2 thoughts on “Kate-Stone on-line webcams for YOU!”
There are some cultures where remitence is so common, it's expected. Some Latin cultures fall under this umbrella. Your girlfriend has probably already been sending her money to her mom/sister, but likely not close to $1k a month.
I think you and her need to sit down and discuss this. Let her know that this issue is huge and that, while you want to get married to her one day, you both need to have a plan for dealing with her family, otherwise your relationship will never move forward from what it is now.
How enmeshed is she with her mom/sister? Would she ever go no contact? What boundaries need to be in place for you both to move forward with marriage?
The sister needs to seek professional help. A psychiatrist is the place to start. Therapy could also be of help. If she refuses to seek help or refuses to follow the recommendations of the Dr then you may have a life long problem. Sometimes our partners come with baggage, you need to decide if you want to stay in a relationship if the sister is part of your GFs baggage.
There are some cultures where remitence is so common, it's expected. Some Latin cultures fall under this umbrella. Your girlfriend has probably already been sending her money to her mom/sister, but likely not close to $1k a month.
I think you and her need to sit down and discuss this. Let her know that this issue is huge and that, while you want to get married to her one day, you both need to have a plan for dealing with her family, otherwise your relationship will never move forward from what it is now.
How enmeshed is she with her mom/sister? Would she ever go no contact? What boundaries need to be in place for you both to move forward with marriage?
The sister needs to seek professional help. A psychiatrist is the place to start. Therapy could also be of help. If she refuses to seek help or refuses to follow the recommendations of the Dr then you may have a life long problem. Sometimes our partners come with baggage, you need to decide if you want to stay in a relationship if the sister is part of your GFs baggage.