and make it clear you are not and will not be her flying monkey and she needs to stop asking you about Greg.

  13. I would go to counseling if I had the money honestly. The goods in our relationship are really good so i just assumed that meant the bad would be very hot to get through. I just keep chasing after that early feeling.

    I agree with you on it being nuts. But its always like really good and then all of the sudden, boom, were fighting and my masculinity’s comes into question.

    I had a rough childhood too where i felt worthless so i just kinda thought it was me causing everything


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