Jinred online webcams for YOU!

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41 thoughts on “Jinred online webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm so sorry you're in the hell you find yourself. I'm in a similar situation myself. Been married for 13 years and together almost 20. Found out she cheated on me with one my best friends and the frontman of her band. I know the feeling of having every good memory stained with a feeling of nothing I sacrificed for our relationship was enough. All the shame that comes with it that you didn't ask for. Try affairrecovery.com even if you've decided that it's completely over, this place has helped me immensely. If your relationship isn't salvageable, they can at least point you in the right direction to at least understanding in your heart that none of this was your fault. Knowing that and feeling that are two very different things. Best of luck to you brother and I hope you heal.

  2. Look, you don’t get to be offended at your bfs choice here. You have a choice, and he has a choice. You’re choice is that you don’t care because you trust your iud. His choice is that he doesn’t trust it so he would rather not risk it, the default decision lies with the one of least risk… in his case, that is his decision.

    It’s understandable that he worries about pregnancy, regardless of you having an IUD. It is not a personal attack on you.

  3. Reading your reply, it sounds like exactly the advice I'd give someone here myself. Love really does blind you lol. Thanks for the valuable advice

  4. You know how I read this – 'I don't care that she's not at my level BUT'


    You either accept her or.you don't. You're assuming peer.pressure where there is none.

    You are right what she does does not define WHO she is – stop listening to the voices in your head and just love and respect her.

  5. It sounds like it’s just an easy way for a female salesperson to suggest an recommendation for you tbf… like if I was serving a female my age I’d say “I bought this top last week it’s really nice” or if it was someone older “my mother likes this style” “my boyfriend/husband says these are super comfy”

  6. your wife needs to get out of the house and volunteer or work. She needs to do something for for other people every day, and that will make her feel better about herself.

  7. >>My therapist suggested that he trying to make me doubt my own truth in order to maintain control in the relationship, but I don't like that idea because it sounds not only un-fixable, but a little sinister.

    You may not like the idea, but it's a really plausible & possible explanation for his behavior. Plus, do you really want someone who regularly assassinates your character by actually calling you a liar? Your guy is doing you active harm, whatever his motivations, and instead of admitting he may have misunderstood you, he's calling you names and saying this is all up to you to fix. Yeah, it's not fixable.

  8. Your husband decided to open the marriage up. He decided you should both have sex with other people. You did that. He is now trying to set rules on what “having sex with other people” is okay or not. Apparently engaging in group sex is perfectly fine, but you engaging in one on one, and having an emotional connection, is not. You’re not at fault here. If you both want to set ground rules, that was a convo that should have already happened. You can’t be faulted for not following rules you were never told nor agreed to.

  9. You've done so much for her. It sounds like your relationship was sped up (moving in) in order to help her. You need to sit down with her and spell all of this out. It may or may not mean the end of your relationship but you probably shouldn't continue like this.

  10. This “I don't get enough affection and I'm lonely” bullshit is just that. BULLSHIT.

    Instead, he should say, “I'm bored, I want sex with strangers and I don't gaf about my wife”

    I'll say to you OP, what I always do. Leave this cheater.

    Believe me when I say, he'll just hide it better next time.

  11. If my Bf did that, I would have dumped him rightly. I mean who doesn’t know the basic hygiene. Why does he need you to remind him of “cleaning his butt”? It’s something which is fed in our minds right from childhood. A person who isn’t even careful about his hygiene deserves to be dumped, so that he gets a lesson to clean his butt the next time he dates a girl.

  12. That’s how I wanted it to be just no one know and I get treated like how everyone else’s husband gets treated and now I feel like it’s different now. Above in another comment I was saying how her work had a Christmas party and after the fact we all went and played pool and the friends husband was AWKWARD and no one really talked to me but his wife. I feel as if when people know they change.

    At my job I was at for 5 years everyone loved me and was so nice but the moment in my transition my voice changed the way I look was more masculine it got real bad

  13. That’s awful. That’s not how you treat someone you care about. Get away from him, and stop feeling bad, dump his ass. He’s a dick.

  14. I see where u both are coming from.

    but I don't think this should be the hill u die on.. she wants to share this precious journey with her mother as well.

    maybe compromise- mom at some but not all. so u can still have those moments.

  15. If my husband told me he wanted to try out a rape fantasy with me I don't think I could ever look at him the same way again, there would be no getting past it. You may need to consider that as a possibility and in future maybe not mention it unless your partner brings it up first.

  16. There is a reason you broke up with him. Clearly there was something missing. Dont go back just because you dont want to be alone. Stay alone for a while. Someone good will come along

  17. I just want to say it seems like you are a really brave person and a loving mom and your instincts are good. It makes me angry that anyone would look at this situation and discount your (100% accurate) recognition that this is unhealthy and unacceptable because you have autism/didn’t have the best family growing up. That’s bullshit and borderline gaslighting.

    The only way this relationship will survive is if your boyfriend fully recognizes the magnitude of the abuse he’s been conditioned to accept for himself and on your behalf. Given that he won’t listen to you, he needs to get massive amounts of therapy. But he’s so far in denial right now that it’s probably a multi year process.

  18. He was asking me for forgiveness and wanted us to be able to move on. In the email, he said that he is asking for my forgiveness to help in his recovery to become a better husband and dad.

    Yeah nothing about wanting forgiveness because he's sorry for what he's done. I mean good for his wife and daughter for making him want to be a better man but I'd just delete this shit.

  19. Sounds like your bf is the person with dead feelings, not you. He's projecting onto you as a way to hurt you and possibly as a way to either ruin your self-esteem or get you to break up with him (or both). Time for you to sit down by yourself and really evaluate this relationship. At a minimum, who would want to online with someone who compares them to a dead person?

  20. I suppose it depends on why you both just wanted to be FWB to begin. Both out of a long relationship recently etc and not looking to jump into another one then maybe enough time has passed for you both to be ready for something more.

    Have you been exclusive FWB during this time or are you both one of a few/ many for each other? The latter might be more of a difficult transition as it would mean stepping away from other people.

    It’s certainly possible that you can transition your arrangement into a more serious relationship if you are both wanting more commitment.

  21. Betrayers don’t have the right to determine when forgiveness is given, if at all. The fact you haven’t completely ghosted them should be enough for them. You owe them NOTHING!!!

    They’re only remorseful after their romance fizzled out. You know this and keeping them out of your life was and is the right decision. The fact they’re calling you immature even though they colluded against you shows their worth. Keep focusing on yourself and let them think whatever they want as they’re just somebody you use to know.

  22. I'll have to agree it's not the healthiest relationship out there, in fact the roles have reversed too much lately, she's been the jealous one, and will lose her shit whenever I tell her I had to text a female colleague at home for something, or when she sees that. I already explained I'm not perfect, and have done a lot of bad things, but she's no angel either.

  23. Grooming: often the behaviours we describe as grooming we'd also describe as 'courting' in a different context. It's important to use the word here as 'leading or persuading a minor to perform a series of actions detrimental to their health and well-being that they would otherwise not have undertaken'. It does not sound like your relationship prior to you meeting at 16 was anything like one that could be described as 'grooming' but you have not elaborated on how the relationship was from 16 on.

    Illegal: Your jurisdiction is important here. the Internet sort of defaults to as far as making decisions regarding the legality of intimate relations but that's not necessarily the case. In Europe you'd be regarded as old enough to make your own decision regarding your sexual behaviour but if you were in a different part of the world then it might have been illegal. You have not given any indication of your jurisdiction however I'm guessing from your post that English is not your first language.

    I don't know if we are the best for eachother

    That's nothing to do with the past. It's all to do with now and the future. If you are not happy then break up and leave. To me it seems like you want a change but you are having trouble justifying it with current behaviour and you're looking into the past to see if you can blame him.

    There's no need for blame. People can fall out of love or realise that, although they love the person they're with, the relationship has no future.

  24. Do you need to tell them? Genuine question. And if so then it sounds like you’ll need to sit down with them and explain the reasoning calmly and factually

  25. Soooo, he needs to become your ex. The fact that money was his priority, and that he threatend you with physical violance when you wouldn't risk your health/safety in order to secure his green paper. The fact that his family wasn't as important as his personal savings during this tragedy in his eyes. There's no way he can ever make up for/live that down. He needs therapy, and you need a better/more secure relationship.

  26. A lot of people are not comfortable with direct conflict and breaking up a friendship feels that way when it is direct. It sounds like she is taking the create distance, be unavailable and maybe the other person will lose interest approach.

    Honestly, you need to just close the door emotionally or you need to confront her and have a direct conversation. Be ready for more platitudes though.


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