JodieBaker live sex chats for YOU!

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44 thoughts on “JodieBaker live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dude get out of that relationship.

    He sounds like a child

    Hitting your partner as retaliation for anything is absolutely never okay. If he lacks that understanding enough to not even know what he did wrong, he likely will do it again/lacks understanding of other abusive behaviors

  2. >about two weeks before the trip I find out that a girl my ex had cheated on me with about two years ago is also going to go

    Your bf hid this information because he was dreading dealing with the fallout.

    Wait, you've been together for 1.5 years, but he cheated on you two years ago? Did you two break up over the cheating?

    > (she ignored the fact that he was in a relationship)

    No, YOUR BOYFRIEND ignored the fact that he was in a relationship.

    I would hate this, too, but I doubt he can just waste his parents' money and eat the money he put into it at this point.

    I really don't buy that he just found out all of this. That's not to say he has any thoughts of cheating on you on the trip, but I think he's been dishonest because he doesn't want to deal with these repercussions of his infidelity.

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  4. Gonna be honest, if I'm really into someone I don't leave their sexts on read, and I don't respond to an open offer of oral with “well I just don't know when I'll be available”.

    Maybe you're just one of many, maybe he's just not that into you, maybe he just finds sexting awkward af. But that's a very chilly response tbh.

  5. People mostly aren’t who they will be as an adult at 19. The “woman you fell in love with” probably never existed, and certainly doesn’t now.

  6. OMG……..

    Girl, please for the love of all that is good and holy, like….idk. I wanna say you can't be real but then again humans are wild!

  7. There’s nothing you can do that’ll magically make you okay with this. And there’s nothing you can do to change her mind. For fuck sakes, break up with her and find a woman who actually wants to be monogamous and marry you.

  8. I love my husband, for me he’s the sexiest man im the world. But if he asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said oats cookies and he offered me sex and NO COOKIES? I would be so confused (why did you ask what I WANTED in the first place) and so disappointed that I wouldn’t want sex either.

  9. By this point if he was serious about a relationship with you he'd ask to be official. You seem to be giving more to this dynamic and he's just reaping the benefits while not having to commit. He doesn't have to put in effort or show that much interest because you're freely giving him everything. So why would he commit?

    I think its time for you to take the bull by the horns and ask him if he wants to be with you, if not you're gonna walk away and find somebody who does. However, for him to take you seriously you have to be prepared to follow through with walking away.

    I went on over 10 dates with a guy over the course of a few months and felt my time was being wasted. To which I gave him this exact ultimatum. Luckily it worked in my favour and we're now happily in a relationship together but I was fully prepared to walk away

  10. It's ok to have fear, but you're assuming, again, that it's your job to control her feelings. She's handled worse, and as long as you approach this with respect and compassion, there's no reason to assume it'll go all sideways.

    She'll regret telling you if she finds out you agonize over it and never talk to her about it

    if I bring this up now she might think that I always felt this way

    You can talk to her and explain that you didn't know how to proceed and wanted to take your time to make sure you didn't make a mistake or mishandle the situation. That's ok.

    How else do you want to approach this? There's no magic solution that you can resolve this with no effort or discomfort. Would you rather address your own discomforts in isolation from your partner? Simply find a way to move past your own discomforts? Am I wrong in assuming part of the reason you're nervous about being more aggressive sexually is precisely because you don't want to trigger get trauma?

    I sincerely believe opening up to her and working on this together is the easiest and most respectful way to find a solution. It shows her the most care, and gives you both the best chance of God outcomes

  11. Maybe your picker is broken. Sometimes too many poor experiences can make you gravitate towards partners just like the ones you’ve left. Some time spend single and evaluating what you want out of your own life and out of a partner will do you go. Throw this one to the curb while you’re not liable for alimony because if you marry her, you’re definitely screwed. At least right now you’re only partially screwed. If you have joint custody, you won’t even be responsible for child support and you can set a better example for your child than she is capable of doing

  12. One thing you should understand that kink can be anything and we should never judge a person based on their kinks unless they force their kink on their partner. She does not want to anything in real life and she assured you that you have nothing to worry as she would never indulge in this kink so believe her. You have all right to express your feelings and what you expect from her to make this relationship stronger and I am sure she will assure you that she will do well. Unless you have other reasons to break up with her better continue this relationship but you can set some nude boundaries in relationship that she has to respect to make you feel secure and happy.

  13. You’re deliberately being obtuse. She’s your wife, not some random person. Of course you should learn her language.

  14. The only reason he's not being gross within the relationship (yet) is because he has obtained the prize he wished to possess. And honestly, I am 100% willing to bet there are other red flags you are missing.

  15. Sometimes you just have to say it. There isn't really a how to on this. Just gather your thoughts, then approach him and tell him how you feel.

  16. Is she an alcoholic? Postpartum depression could be a factor. I would say counciling is your best shot. It's clear something is really off with her.

  17. No she won't have to deal with one penis. She doesn't want to so shouldn't have to deal with any. And one penis can do damage and that fact that he cares for her doesn't mean the pain and injury will be lessened. You are the one that brought up porn stars and the link I added wasn't about porn stars but average woman being penetrated by their caring average dicked partners, and still being injured.

  18. So I have a few questions for you… Does the idea of her with another woman excite you at all? Would she be down for an eventual 3some? Would you be down for one? Anyway anything that your not comfortable with and have laid down is cheating. Whether it's with another woman or man, it's someone outside of your marriage! My wife and I went through a similar thing and the idea of her with another girl got me excited! So we discussed and laid down rules. For it not to be cheating I got to watch! And maybe get involved! It was fun , happened once figured it wasn't for us and moved on! Been married for 22 years and that was year 5.

  19. Sounds like you are walking on eggshells. Do you want to do this forever? You deserve your own opinions without emotional repercussions.

  20. Calling it terrible communication is giving her too much credit.

    Her behavior was manipulative.

  21. Wait, so has she been cheating then because it’s the same level of disrespect. That sounds more like a justification for some action she has done.

  22. He can’t accept fault, so it Must be your fault.

    Do. Not. Engage.

    There is no winning if you play His game.

    Your game? On-line your life, without him in it.

  23. Well, I'm an atheist bastard, so don't take my word for it, but what are you going to teach your kids? I've told my kids that theyre free to be religious, but they have toa rgue their case because it isn't something to take lightly. So, I bring up the fact that there are many religions, so how do you know which one to believe in?

    So, when people change in a couples situation, either you change with each other you grow apart. But if you are open and tolerant towards your wife she will probably come to her senses.

    If she still believes in mornonism, that would be a very hot no for me, but I can't see myself be with an adult religious person, it's just too ridiculous for me. You seem to be the bigger man than me and both you guys seem sincere about your love for each other, but I mean, what's her views on homosexuality and evolution?

    I wish you sincere good luck.

  24. Financial reasons. With both of our careers, we would both benefit greatly getting married now.

    I’ve be in abusive relationships, and there are almost always signs early on. I noticed them, but chose to ignore them. I know it seems silly, but he bass already shown me more in a short amount of time than any of my long term relationships have. Even my grandparents agree.

  25. That’s the canary in a coal mine. He’s probably s misogynist, has weird views against women and is prob one of those ‘red pill’ guys. I wouldn’t marry or have kids w someone that says this to me.

  26. My kids are my world and I have nothing but Love for my children. Are you saying this happened to you? If so, how did you find out?

  27. You got in a relationship with her knowing this, right? So nothings changed?

    Either accept it and continue or break up with her and find someone more your speed.

  28. Divorce rate in the US is between 40% and 50%.

    70% if Divorces in the US are initiated by women. Family courts in the US heavily favour women.

    Basically marriage is a bad deal for men.

    Your BF obviously is aware of this.

    I am surprised more men don't eschew marriage.

    If marriage is important to you probably best to find a new BF as I suspect that you are not compatible.

  29. Childbirth is 10x worse than abortion in terms of pain and grossness. It will mess you up for up to YEARS physically, depending on how traumatic the birth is.

    Unless you're 100% emotionally, physically, and financially able, the responsible thing is to not have a child.

  30. you said exactly what I was thinking

    stop hurting those poor children and stay out of their lives for good. be an adult and figure it the fuck out. and stop judging a woman for having telwo children with different fathers, it's no one's business including yours.

    you don't sound mature enough for a serious relationship honestly.

  31. All I’m going to say is your bf is an idiot for entertaining you and sticking around. He should’ve left, moved on just like you did. If I was his family you’d be on my shit list fosho. If you came around I’d probably say things to make you leave. ???? dude should’ve left completely.

  32. I hope that my ability to predict the outcome of that sort of rhetoric makes it clear what he is using it for. Because the reality is him taking advantage of you consoling him, the convenient 'interpretation' of you being sympathetic as an opportunity to push boundaries, is the entire function of this kind of manipulation.

    He is likely very well practiced given he is building a silly anime harem. I hope this is enough to shake you loose of that fishing net.


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