Juiciestchest live sex chats for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Juiciestchest live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes! It's all about love. When you fall in love with someone, they're the most beautiful person in the whole world. And abt money and class, it's not a factor when you love someone!!

  2. Staying strong is bullshit. Men are made to feel like we cannot show emotion from a young age. Your feelings are valid and anyone with a pulse would feel the same in your situation. Cry. Grieve this loss. Cope in whatever ways feel best for you but know that you have better days ahead of you. I got cheated on once too and it does take time to process it all.

  3. Thank you! I Will check them out—haven't done a lot of reading up on psychology unfortunately, but these seem like great resources!

  4. He’s need and wants are invisible to you. I don’t think you can see past your own. And that’s the opposite of love.

  5. Yah, don’t. Only you can put a stop to this. Tell her clearly you do not want to be a dad at this stage and you’re not going to do anything to put that at risk. If she doesn’t get it she probably isn’t bright enough to keep around or she wants a baby. Do you?

  6. Depending on where you online it existing is illegal.

    Delete it for sure. If you're interested in her just tell her no to the videos or pictures for legalities sake to keep you both safe.

  7. I'm sorry this happened. I come from parents that got divorced and I turned out much better than if they were together. My father was neglectful just like your wife. My mom had 1 serious conversation with him “i don't love you but I'll stay if you're a good father.” He dropped the ball once after that and she took us and left. Never looked back. I don't think I would have become the good and successful person I am today if my parents stayed together. You have to leave her. She can't be trusted to be a good and faithful wife. She can't be trusted to be a good mother. You have to divorce her. Try and get full custody too.

  8. You know that keeping separate finances even in marriage is extremely common right? And that it can prevent fighting about finances which is one of the major causes of divorce?

  9. Imo you don't approach him. You bounce out of there. That he escalated the roughness without discussing it with you and right after an argument speaks volumes.

  10. Why do you have your own place if you on-line together?

    And if all your stuff is at his place, what's at your place? Just an Empty apartment?

  11. Some people are not great at initiating. This does not necessarily mean that they are not interested in you.

    If he is genuinely engaging when you are talking. Then he is probably interested in you. If it keeps going and you see a real future you can gently let him know that it would make you feel good if he reaches out more often, because you like talking with him.

  12. I’m going to message you. It’ll be a bit but I have opinions if you want to hear. I’m heading out so it’ll be a bit

  13. The bottom line is that you cannot, you can't change someone. Perhaps in the beginning she presented herself as your ideal partner, perhaps things have changed over time. What you have now is who she is and that isn't someone who is compatible with your values.

    You don't want to hurt her feelings or confidence so you are what? Waiting until she decides that your example is so great that she should copy you?

    People do things for rewards or to avoid something. Basic motivation is either there or not there and her focus at 30 is to have children and focus on that.

    You are not in the same headspace as she is in this relationship.

    You are actually hurting her by tiptoeing around the issue as she could well find someone who is happy with who she is right now, someone who wants a homebody who will focus on the home and children and not need anything else in their lives.

    Bottom line is that the person you met is not the person you have now, either accept that or don't but stop waiting around for a magic change in her values and needs because it isn't going to happen and if she did it would be from an external pressure like you breaking up and it would not last as a permanent change in her.

  14. I just gotta say I love all the comments roasting your husband and your decision to be together with him for 11 years and possibly more. It’s well-deserved.

  15. She is definitely good enough to marry. I just want us to work out some of the kinks before we take the leap. We've been back together for 8 months and I'm confident that once these minor issues are resolved, we'll have a beautiful healthy relationship.

  16. No because I get help lol I been in therapy since i was 8 I'm 30 now. This is how I know it's a YOU issue.

  17. That's a tough situation, but I think you did everything you could for your first daughter on her big day, given the circumstances.

    Time to refocus on your newborn and your wife, being there for them is now your biggest priority. First daughter might be jealous but she's an adult now and can fend for herself. Your wife and baby are depending on you.

  18. If you're on the lease, call your landlord. Tell them your situation and that you're not comfortable with it and unsure what to do.

  19. As an ADHD person who overthinks everything, you’re way overthinking this. Short and to the point would be better, or just let him ghost. If you need closure though I would go with more along the lines of ‘I enjoyed what we had, but it isn’t working for me any more. Good luck in your future endeavors’ and block.


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