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30 thoughts on “Katalina Parker live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hi, I am deeply sorry for you. I would like to advise you to talk to him about it, but it sounds like that wouldn't help. I can't understand how it doesn't bother him in any way, if your partner is crying the first response should be to hug them ask what is going on and be there for them. Talk about how you feel wen he doesn't do this and if he can't see he does something insensitive and wrong dump him please. I know you love him but this is not healthy in any way. Good luck OP

  2. No means no.

    And it works both ways. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. If she doesn't want to do something, then she doesn't have to do it neither. Intimacy is about 2 people connecting and both having fun, respecting each others boundries.

  3. Its great she is in therapy! Give it time.

    Consider some sessions for yourself, they will give you some insights and some skills to use to not only help support your partner but to apply in other areas of your life too!

    Best to you?

  4. You needed to break up with him like 6 months ago. He is cruel to animals. That’s one of the absolute shittiest traits a person can have. It’s a felony in my state. I don’t want to be rude, but I’ll just say that I don’t think highly of a person who let this continue after the first time. You should have left him the first time he hit your dog. Poor puppy, I hope he’s ok.

  5. You are only 4 months in, end it and move on

    She seems to have lost interest. Get out before she ends up dragging you along before suddenly dumping you. It sounds almost inevitable that she will eventually end it as she has made up her mind that this is not what she thought it was.

    Spend your energy elsewhere where there is a better looking future.

  6. Interesting how his negative actions keep affecting you.

    He wanted to make himself feel better by playing the victim card.

    Be happy you ended it. He can believe whatever he wants.

  7. And why is it that she needs to accommodate his needs? Why are his feelings more important than hers? Why should she subject herself to sex she doesn’t want (basically “allowing” her husband to rape her)?

    I personally think she needs to let him sleep with other people since she has no interest in doing it herself.

  8. Ya there is ZERO chance he actually stayed at his mom’s all those nights. Thats a convenient lie. Milk this jackass for all the child support you can!

  9. I'm so sorry that this is something you have too deal with, your bf and “friend” sound exhausting. Whatever you do you need to shut this bs down NOW.

    You tell your bf that this is unacceptable and extremely disrespectful too you. If he continues to pressure you/bring this up more you will end the relationship immediately.

    You tell your “friend” that she's a walking piece of garbage and shouldn't be having eyes for your partner, if she continues to pressure you/bring this up more you will end your “friendship” immediately.

    Also, your bf needs to completely stop contact with this “friend”.

    Finally, watch them like a hawk, cause there's a HIGH likelyhood that they'll still cheat.

    So either cut them both off now, or give them ONE chance and be ready to cut them off when they break that one chance or cheat behind your back anyways.

    “There's a pretty good chance they've already slept together and are trying to get you to be okay with it now after the fact”

  10. Well have fun when your boyfriend and friend are fucking each other behind your back even though you told them not to.

  11. Not really sure what you’re looking for here. Common sense would be asking her to stop meowing seems like the most logical advice here. Talk to the person first, not Reddit.

  12. I agree! Jim is a idiot! With double standards. He watches porn, probably pleasuring himself whilst watching and possibly lusting after the women. You listen, no lusting after other men, but he has a problem with you! And calls it cheating! Seriously! The lies to his friend about you knowing his stance on porn! How manipulative is that?? Pack up his things and drop it off to his mates house!

    This guy is unreal!

  13. Info: why do you think he’s different? Is it because he was hesitant to start it (you mentioned in another comment)? Because his hesitation is due to his self preservation and image, and not for your wellbeing.

    If he was really different he would have never started it

  14. You already broke up the family when you got involved with a married man and I'm not saying it in a mean way…just stating the facts. Hell yea you should tell the wife . I would want to know so I don't spend the rest of my precious life with a cheater. One thing in life you can't ever get back is time… so it's time to tell her.

  15. It is 100% projection. She’s feeling guilty about dating someone so young so she’s putting off her guilt on her girlfriend. OP should absolutely end this relationship. The girlfriend is toxic.

  16. It’s horribly embarrassing now, but it’s going to be a really funny story in a few years. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

  17. Female sexual dysfunction is hard to treat and gets ignored by most medical professionals. I can empathize because I’ve had a decade of it and it is really very hot to maintain intimacy when you have to actively remember that you are supposed to want sex.

    All that being said, when you have sexual dysfunction you need to take the time and put in the effort to initiate intimacy. I personally feel like you have the added responsibility because it is managing your own issue.

    Your wife has written your health and happiness off as inconsequential and not necessary for her happiness.

    OP, I am usually the first person to jump on the couples therapy train, but sometimes that is not the right choice. Couples therapy comes with the assumption that both parties want to fix the issues.

    Your wife just wants you to keep her in the lifestyle she finds comfortable.

    I would actually say you should look for a therapist for just you. Someone who can help you firm up what you want in life. Also, find a lawyer. Just get an idea what you need to set up to get out of this relationship as whole as possible.

  18. And how this is helping OP? I get you have a new account etc , but the purpose of this sub is to actually support the OP. For someone with such creditionals, you are running high on theory and low on any actionable insights ..do you have anything to add that actually helps OP ? Or do you just want to mansplain basics that everyone with a basic psych degree learned in their first year

    Help OP understand and provide support and actionable insights , that's the purpose of this sub

  19. Find out who texted and track down the owner of the account (you can track down any account). Sue them if you can. This person tried to break your marriage and damage you emotionally. From my understanding it's probably someone you used to date or someone you have a mutual friends with (or maybe one of your own friends who is secretly in love with you-or maybe they're in love with your wife and they want her single). Don't wait for you wife to do something. Show your loyalty by proving her they're lying. There is no way she'll ease with only words of affirmation from you.


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