KAROL on-line webcams for YOU!

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45 thoughts on “KAROL on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Wow you’ve ended your marriage for this woman and want to integrate your families and marry after only a year.

    You’re clearly very taken with her, you’ve turned your whole life upside down for her, but I’ve got to be honest, your post history reads like you’re a bit of fun to her that has lost its novelty value, and she increasingly considers you and your family a chore:

    When she was away with her mum and daughter, all she sent you was pictures of herself and her daughter, despite your messages of affection.

    She says your daughter is too much hot work and she now never wants to on-line with or be married to you.

    She’s done an about-turn on the biggest commitments she made to you.

    She doesn’t trust you, with good cause since you were clearly interested in her whilst married to someone else and left that person for her.

    Stop trying to read between the lines and believe what she is showing and telling you.

    You love her far more than she loves you, she doesn’t trust you or have any faith in the longevity of your relationship. Take your family and prioritise them, on your own. Your daughter is going through a difficult time and needs to know she’s loved, not shunned by someone her mother puts before her.

  2. simple answer: u can’t control what she posts. You either trust her or don’t, it’s either a boundary or isn’t. But you can’t guilt her into not doing something, that’s not right. u can talk about it but she doesn’t have to listen to you, if she doesn’t will it come up again? if so then compatibility isn’t there on that front.

  3. He sounds like a terrible selfish lover. Time to find a new one. Any man that doesn't want to do foreplay is a trash ass lover and all of us women know it lol

  4. Try to talk him is fine but if he still insist this kind of attitude, well all I can say is leave, leave him alone.

  5. Safewords only work when both parties understand that it means “no” and not “try again in 5 minutes.

  6. What would you do in this situation?

    Also worth noting her phone is glued to her so getting the number in itself would present quite the challenge.

  7. Please get rid of him and focus on yourself. He’s cheating on you and making jokes that he KNOWS are hurtful. You can do so much better.

  8. OP is asking for suggestions on things that could help. If he truly wants to figure out what’s causing the problem, cutting out porn for a bit seems like a fairly easy thing to do. If it turns out that’s not the cause, he can resume his use.

  9. Ya that's a good way. I would like to confront the last 2 times that she's canceled because maybe it'll spark a conversation on how I feel about it or something that she may be withholding what do you think?

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  15. Also this is a 20 year old man who’s telling you “my mom said no” and that’s not an instant turn off?? And instead of letting go of this internet stranger who’s decisions are delegated by his parents, you continue to pursue him and try to override the concern of his parents? Everything about this is so weird

  16. Hello /u/ThrowRA278722,

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  17. I agree with your friend, just move on. Behaviour from both sides are not healthy here, I don't understand why you would continue messaging her for months without a single response, it's weird tbh and a bit creepy. From her end, I don't know what kind of game she's playing, maybe just keeping her options open? Regardless, it's unacceptable, why do want to be with someone who cba to reply to a text once in months?

  18. It means that if you have an emergency or you have a problem and need to talk to someone, you can call her.

    No, it doesn't mean you can show up on weekends or that she is going to feed you.

  19. We was seeing eachother for a few years. I first started to see her when she was around 7 months pregnant

  20. There’s a post in offmychest where the persons boyfriend pissed in a bottle and when they confronted him he purposely spilled it in the house saying they are making a big deal. Yes if this is breakup worthy, as it is for me too. Do it. You wouldn’t wanna end up like ole girl in offmychest.

  21. Lmfao and you call these people friends?

    This is why you don't try to make communal spaces like this without lots of communication and intentionality from all involved. Now it's more about power dynamics than friendship

    Sounds like a bunch of useless high school drama

    Based on your narrative you do seem like the only one that actually takes it this seriously or cares about this issue

    So why? Why not just leave the discord?

  22. Listen: you got this! If you're here asking internet strangers about it, it's because YOU know it's not right and he's pushing it. 3 weeks is not enough to know someone and it is enough to be in that puppy love phase where one can easily be love bombed and gaslit into thinking “aaw such a great partner”!

    Gonna be blunt: for you and your daughter's sake, if he keeps pushing? Dump him

  23. Making things that you do a lot in a relationship special and unique is so important for long term relationships or you both just get bored

  24. I am a woman. I would have made this same exact comment to a woman.

    When you don’t use any kind of method of birth control, you ask asking to get pregnant. The pull out method is not a method of birth control. This couple already has 2 kids. They’re fully aware of how they’re made.

    I would have told the woman the same thing, there is no way to know if you got pregnant from that one occasion of the tons of others where you weren’t using protection.

    I also acknowledged that his wife was very wrong for what she did.

    It doesn’t change the fact that they both regularly put themselves in a situation where the chance of pregnancy is high.

    I can’t speak to comments which called Op and idiot or asked if they were 16. I can only speak to my own comment. Both people involved decided to have risky, unprotected sex. A child is the consequence.

  25. No no no. You just actively downplay your mistakes as if they aren't a definitive and good reason to end a relationship. That's TOTALLY different.


  26. DO NOT TAKE THIS DINGUS TO THE HOOD AGAIN! She’s going to get you and herself killed with her naïve stupidity and entitlement (she’s gotta be white and from the burbs to be this stupid on the street) and she’s not worth getting shot over when it’s her own damn fault.

    She needs a lot more maturity, street smarts, and bloody common sense if she wants to on-line to the age of 21. Shit. Congratulations on surviving from miss stupid and her antics.

  27. He likes flirting with you. He misses certain things about you and the relationship, that doesn't mean the relationship would be better if you dated again. Now that the relationship is restricted, he can throw all these mixed signals around. You still want to date him, which is why you are getting flustered by this flirting. He has the boundary of “I don't like you as much” and so he can tease you like this and keep you exactly where he wants you.

    I think it would be best to break up. Fully break up. Stop sitting next to him. Stop waiting for his gaze/laugh all the time. Stop going on dates. He knows you like him and he's taking advantage of you. He enjoys the game and you are playing by his rules now. He can tease and tease but one day he'll just stop and be like “I told you I didn't want this” and you'll be hurt again.

  28. So the original reason for a woman to take a man’s name, was respect and protection.

    Eg, you wouldn’t want to offend Jane Smith… because she’s a member of the Smith family… and the Smith family will destroy you

    That’s why until relatively recently in history, family names were reserved only for wealthy families etc

    So you’d take the husbands name, because traditionally a woman would marry into a more powerful family than she came from and so by doing so you’d gain the added benefits that came with the name

    In terms of what you should do, I’d just highlight that you were distracted by your game, and responded without actually thinking

    Then point out that your children could share both your names, double barrelled for example

    That’s actually again the reason this occurred historically, when you had only daughters, this meaning the end of your family name and legacy, you’d combine the family names, allowing the maiden name to on-line on, whilst also adhering to the tradition

    And so, If you did that, not only would neither of you be left out in terms of family name, but I’d argue it would actually be something nice and special for you, as you’d become the first of a brand new family name, which would keep both family names alive moving forward

    (As well as making his much more common name a bit more interesting)

  29. My favorite thing about this is how she was essentially boofing tea by putting a teabag in her vagina. Of course they getting more energy, they’re fucking boofing caffeine!

    When I eat a lot of onions, I smell like them. The smell comes through my pores. It’s bad. I also fucking love onions. But I don’t eat too many of them because I don’t want to bother my boyfriend with my oniony odor. It’s her body and she can do what she wants, but good lord I feel bad for those around her if it’s that bad. If it’s that bad, I’d likely avoid being around her. She can eat eggs if she wants, but you don’t have to be around her if you can’t tolerate it.

  30. This feels very unsympathetic and overly dramatic.

    It doesn't sound like he had an unfortunate accident he had no control over. Imagine the same reaction in a reverse situation or when getting your period.

    Why would you throw away sheets because they got poop on them? Why not just put them in the washer on a very hot wash cycle?

    If you wver plan on having kids…you'd end up buying a lot of replacements if you throw away everything that gets poop on it…

  31. The definition of being a person of color is either being not white or mixed. Since the gf is mixed, she meets that definition.

  32. Not too dramatic and you might as well leave. I can understand having anxiety over certain things (I can’t even call for delivery) but when you have a family to take care of you do your best to push it down and do what needs to be done. In this case you text your damn baby mama back and you try to leave work early because both her and your kids are sick, you don’t go home at the end of the day and berate her because “I told you texting gives me aNxIeTy”


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