53 thoughts on “Karla-ricochett online webcams for YOU!”
I don’t understand why you think if your in a relationship you get to have Privacy. Would you be ok with your partner hiding ?? If you are, than your not ready for a committed relationship.
As I said, we do everything as a couple, not just see each other when we go on dates. We do regular things together, errands, we stay over each others places 3 nights a week, we’ve met each others family, and we’ve known each other for 2 years already, so it’s not a stranger.
kids make a “mom” feel touched out. giving and giving in the family unit. leads to a kind of mental exhaustion that plays havoc on a woman’s ability to get back in regular touch with self/shared pleasure.
I think you're right in thinking she wasn't a good fit for you. Her friends described her as shallow. Shallow people cheat, underestimate the hurt they cause to others and have a naked time owning up to their behavior because they're too shallow to be emotionally invested in the relationship.
You were only with her a few months and ran right out and cheated on you instead of talking to you like an adult. Her wanting things with you and her being emotionally mature or mentally healthy enough to have a relationship without betraying you are two different things.
She didn't want you enough to stay faithful when she had you, now she's getting butthurt that you want to vacation spot you planned to visit together. That was enough to unfriend you over, again without talking to you. Sounds like she's not made any attempt at personal growth.
She doesn't want you enough to put on her big girl pants and talk things out with you or take responsibility for how much she hurt you but she can certainly took the initiative when it came to cheating and unfriending you. Sounds like selfish BS to me.
You're better off dating random people you meet because one of them may have the capacity to love you back. With your ex, you know for certain what kind person she is. Why would you sigh up for some more of that?
Is height really your key reason for bot wanting a relationship with him?
What do your friends dislike about him?
It seems you have had several opportunities to be with him, and you weren't interested. Now that he has pulled away, you are interested?
It seems you would have a strong relationship based on true friendship. But if you are not feeling the physical chemistry, that really wouldn't be fair to either of you.
Do you think your GF maybe posting to get your attention. Talk to her about it. Tell her you found her pics and have an honest conversation. I think you can both turn this into a massive positive for your relationship. Good luck.
Even so, you need some boundaries. Seems like sister bases her opinions on a small sample of humankind. I still think if you want to date your ex again, you should be able to. Not saying that's a wise choice, but it should be your choice.
Your post was removed for the following reason(s):
Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly
Posts must:
include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and
request advice in real situations involving two or more people
We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:
[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
First of all there are no “inappropriate romantic feelings”. Feelings are feelings they are never inappropriate. Only actions can be inappropriate.
You say you ghosted her and why ghosting might not be the right move and a conversation would have been better, haing some distance between you and a woman you have feelings for but does not reciprocate them is the right thing to do. Why would you “be friends” with her while you are hurting every time you see her. Better have some distance until you are over it. If you only wanted sex it would be not as bad being around her. That you felt the need to get distance actually shows that is was not only sex that you wanted if you think about it a little.
The best thing to do her is certainly NOT to be friends. You have feelings and had them for a very long time. If you keep seeing her this will hurt. If she gets a bf this will hurt you like shit. You can't be a good friend to a woman that you actually are in love with. This does not work! Since this goes on for a while you clearly will not get over this while being in contact. Also think about you finding a gf one day. She might notice that there is something and she might ask you to stop being in contact with that woman.
So here is my actual advice. You call her and ask her out on an actual real date and you make clear that its a date. If she sais no you tell her “Look I had feelings for you for years now and I had to get some distance when you got together with my friend. Even after that time apart the feelings were still there. I am sorry but I cannot be your friend right now and if you are not interested in anything else its fine. I need some distance for at least a while to get over this and then MAYBE we can go back to being friends.”
The one that that is totally NOT appropriate is to be in love with her and force yourself to be her friend. This is not fair to yourself. This is not fair to your future girlfriends. This also is not fair to her because you can't be a good friend and give her good unbiased advice if needed.
I think your boyfriend has a short hair fetish. This isn't ever going to change so you need to get out of this relationship. I would wonder why he ever got together with you.
I also feel like it tends to be easier for me to form feelings for a person and I can never fully tell if they share the same feelings or not? How would I be able to tell that they want to be serious?
She probably was into him but they probably didn't have much other intimacy so it became a friendship. She thought the passion would come when the sex came….but it didn't unfortunately
Yeah, pretty much everyone is telling me to stay away from her, idk why i even bothered listening to her in the first place, I'll block her from everywhere. Thank you so much kind sir. _^
You clearly do not know what love is, do everyone a favor and stop giving this kind of shitty advice on reddit, there's enough 14 year olds on this website giving advice to grown ass people acting like they know anything about life, which you obviously don't.
Assuming you are in college, I would ask your apartment about double occupancy. If its allowed still argue for a fairer share. But if its not just tell him you will snitch if she dont contribute more. Your utilities will go up by a lot more and that’s definitely something that should be considered on their end.
Yeah the audacity of men to take seriously a woman who says to her mother to not leave her alone with her husband because she will be forced to have sex.
Maybe we should be talking about the audacity of women.
I'm with the others in this, she's cheating. This isn't excusable. She obviously doesn't value you or your relationship. This would be a deal breaker for me. You deserve so much better than that in a partner.
hugs, you may be her safe space but you may not be as sexually as adventurous as she is and you have shown your discomfort which she apparently doesn't care about how you feel as a person. She wants what she wants and she will stomp on your boundaries to get her way and have you in her sandbox. You may like her but if she is unable to acknowledge how you feel except by getting verbally abusive back away.
She sounds like an ex I had, you told her “no” and she attacked, I told him know and he acknowledge my feelings, she isn't acknowledging your feelings.
You may think she's crazy, but she could also be that fuck buddy that he runs to every time he's single and he's emotionally led her on to a point where she can't let go. I don't think your bf is totally blameless in this whatsoever. You BOTH need to sit her down and have a conversation with her about boundaries to see how she reacts this time b/c you may find some information out that you didn't know before.
Yes, she MAY be crazy….but there's no doubt in my mind that they slept together AT LEAST once….
Everyone needs to be a whole person before being half of a couple. It sounds like she was not a whole person. You said you are more dominant and her first everything. Maybe she should learn to be self sufficient so she better understands the compromises we make in relationships.
*I'm not implying you are being controlling. You said you listen to her, but perhaps she never learned to speak up enough? Maybe she has been harboring thoughts or feelings she couldn't express?
That’s what a lot of my friends suggested as a possibility. But I asked her many times if that’s what this was about and she not only said no but assured me that I was the only one she wanted. And I feel like I owe her that trust because we’ve been together for 3 years and we’ve never had issues communicating or anything of the sort.
That’s not slimy. That’s literally called pay negotiation. Your company counter offered – great. New company counter offered again – even better. I work in HR, that type of thing is incredibly standard and normal especially when the talent (you) is highly sought after. Enjoy the professional compliment and the bigger pay cheque – people are only willing to offer what they believe you are worth. As a teacher she doesn’t have huge exposure to how corporates function, in my experience teachers don’t negotiate pay unless working for wealthy private schools. So she may be unfamiliar with the practice, but there’s nothing morally wrong with it at all. (My background: HR, experience working in financial sector and school sector).
Half of this is in your head – and a lack of communication. Him not wanting to do a specific act is not 'not wanting' you. It's not enjoying that specific act – possibly at that time, just that time. The second half, is he responded poorly – and again, communication. We're not mind readers. He maybe had a different idea of how things would go, and his disappointment came out. I'm not excusing him, but I hope you two talk it out.
You had a fight about this? That’s problematic. If you two can’t talk about big stuff like this without conflict, you need to see a marriage counselor and put in some hot work ASAP.
Perhaps one of the reasons he wants to move is to get AWAY from your family. It sounds like you’re rather enmeshed and hell you live! with them! And you’re married? Like….yikes.
Since I was your age, I’ve moved 26 times within the US, Europe, and Africa (including TX for a spell). I know people who haven’t ever been out of the county they were born in and they’re proud of it. Takes all kinds.
That said, when you’re choosing a place to live, it’s beneficial to make a pro/con list. Will you each have good job opportunities? Is the education good for you child? How is the climate? Activities you enjoy? Politics? (Like raising a girl in TX or FL right now would be a no go). You have to look at the bigger picture and not just at your current comfort zone.
I understand that at 20YO you haven’t seen much of the world and are used to having family literally in the same house. But for many young adults, it makes sense to fly the nest and get out there which may mean that you only see family a few times a year.
But seriously, you can fly or drive to TX from CO in one long day so I’m not sure why you’re saying it would be once every other year.
Anyway…the real issue here isn’t where to online, it’s how you two communicate and compromise and make decisions. There will always be very hot choices to make in a long term relationship. You two are young and not used to making sacrifices or adapting to change. That’s something to work on.
So now he gets wagyu, prawns and scallop for the rest of the week at half price, and not only are you not a bad person, you have effectively given to charity, so your karma rises.
Seriously, jokes aside, this guy sounds like a dick, and you've tried not to be. Can't believe there are that many out there who would have pulled his dick moves, but then I've been out of the dating scene since Clinton found alternative uses for cigars. Don't beat yourself up – chances you are going to encounter this again in one lifetime must be pretty low.
He's not going to answer it. He's a weasel and he's not actually looking for feedback. He just wanted people to say his gf is a crazy bitch who won't let it go bc he's sooooo extroverted
I think it’s one of her relatives who is spreading rumors.
Does it even matter? The fact that your fiancée believes the rumors is the problem. You should stop any and all talk about getting married to someone who doesn't trust you.
I don’t understand why you think if your in a relationship you get to have Privacy. Would you be ok with your partner hiding ?? If you are, than your not ready for a committed relationship.
That’s the thing… I don’t want to let him go. I just wish there was something I could do, say, or show him that he can trust me.
Got it. Thanks. Just wanted to make sure. ?
As I said, we do everything as a couple, not just see each other when we go on dates. We do regular things together, errands, we stay over each others places 3 nights a week, we’ve met each others family, and we’ve known each other for 2 years already, so it’s not a stranger.
Awesome 10/10
That's really creepy I would refuse
kids make a “mom” feel touched out. giving and giving in the family unit. leads to a kind of mental exhaustion that plays havoc on a woman’s ability to get back in regular touch with self/shared pleasure.
I’m surprised no one else has said anything to him.
I think you're right in thinking she wasn't a good fit for you. Her friends described her as shallow. Shallow people cheat, underestimate the hurt they cause to others and have a naked time owning up to their behavior because they're too shallow to be emotionally invested in the relationship.
You were only with her a few months and ran right out and cheated on you instead of talking to you like an adult. Her wanting things with you and her being emotionally mature or mentally healthy enough to have a relationship without betraying you are two different things.
She didn't want you enough to stay faithful when she had you, now she's getting butthurt that you want to vacation spot you planned to visit together. That was enough to unfriend you over, again without talking to you. Sounds like she's not made any attempt at personal growth.
She doesn't want you enough to put on her big girl pants and talk things out with you or take responsibility for how much she hurt you but she can certainly took the initiative when it came to cheating and unfriending you. Sounds like selfish BS to me.
You're better off dating random people you meet because one of them may have the capacity to love you back. With your ex, you know for certain what kind person she is. Why would you sigh up for some more of that?
Is height really your key reason for bot wanting a relationship with him?
What do your friends dislike about him?
It seems you have had several opportunities to be with him, and you weren't interested. Now that he has pulled away, you are interested?
It seems you would have a strong relationship based on true friendship. But if you are not feeling the physical chemistry, that really wouldn't be fair to either of you.
Do you think your GF maybe posting to get your attention. Talk to her about it. Tell her you found her pics and have an honest conversation. I think you can both turn this into a massive positive for your relationship. Good luck.
This is another fake rage bait age gap story. Just like all of the others that have been posted over the last 24 hours.
You’re overthinking this, a lot. He just wants sex with you – if you’re on the same page, have sex with him. If not, tell him you’re not interested.
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Even so, you need some boundaries. Seems like sister bases her opinions on a small sample of humankind. I still think if you want to date your ex again, you should be able to. Not saying that's a wise choice, but it should be your choice.
garbage people get garbage lives
Babe you couldn't keep your story straight for 10 minutes ??
you'll never find someone who truly loves or appreciates you
Thank you for telling abuse victims they are unlovable, doing the lord's work ?? because a man breaking his vows means I am in the wrong lmao
You need to run. Call a DV hotline and make an escape plan to safely exit this relationship.
There's no commitment with a FWB. This is normal. I can't cure normal.
Hello /u/Hour-Function2940,
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First of all there are no “inappropriate romantic feelings”. Feelings are feelings they are never inappropriate. Only actions can be inappropriate.
You say you ghosted her and why ghosting might not be the right move and a conversation would have been better, haing some distance between you and a woman you have feelings for but does not reciprocate them is the right thing to do. Why would you “be friends” with her while you are hurting every time you see her. Better have some distance until you are over it. If you only wanted sex it would be not as bad being around her. That you felt the need to get distance actually shows that is was not only sex that you wanted if you think about it a little.
The best thing to do her is certainly NOT to be friends. You have feelings and had them for a very long time. If you keep seeing her this will hurt. If she gets a bf this will hurt you like shit. You can't be a good friend to a woman that you actually are in love with. This does not work! Since this goes on for a while you clearly will not get over this while being in contact. Also think about you finding a gf one day. She might notice that there is something and she might ask you to stop being in contact with that woman.
So here is my actual advice. You call her and ask her out on an actual real date and you make clear that its a date. If she sais no you tell her “Look I had feelings for you for years now and I had to get some distance when you got together with my friend. Even after that time apart the feelings were still there. I am sorry but I cannot be your friend right now and if you are not interested in anything else its fine. I need some distance for at least a while to get over this and then MAYBE we can go back to being friends.”
The one that that is totally NOT appropriate is to be in love with her and force yourself to be her friend. This is not fair to yourself. This is not fair to your future girlfriends. This also is not fair to her because you can't be a good friend and give her good unbiased advice if needed.
She’s terrible. It’s ver concerning. It’s not a “messy period.” It goes directly to her character.
I think your boyfriend has a short hair fetish. This isn't ever going to change so you need to get out of this relationship. I would wonder why he ever got together with you.
I also feel like it tends to be easier for me to form feelings for a person and I can never fully tell if they share the same feelings or not? How would I be able to tell that they want to be serious?
But why do you say that?
He IS a fuck up and doesn't deserve you.
Jesus. Leave this guy immediately before he kills you.
Get your own test done. Just in case.
'Probably leave'… what kind of mother would stay?!?!
Where I'm from you could lose your child if it's reported. And slapping you across the face isn't immaturity or a lapse of judgment.
Put your child first because right now it appears to be about the man child you married.
She probably was into him but they probably didn't have much other intimacy so it became a friendship. She thought the passion would come when the sex came….but it didn't unfortunately
Or the boyfriend just uses her as a bang maid while the love of his life decides whether she wants him or not?
See, we can all inject ‘context’.
Yeah, pretty much everyone is telling me to stay away from her, idk why i even bothered listening to her in the first place, I'll block her from everywhere. Thank you so much kind sir. _^
This would make great flare too
is this a pet or a human?
You clearly do not know what love is, do everyone a favor and stop giving this kind of shitty advice on reddit, there's enough 14 year olds on this website giving advice to grown ass people acting like they know anything about life, which you obviously don't.
Assuming you are in college, I would ask your apartment about double occupancy. If its allowed still argue for a fairer share. But if its not just tell him you will snitch if she dont contribute more. Your utilities will go up by a lot more and that’s definitely something that should be considered on their end.
Yeah the audacity of men to take seriously a woman who says to her mother to not leave her alone with her husband because she will be forced to have sex.
Maybe we should be talking about the audacity of women.
I'm with the others in this, she's cheating. This isn't excusable. She obviously doesn't value you or your relationship. This would be a deal breaker for me. You deserve so much better than that in a partner.
hugs, you may be her safe space but you may not be as sexually as adventurous as she is and you have shown your discomfort which she apparently doesn't care about how you feel as a person. She wants what she wants and she will stomp on your boundaries to get her way and have you in her sandbox. You may like her but if she is unable to acknowledge how you feel except by getting verbally abusive back away.
She sounds like an ex I had, you told her “no” and she attacked, I told him know and he acknowledge my feelings, she isn't acknowledging your feelings.
Agreed. I’m glad she put the crazy on her sleeve this early. OP needs to get out and find someone more compatible.
You can't. If she thinks it's weird, that's her opinion. I agree with her, but it isn't my life so my thoughts don't matter.
Well OP look at the bright side, you proof yourself you can feel that spark again and this time acted when the red flags appear.
Just be patient, eventually you will find that spark with the right woman.
Break up. This isn’t likely to change if it’s always been this way. She needs to also want things to change.
You may think she's crazy, but she could also be that fuck buddy that he runs to every time he's single and he's emotionally led her on to a point where she can't let go. I don't think your bf is totally blameless in this whatsoever. You BOTH need to sit her down and have a conversation with her about boundaries to see how she reacts this time b/c you may find some information out that you didn't know before.
Yes, she MAY be crazy….but there's no doubt in my mind that they slept together AT LEAST once….
Everyone needs to be a whole person before being half of a couple. It sounds like she was not a whole person. You said you are more dominant and her first everything. Maybe she should learn to be self sufficient so she better understands the compromises we make in relationships.
*I'm not implying you are being controlling. You said you listen to her, but perhaps she never learned to speak up enough? Maybe she has been harboring thoughts or feelings she couldn't express?
No need to be terrified, you don’t have to do anything or confront him. Just block him
That’s what a lot of my friends suggested as a possibility. But I asked her many times if that’s what this was about and she not only said no but assured me that I was the only one she wanted. And I feel like I owe her that trust because we’ve been together for 3 years and we’ve never had issues communicating or anything of the sort.
That’s not slimy. That’s literally called pay negotiation. Your company counter offered – great. New company counter offered again – even better. I work in HR, that type of thing is incredibly standard and normal especially when the talent (you) is highly sought after. Enjoy the professional compliment and the bigger pay cheque – people are only willing to offer what they believe you are worth. As a teacher she doesn’t have huge exposure to how corporates function, in my experience teachers don’t negotiate pay unless working for wealthy private schools. So she may be unfamiliar with the practice, but there’s nothing morally wrong with it at all. (My background: HR, experience working in financial sector and school sector).
Half of this is in your head – and a lack of communication. Him not wanting to do a specific act is not 'not wanting' you. It's not enjoying that specific act – possibly at that time, just that time. The second half, is he responded poorly – and again, communication. We're not mind readers. He maybe had a different idea of how things would go, and his disappointment came out. I'm not excusing him, but I hope you two talk it out.
You had a fight about this? That’s problematic. If you two can’t talk about big stuff like this without conflict, you need to see a marriage counselor and put in some hot work ASAP.
Perhaps one of the reasons he wants to move is to get AWAY from your family. It sounds like you’re rather enmeshed and hell you live! with them! And you’re married? Like….yikes.
Since I was your age, I’ve moved 26 times within the US, Europe, and Africa (including TX for a spell). I know people who haven’t ever been out of the county they were born in and they’re proud of it. Takes all kinds.
That said, when you’re choosing a place to live, it’s beneficial to make a pro/con list. Will you each have good job opportunities? Is the education good for you child? How is the climate? Activities you enjoy? Politics? (Like raising a girl in TX or FL right now would be a no go). You have to look at the bigger picture and not just at your current comfort zone.
I understand that at 20YO you haven’t seen much of the world and are used to having family literally in the same house. But for many young adults, it makes sense to fly the nest and get out there which may mean that you only see family a few times a year.
But seriously, you can fly or drive to TX from CO in one long day so I’m not sure why you’re saying it would be once every other year.
Anyway…the real issue here isn’t where to online, it’s how you two communicate and compromise and make decisions. There will always be very hot choices to make in a long term relationship. You two are young and not used to making sacrifices or adapting to change. That’s something to work on.
So now he gets wagyu, prawns and scallop for the rest of the week at half price, and not only are you not a bad person, you have effectively given to charity, so your karma rises.
Seriously, jokes aside, this guy sounds like a dick, and you've tried not to be. Can't believe there are that many out there who would have pulled his dick moves, but then I've been out of the dating scene since Clinton found alternative uses for cigars. Don't beat yourself up – chances you are going to encounter this again in one lifetime must be pretty low.
He's not going to answer it. He's a weasel and he's not actually looking for feedback. He just wanted people to say his gf is a crazy bitch who won't let it go bc he's sooooo extroverted
I think it’s one of her relatives who is spreading rumors.
Does it even matter? The fact that your fiancée believes the rumors is the problem. You should stop any and all talk about getting married to someone who doesn't trust you.
Ask yourself this, why can't she find someone her own age?
I know. But still that's would I would say, full meaning it. OP of course can decide what to do and if she sends a message, how to word it.