Katana Kombat live! sex chats for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “Katana Kombat live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. have you told him that? his comment about money makes it sound like he thinks you want a wedding, which is expensive, and he thinks it’s unnecessary.

  2. Its your dealbreaker. You actually make the rules in this regard.

    Someone can be truthful and know they'll lose you and thats okay. Its just how life is. You're the one who has to decide if its a dealbreaker or if you're willing to make an exception. Sometimes when exceptions are made, you need to be prepared that the dealbreaker behavior will continue and how you'll handle it.

  3. I'm trying not to message too much, on the advice of my friends and family.

    Believe me, the phone call was long and I did ask. I asked whether it was that I put on a bit of weight, whether she preferred it when I was a student rather than working. Every suggestion was denied. She just said she's “thought long and hard” and that the love is apparently gone.

    I think there is an element, potentially, of her worried about stringing me along when she's not sure if she ever wants to get married or have kids. If I asked, I'm sure she'd deny this too.

    It sounds bizarre, but all I've been trying to get from her is our photos saved on her phone. I don't trust her with them. Also maybe she'll look at them.

  4. Yeah no you are not at all it mama, so you cheated, you got a best friend who’s entire goal is to obviously have you to themselves and your with your BF who’s clearly stated his boundaries but at dinner with him literally text her to the point you get caught deal w this one yourself ??

  5. Dude you’re that down bad huh? Ok first no one is perfect nor should they be put on a pedestal as this will only set you both up for failure. You need to keep it real and chill. It may be best for you to talk to a professional as well. Just to make sure your mind is in the right place.

  6. I'm not gonna read the comments, I'm just going to say, this isn't about the child or about the father, this is about you. You don't believe you're ready at 18, you don't feel comfortable with the potential father of your child, and at 7 weeks in, him and his family are already impacting your mental. You do what is best for you. If that's keeping it, I recommend going to parenting courses. If that's aborting it, I don't recommend consulting with him as he'll do his best to manipluate you and call you all the things you don't want to hear. If you want to give it up at birth, that's up to you, but remember you'll still have to deal with the hormones and the post-partum depression. With all that in mind, I wish you luck. Ps. If you're in the U.S. make sure you look up your laws.

  7. Right I have no intention of training him, I just meant maybe I was accidentally training my boyfriends to be super comfortable in situations that lead to cheating and even if I don't want to, was wondering if I should change that.

    But I agree, I'm not jealous and I never will be and I should be able to let him know that without him misusing it. If he misuses it, that's on him.

  8. I like that, yeah I think thats an important conversation for me to have. I think the apologizing is really important as well on your part, and I'm sure people appreciate it when you do apologize.

  9. The photo thing was something I did with my parents long before I had a boyfriend. My parents would also hit me and yell at me. He is nothing like my parents or ex

  10. Probably “much easier and less effort to sleep.” I’m the same but I’m a woman. I can sleep without but if I do it, I can be out like a light in 5min. Otherwise I’d be tossing and turning for an hour or two. And if he needs to be well rested by a certain time it’s prob just what he’s used to. Not really siding either way cuz it’s nuanced but I understand where OP coming from on that. Doesn’t make him an addict. I don’t need it but if I can I prefer it

  11. Probably because they know they didn’t do any of the actual parenting because they were too busy putting work first. It has nothing to do with having one kid but everything to do with them not being there for you. The real lesson to take away from this is be a good parent and don’t have someone else raise your kids because you are too busy working.

  12. Some people just get good at being liars. It’s that simple.

    A story, feel free to ignore and scroll past.

    I was 23, my Fiancé lived with me, I was at a Ju-Jitsu comp all Sunday, got back home at 7pm, two hours early (1990 – no mobiles) and she was packing her stuff into bags. She left, I was broken. F I loved that woman (she was at the Royal Ballet). She said she couldn’t be with me and there was nobody else.

    Days later – friend called me to say “you need to know she’s been seeing the guy you sit next to at work, I cannot carry on seeing you so heart broken, so yea just needed you to know she left you as she was seeing him”.

    Next day was “interesting”.

    In fact this story is long and FUNNY and I’ll not do it justice but ……

    It doesn’t help when your uncle (raised me like my older brother, ten years my senior) was Special Forces and hopping up and down wanting to “sort the problem for me”. I did not pass on any details to him and I slowly started the process of healing. It nearly killed me, I’ll be honest but Father Time held my hand and we found a way of getting over it.

    Yes, for those that want to know, I did sit down and hatch a plan of retribution with my uncle and his friends, all SF. I don’t drink. The night we hatched the plan they were all drunk and how hilarious it was to watch, you can only imagine how excited they all were the more drunk they became. Anyway I executed the plan over several years and I felt better and almost happy I did it. It’s a story I do tell to occasional friends and everyone ends up in tears of laughter. Forces people – don’t f with them as they are very inventive. 🙂

    Addendum – I once mentioned this story on Reddit and received an instant “the story that never happened”. I expect from some child. However, this is true …

  13. Honestly, it sounds like he needs some time to be single and away from both you and Sara to figure out what he wants – if he wants anything at all.

    I think it is absolutely okay that you shot your shot and told him how you feel, however, I am concerned about these things:

    We broke up in July of last year and got back in November and again broke up after 3 days

    after sometimes of me apologizing and promising things he accepted

    he is askin me to wait for him and said he will leave sara eventually.

    Firstly, it doesn't bode well that either of you know what you want if you flip flop about being together so often. Seems like either neither of you are sure whether this is the relationship you want, or he isn't sure.

    Secondly, as much as compromise is important in relationships, making promises to change who you are and apologising (I'm assuming for nothing huge like cheating) for being who you are, and changing who you are to be with someone who doesn't love you as you are is not a good idea. It will end in tears when they realise you aren't who they wanted all along, and you will be unhappy pretending to be someone you are not instead of living your life for you.

    Thirdly, as much as I can empathise with him worrying about hurting Sara's feelings – he is okay with wasting your time on a promise of 'eventually' he will leave this new girl – after he has known you for years. He may leave her, he may never leave her. I have seen many people leave their current partner (after asking someone else to wait) only to go and date someone completely separate.

    I think he is wasting your time and even if he does come back to you it seems he wants to come back to a different version of you and not because he loves you for who you are. I know that sounds mean but instead of just waiting around for him to 'eventually' leave a girl he hasn't known for anywhere near as long as he has known you – you should go out and have fun with your friends, get new hobbies, inspire yourself and grow your life, meet new people (you don't need to date anyone or get in a relationship but I assume this was your first proper partner so you haven't even seen who else is out there). If he does end up leaving Sara during this time of self-discovery for you, then he knows how you feel already and he will reach out. If he doesn't then he was never going to, and if he does then you can decide if you still want him at that point.

  14. Im sure you're just make the universal mistake we all do of reading a text in an unintended tone.

    Its the classic incident too, where someone stating something plainly often gets read as an irritable tone.

    Try not to read into anything too much until you're actually talking in person.

  15. Because the second she is done working, she asks when I will be done with the games.

    When she asks this, you tell her “darlin this is my ME time, you go and have yourself some ME time too, when I'm finished I'll let you know”

    When she wants to show you shit off tik tok, tell her you can't look up now and to send them to you to watch later

    She will ask me in the middle of playing to go get her something to drink or to snack on, which she doesn’t do herself, rarely if ever does she go grab what she wants personally.

    You are not her maid, she's a grown up, she can get it herself

  16. As I mentioned, I am in therapy, in fact my therapist had a couples session with us. I think I miss the “norm”. And I want to Haye him for the abuse, but I'm not capable. I did just remarry my ex husband whom I never got over. And I'm happy with that decision. But I still have a soft spot for ex-abuser

  17. “Are you someone who does nearly everything yourself because you feel no one else will do whatever it is correctly?” I want to start here because I feel this is very true for me. I have worked so naked to be independent to the point that I would never need a man. I mainly did this to make my father proud but never thought that it would cause issues in a relationship.

    My boyfriend does many things that makes me feel loved. He always pays for my gas which at first bothered me but now it makes me feel loved and spoiled. He always makes sure I have something to drink and if I am hungry after dinner, he will make me a snack. He does many things that makes me feel loved.

    I enjoy applying to jobs for him because I know that he doesn't have a lot of time to do so and usually I'm bored off my butt at work because most times I don't have any work to do. I am hopeful that he will grow up in the sense that I won't have to remind him of things like events coming up or when to leave for things. He procrastinates horribly which bothers me a lot. He also has problems like throwing a fit about little things and making it way more than it needs to be. For example: I was jealous of a female coworker he has been talking to and becoming close with. Not because I think he would make a move on her or anything but just because she is another female and it makes the pit of my stomach ache when I think about them talking even though he tends to talk about us a lot with her. He got mad that I felt jealous and told me I was being childish and that the jealousy needs to stop. He ran out of our apartment and got in his car and left. He wouldn't answer my texts and then when he called me and we talked, he got mad and hung up on me because he didn't want to listen to what I had to say. It is infuriating.

    For Christmas he had his mom help him pick out jewelry for me. She doesn't know me as well as he does and got me something that I can't wear because I am allergic to the metal. I have told him several times about this allergy. I don't like that he had his mom help him… I feel like he should be grown up enough to do it himself.

  18. It would be her biological child, and to some that matters. To you it doesn’t, and that’s ok. If you disagree with the suggestion, totally fine, but I see nothing inappropriate by offering the suggestion.

  19. You stay with him and your problems will get worse. Be glad you don’t have children with him—he’s a drug abuser who lies and cheats on you. Do you really see this relationship lasting?

    He doesn’t care about you, only about himself.

    Get out now while the getting is good.

  20. No. Don't do it. She doesn't want YOU, she wants you to support her. The clue being her not wanting to end her marriage without good reason. The good reason should be that her marriage is awful, and wants out. Not that she can count on you to take care of her. Do not be her back up plan. Move on with your life without her, otherwise you're going to find yourself being used, taken advantage of, and strung along. Everything she is still you are right out of the cheaters/users handbook. Don't let her do that to you. You deserve more, and better.

  21. Your opinion and feelings on this don’t matter at all to be frank. You can not control what she does. You CAN control how involved you get AND how much you let it bother you. If this is going to be a stressor and potentially financial hindrance on your life you have disengage and leg the sister and her parents/BF figure it out. It’s not your problem and to be honest the longer you make other peoples problems your own the more miserable you will become. Set your boundaries. Don’t get involved in any way in raising this baby, you guys are young too and can’t be expected to fix your gfs sisters problems. If your GF refuses to respect these boundaries then you’ll have to consider breaking up.

  22. Yeah I’ve felt this for a while and I just feel I am putting my feelings last I did try to make a compromise so I see her with her bf maybe once a month but she still did not accept it

  23. You should leave it be. You don't want to be caught up in all of this just for some thrills. This is how people end up dead.

  24. I started having the conversation with him at the start of 2020 so when Covid hit that was his reasoning and when that cooled off it was he didn’t want to have a “Covid wedding” basically meaning he didn’t want to have any type of restrictions and then it turned into financials but we split expenses so unless he is paying for something huge over the last year I am not sure how that would play into it

  25. “When I grow up, I wanna be a lardo on workman's comp just like dad”

    “I heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.”

    God I love that show.

  26. Even in the video when I realized what was going on, I tell him I don’t want to be recorded.

    He's gaslighting you.

    Him uploading it is a moot point. You didn't consent to him recording you. You literally have yourself on film telling him don't want to be recorded. He ignored you. Whether or not he deliberately uploaded the video (which he mostly likely did), he's responsible for filming you without consent and losing control of the fucking video.

    Like hey! I'm just going to record you while you tell me no, and whoops! I accidentally uploaded it to my affluental social media page!

  27. He’s trying. I promise he is, but depression is a son of a bitch and he won’t be able to do it by himself.

    I would suggest bringing these issues up to him gently and ask if he would consider getting help. Either through therapy or through medication.

    I did Zoloft which was fantastic at making me not worry about anything—but I also wasn’t worried about my weight or cleanliness. So I was also prescribed Wellbutrin which is like a mild aderall which cancelled out the negative affects of Zoloft. And both of those medications had me feeling like a functional human being.

    I’m not on antidepressants anymore, but they did help. And they help with teaching your brain “this is how a normal person would react in this circumstance” kind of thing.

    Honestly, your concern and your support for him would go a long way. I’m not sure if an ultimatum would work, like “do this or I can’t be with you anymore”. Because honestly it’s the truth and it would give him the kick in the butt to get better, but it’s not him himself wanting to get help. It’s the threat of you leaving that would make him seek help. And seeking help won’t do anything unless he actually wants to get better.

    So don’t beat yourself up if he’s not ready to get better yet. Sometimes depression feels like a comforting thing. It’s naked to explain.

  28. She’s not into either of those, which is too bad cause I agree that would be the perfect way to pass the time, she’s just not into em

  29. We don't make enough to hire someone.. and our space is small enough that I think we have the ability to handle the work ourselves.

  30. Not arguing isn't exactly an improvement in her quality of life. It seems that the medications made her unable to feel any anger, or perhaps anything at all. At that point it's bad, because she also can't feel GOOD emotions if she feels entirely numb. This is most likely why she's unsure of her feelings for you. If she can't feel happy, how does she know how to feel?

    I think she should definitely work on changing medication with her doctor. After not feeling anything for 2 years though? That's rough. I feel like someone should have checked in on how she felt with these meds.

    Right now, do your best to be loving and supportive. Maybe with the right medication things may come back to her. I hope so, anyways.

  31. It all sounds complicated, but it's not. You don't love him, so you shouldn't be married to him. The divorce system will ensure an equitable split even if you were trying to squeeze him, and you can tell your attorney not to squeeze. If he is dissatisfied with his post divorce standard of living, he can get a different job. So what if he has to change his lifestyle? His current one doesn't sound worth living, between the wife who despises him and he despises, and the constant gaming.

  32. My last relationship was abusive physically, sexually (how I ended up pregnant. ) and mentally he was trying to trap me I know the signs. I'm seeing a therapist I've talked to her about most of the things in my current relationship and she thinks it's healthy. I really just explained his pov horribly. He's not trying to trap me and I'm sure he will accept if I told him I wasn't ready he just brings it up from time to time.

  33. On the contrary, getting creative to give your woman what she needs to be is grown man shit, never mind “lmao.”

  34. You've only been dating for 6 months, it's way too early to move in together in my opinion. I would try to explain that it would only be beneficial to him at the moment because like you said, you like your living arrangements and you're not paying rent currently.


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