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96 thoughts on “Katiemorgann online webcams for YOU!

  1. Personaly i have a younger sister and if one of my best friend was to tell me that he had a crush on her i would be okay with it i know im not really the majority that thinks like that but in my opinion it's less scary to leave your sister to someone you know rather than a total stranger.

  2. That would be a deal breaker for me. Your dad is your only family and your BF is trying to separate you from him – why is that? Do you wonder about that? Is there anything else going on with the BF? Is he controlling in other ways too? I am totally suspicious of your BF and his motives.

  3. A few thoughts:

    You were broken up, you were both single. What he did during that time is fair game to….do whatever he wanted. Just like you could have. People can have sex with other people, especially when they are single. Personally, I don't think it's my business to know what my ex was doing while he was my ex. That's his business. the fact that he “moved on” so quickly. Yet…he didn't move on, not really. Yes, he had a couple of dates and had sex. That's, again, what people do. It took him only a couple of months to realize he wanted to be with you. In fact, maybe that fling is what opened his eyes to, “You know what? I was really happy with OP and I want to give that another chance.” So in a sense that short affair might have benefitted you. Regardless – he chose you. I think you should concentrate on that. You can feel hurt, and I kind of get it, but I think this is a you problem, not a relationship problem.

    Good luck OP.

  4. thanks for the reply. I do believe the messages couldbe tinted with guilt. Just had a long conversation with her. She realized how she had been treating me lately and she would work to do better. She also said it is nothing with her new friend and that she would stop seeing this friend if i wanted.

  5. He's human correct? People change and become different. It doesn't have to hurt. Be a friend and call him out on it. Who knows what could happen.

  6. If it's a deal breaker for you then it's a deal breaker. Personally 3 months+long distance would be the deal breaker, remembering my birthday wouldn't even scratch the surface with that giant hurdle in the way.

    So it just comes down to how much of an issue is this for you? At the least, fair chance you are more into this than she is.

  7. Imagine if your parents were in this situation but the genders were flipped. Would you want your mom to wait for your dad to change?

  8. Doubt it. To be honest I’d be wondering why a 37 year old guy is ‘preying’ on my child. Look at the end of the day, you’re 20 years old, you can’t tell me you both enjoy the same things and want the same things. He’ll be looking to settle down and have kids or once you’re too old then prey on his next young thing ?

  9. Switch genders and they’d be calling op some kinda abuser and that the partner should dump him on the spot. They’d say coke a police report and one time isn’t one time because it could happen again.

  10. There’s a lot to digest here. Sounds like you’re both trying to rush into a serious relationship. He said he loved you after only two days of knowing you? And that he wants to marry you only a week after that? How many times have you even seen each other in 40 days? How many actual hours have you physically spent in each other’s presence? I would think about how many other people you know who have had successful relationships on a similar timeline. These are all major red flags to me. Frankly, it sounds like you are both romantically inexperienced and emotionally immature. I would take a deep breath and think how much you can really commit to someone after knowing them for only a single month.

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  13. You are not his girlfriend, you’re someone he uses to kill his downtime when his friends are busy.

    Lose the loser.

  14. I'm not really putting my dating life on hold. We are happily committed to each other and have many mutual friends. So maybe suggest taking a break while she is overseas?

  15. Would you have a tantrum if one your relatives started dating someone named Rosie or if a coworker is named that? Would you start screaming at a cashier for being named that ? If the answer is no you need to grow up and get grief therapy it's been long enough for you to have been proactive in your grief.

  16. Sexsomnia is a condition whereby the sufferer is asleep but will do sexual things while sleeping. Sometimes with their partner, who thinks you're awake, but you're not.

    Even if you were masturbating? So what? People masturbate. He definitely does. He should grow up and move on. It's nothing

  17. This is terrible advice. He has already told her multiple times what his feelings and boundaries are on this and she has constantly disregarded them. There is a point at which it is not our responsibility to explain how to be a non-abusive adult human being to people in our lives. And that goes for our partners too.

  18. Hitting or grabbing anywhere on the head or face is sooo beyond acceptable. It's aggressive and hostile and it doesn't matter how 'lightly' he did it, there was anger behind it. He absolutely would have done it harder and harder, bit by bit if you had stuck around. He did it 'lightly' to gauge your reaction first. Because everyone knows the face and head are off limits.

  19. Doesn’t matter divorce her and let her know about the cheating. Get a lawyer and give him the evidence.

    I have been divorced 5 years. I barely talk to my ex and I gave up being a great co-parent because she is still bitter and uses children as weapons. Kids are fucking resilient, they will be sad and they might not like at first. But as long as you give your children the attention they need and spend time with them and prioritize them, they will be just fine.

    Don’t talk bad about the mom no matter how much fucked up shit happens.

    Lawyer up. Don’t care if you don’t think you need one, you fucking do! You don’t know this person anymore, people do fucked up shit and your lawyer will protect you from that.

    Sorry your going through this but so not work on this marriage. Better yourself for your kids and you.

  20. So to be clear, y’all were never close fiends and he’s reached back out?

    To me, this sounds more like a way to get back into your life. It’s odd to me that he’s set on being “friends” after such a short situationship. The “omg we’ve both matured!” seems like a way to convince you further

    I’d trust your gut.

  21. She is already gone. You becoming distant has nothing to do with it. She wants an excuse to screw around. If you give in to what she suggested she will spend less and less time with you until you become the side piece. If you tell her no this is gonna piss her off and she is gonna cheat

  22. I’m far more concerned that he is 41 and doesn’t have the money to pay for your dates. I mean….WHA??????? And WHY?

    That said my husband and I have a 9 year gap. It works for us. But as he gets older I’m having to deal with issues I didn’t imagine I would for years. It’s a concern. He may be able to retire decades before you do. (If he can afford it) Are you okay with that?

  23. Why are you keeping it from him? If you regret it, just end things. He's still in high school and you are moving on with life. It's two different worlds and it's natural to grow apart. It is not healthy for you to be codependent on him because you are lonely, when he is not looking for the same from you. Make connections and friendships now before you don't know how to anymore.

    Trust me. I'm 33 and literally have no IRL friends that I hang out with. Just people I talk to online. I regret it now and you already do. So don't let it keep happening.

  24. I am from originally a northeastern state and now I’m living a bit more south. So maybe that’s part of it.

  25. Leave. I'm telling you from experience that you're always going to second guess everything he tells you from now on. He lied when confronted and is probably lying about more than this. Life is too short to waste it with someone who broke your trust. I don't care what people say, this can't be worked through. Once the trust is gone, it's gone.

  26. Yep, you did. Personally because you just impromptu read her diary I don't think you are ready for a relationship yet. That being said I also wouldn't stay with someone who wasn't attracted to me.

  27. If he was 21 and in college, I would understand the frat boy nonsense a bit more but he’s thirty fucking two. He doesn’t seem to know how to adult.

    I personally wouldn’t waste any more time with him. The guy has a substance use problem.

  28. One thing to consider is that because books give you the opportunity to visualize characters yourself, she is visualizing you.


    That being said if it bothers you just talk to her rationally.

  29. It’s normal, and you dont seem to be together yet so it wouldn’t be cheating but an odd thing to say..wouldn’t you just end it

  30. I think it’s OK to ask him to talk to you more about what happened she might’ve been a hygiene issue or a menstrual issue or some thing that one off really bad. But I say pressure him a little bit and here’s why there may be something that you can actually help him move through on that said he won’t do on this that will make a sex life in the future enjoyable, and also allow him to be good to you you

  31. I have been trying for the past two years but it really hurt me how he was willing to give that kind of communication to her & not me. I felt that, as a woman, she also should know not to over-text someone who is in a relationship right? Correct me if i’m wrong. It was really about random things like her passing her bike test etc, which made me really uncomfortable having someone share this kind of intimacy with him.

  32. You can't choose your parents, but you can learn from them and not be like to your own children.

    Plus at the end of the day always remember you get to choose what old folks home they get to go into.

  33. I would suggest keeping communication open, and checking in about where he’s at, and what he thinks about your future together. After all he’s been through, I imagine he may not be interested in concrete plans.

  34. Right! The “friend” may not be the ‘type to just cut people off’… OP should say ‘But I am, also the type who cuts off rapists and their enablers/sympathizers, bye’.

  35. OP if someone came to you and told you this story, would you tell them to stay and work it out? Or would you tell them to run as fast as they can from this abusive man? Because this entire story was just highlighting red flag after red flag

  36. That sounds tiring if you keep having to give effort.

    Are you happy spending every weekend with her?

    Or is they part of the space issue?

  37. Why would you care what she is posting on a private account? Ignore it and ignore the messages. Or, file a restraining order. Absolutely do not engage with her.

  38. The relationship is dead OP, he's told you how he feels and can you honestly say you wouldn't resent the shit out of him regardless of what you do now?

    Ultimately, you have to make the choice that you can online with, but I caution you to think with a potential mom brain. If you are going to bring a kid into the world who has a parent who resents and doesn't want them, the both of you are in for a rough ride. That doesn't necessarily mean it's not a worth it ride, but even your best effort can't just erase the problems that pop up–you have to plan for it.

  39. Can't wait for the “My (20F) sister (??F) won't speak to me because I slept with her Ex-BF(28M)” post coming soon

  40. I agree with her and also when you get to a certain age or maturity you realise that there are far more important things than physical beauty… like inner beauty.

  41. Actually funny you say the gift of fear thing. I had him on social media but didn’t stalk through it or anything. He didn’t post her anyways BUT for the past seven months my gut was going CRAZY. I was seeing him at least five days a week sometimes everyday of the week. The whole time my mind was like something is wrong something is wrong. He saw me super often and nothing changed between us, NOTHING. My gut was just SCREAMING. Then I found out from his friend telling me who has a crush on me.

    I’ll look into it, thanks!! I’ve been wanting to read more.

    So he wants a reaction from me or more drama??? I don’t get these peoples thinking. I have just been trying to move on and go through the motions. It’s crazy how attacked I’m getting on here too

  42. So much misinformation on this thread. You can find out you’re pregnant as early as 9DPO, literally that’s nine days after you’ve had sex. Some people even earlier. The “three weeks pregnant” on the test is not “three weeks since you had sex” it’s three weeks since the egg was released, which is also different for everyone.

    Lastly, first ultrasound is totally dependent on where you are, most places do not do ultrasound until 12 weeks due to mass shortages (North America).

  43. Since you’ve decided to keep it, you need to tell him. He and his fiancee deserve to know before committing to a lifetime together. I would say something along the lines of, “Hey, I got pregnant during our time together, and I’ve decided to keep it. I don't expect anything from you, but I’d like to talk asap.”

  44. Right. In fact, OP has broken a law by viewing the material if she doesn't immediately report him. OP, you really have no other option. Get to the police immediately. Don't sit on this.

  45. That’s….concerning. Seems like love bombing to me. Or she just wants to settle down ASAP and a wedding is her goal with anyone who doesn’t just suck.

    I’d pump the brakes here and tell her you want to take things more slowly. Hell, my partner and I weren’t official until we’d been dating 6 mos. Not saying that’s a magic number but people don’t usually show their true colors until 6+ mos and you’ve dated for 6 weeks.

    She’s in lust or is delusional.

  46. You need to tell your husband to pipe down. Yelling in your face? No I don’t think so—he needs to be put in his place tell him if he ever screams at you like that over something so-so LITTLE—trust further action needs to be taken—there’s no reason for him to be that way and show him this post so he can understand why nobody has a need for such an aggressive asshole ish husband.

  47. Glad you broke up with her now when she's had her fun and comes back looking to get back together don't fall for the trap and say no to her.

  48. I like to give him massages and a special food or dessert. He brings me chocolate and yarn. My dad brings my mom take out. My mom buys him coffee. My friend puts a bit of money away so they can go on a weekend vacation. His gf takes him to the arcade. In short your the only one here that knows what he likes.

  49. For real love, you don’t have to do any of that. You are perfect just the way you are. Now getting a job and being productive is important. But you never have to change yourself. He’s not your person.

  50. I think OP should get into therapy and be open to the idea that she has low/no empathy. Obviously that can mean serious psychopathy and cruelty, which is what others here are responding to. But it can also be more “innocent “ in that OP clearly doesn’t even realize how bad this was, didn’t mean to “hurt” him. But going forward, OP does need to learn about empathy and kindness so she can avoid damaging her relationship further. Because she does want to stay married, and so far, as far as we know, so does her husband.

  51. I would send a text asking him how is he doing, depending on his answer (or lack of), I would keep dating him or not.

  52. Why do you even want to be with him? What is he offering that’s makes you’re life any better?

    This reads like all he does is bring you down. Are their any positives in your relationship? Regardless , let the trash take itself out.

  53. I understand him wanting his own time, but this just gives me vibes of “he’s just not that into you”.

  54. You are what's wrong with society when it comes to sexual assault towards men.

    You can orgasm and not like it, they are biological and very straightfoward for men. Let's say he did enjoy it, pleasure does not mean consent.

  55. she told me that anyone would if the chemistry was right, and that if someone did promise me to always be faithful that person would be a liar

    Lmao NOPE she's a cheater.

    Tons of people every single day encounter other people they have great chemistry with. Sometimes they even have a years long old bond and history and CRAZY good chemistry, and they still don't cheat because they're not fucking cheaters and they refuse to hurt their partners for their own selfishness.

    She thinks everyone would do it because SHE would do it. She's making excuses.

    She's a cheater, dump her bro.

    Source: 12+ years in a faithful relationship, where there were opportunities with “chemistry” and no one cheated.

  56. Create a burner and tell everything to her family and her boyfriend. They need to know the full story, now.


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