JessieJaye online sex chats for YOU!

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142 thoughts on “JessieJaye online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thanks for your response. I didn’t consider him having found someone else. It’s possible, but we spent a lot of our time together so I really don’t think it’s likely (plus he’s moving). I do think it’s case no 1, I’m fairly certain actually. How do you think I should respond? Or is no response best (but I hate the idea of ghosting)

  2. Yes, I do live in a world where most people are nice. I can happily assume that most of my coworkers are nice, as have most of my classmates in the past.

  3. Thank you very much. This definitely sounds like some helpful tips. I'm really glad you are making progress with your husband. I don't like to talk to other people about my personal life and my wife is the same. I will save this and try to exercise these techniques.

  4. that's very fair, that's what i've been working on, that's my plan, i've revised the post a few times to make it a shorter read, i made that assumption because she sent mutual friends to ask about me and has playlists dedicated to me to this day, hence my friends push for blocking initially. i haven't seen her in a while and our friend groups are mostly separate now, i've grown a small bit so it didn't feel necessary anymore

  5. that's very fair, that's what i've been working on, that's my plan, i've revised the post a few times to make it a shorter read, i made that assumption because she sent mutual friends to ask about me and has playlists dedicated to me to this day, hence my friends push for blocking initially. i haven't seen her in a while and our friend groups are mostly separate now, i've grown a small bit so it didn't feel necessary anymore

  6. If he says nothing has changed, maybe YOU THINK something has changed. Do you both still perform romantic things together? Hang out, so places together, watch movies cuddled, stuffs like that?

  7. Easy fix, take a new video with you and your current partner and send to said ex, that way they've both seen you with each other.

  8. Yep. 1500 texts and 10+ hours of phone calls. She's already in emotional affair and has plans to see him in person. She's had all the conversations with him that she won't have with me.


  9. Let me start with this–if you lose him you do NOT lose everything. There is a huge giant world out there that you can't even imagine. If he isn't willing to support your dream of becoming a doctor then he is not the one for you. You are just getting started and if he can't handle it now he certainly won't be able to handle it a couple of years down the line.

    Life happens and we never know where it is going to lead. Please stop with the catastrophic projection and understand that dreams require sacrifices. He is either in for it or out.

  10. First, so glad you’re ok. I understand his reaction wasn’t what you wanted, but you said your boyfriend was by your side when you were hospitalized before. In this case you were not. Not to minimize the accident, but could it be possible your autistic boyfriend may have perceived this differently because your mum said you seemed to be ok?

    I have a few friends who have autism and I am learning how they process things are different than myself. Also, to filter their actions/reactions though that lens.

  11. I think your confusion is really valid. This is super suspicious, but if he's lying, it's a really weird lie to choose.

    I'd be honest. “I'm honestly unsure what to believe. You must have known how this would sound – why would you wait for hours for your friend to have sex (paid off or not) instead of just taking the cab home? I trust you, but this seems like a bizarre choice. What were you thinking?”

  12. True beauty comes from within, from your heart, an outward appearance is passing beauty subject to change, inner beauty lasts forever

    Inner beauty is more weighty than anything, id rather be with a good person with average looks than an evil person no matter what they look like

    Search for beauty from within, not without, beauty starts from within, if you look for beauty in the wrong place, you will only find yourself lost, start from within

    Both our true beauty and outward beauty all starts from within with the true beauty of the heart being more valuable than anything else, whereas outward beauty also starts within, less important than our true beauty of the heart, however outward beauty also starts inwardly with self care and natural ways, avoid plastic surgery unless its a medical adjustment for medical purposes, but avoid if possible

  13. This anxiety makes sense, but don't doom your future self to mediocre sex. You now know what you like and can communicate with future partners on how to get there together, which could lead to better, more connected sex.

    Banking on your sexual partner's experience/skill may let you down, but learning what you like and how to get there with someone is always possible.

  14. So should I push the equal split of the inheritance?

    No.She has made it very clear to you that, she do not want to share it with your daughter. I would suggest that you start a different account for your daughter and start saving some money on a monthly basis for your daughter. It's sad that you wife hasn't accepted your daughter as hers. I feel bad for your daughter.

    Don't go to fight with your wife about it. It will only make your life difficult. Now that you know that you are the only one for your daughter, make sure to give her an extra love and attention. I wish you all the best.

  15. I wouldn't marry someone who is that financially irresponsible. You KNOW that you can't afford that kind of wedding. 200k of student loans, practically zero savings and she wants a freaking fairytale wedding? This is not someone you should be legally and financially tying yourself to. You will spend the rest of your life digging yourself out of financial holes that she manipulated you into making.

  16. Mostly because they did nothing but laugh when papa (what he asked to be called when he found out he was a grandfather) but also organ failure and other issues

  17. If you felt this was strange enough to warrant looking through her phone then maybe you have a case. Even then this is a stretch. But is it acceptable???

    She is a grown woman she can use her phone when she pleases even if it isn't when you can spy on her. You have issues man.

  18. If you felt this was strange enough to warrant looking through her phone then maybe you have a case. Even then this is a stretch. But is it acceptable???

    She is a grown woman she can use her phone when she pleases even if it isn't when you can spy on her. You have issues man.

  19. Just tell him that this is a serious issue,if he gets a bad enough infection it can enter the bloodstream , he will get sepsis and die.

  20. Thanks for your honesty – I really appreciate with your advice. It means a lot to know I’m not crazy ❤️

  21. I disagree about it being controlling because he is saying “even if this has zero effect on the relationship you can’t do it and be with me” that’s controlling just like if he said she had to wear long dresses or not speak to men, or not have access to funds, all of those can be “boundaries too” it doesn’t make them 1. Not judgmental or 2. Controlling

  22. I don't know how those small shower sprayers are called in English but those are the cheapest and most hygienic solution for his problem. Otherwise just dump him this is a real concern. As a medical student that is studying these stuff i would say if there's poop trace on your bedcover and he doesn't wash his hands it expose you to serious urinary infections (if you are not having frequently yet since you're dating for a while). No offense but never heard anything more disgusting. Hope you can deal with it, i would break up way before you're too nice with him.

  23. Update; told the family and her mother. Best option for me is to leave and my father is willingly to help me move my stuff out.

    This is naked for me, but it's for the best to keep myself up and running. I got a long life ahead and don't plan on wasting it! Appreciate your words, all of you! I will cherish the memories we had together but they'll become distant just like she has.

    I love that my family is willingly to help me get through this, and will be happy for it this day forward!

  24. If you were smart you would end your friendship with her now . I was friends with a girl since I was a baby literally 30 years of friendship , together every weekend . As soon as I started dating my husband she messaged him to try to pick her over me and she never even met him before . Literally just messaged him from fb. I almost didn’t believe it until I seen the messages . Then when me and him went out to the bar she so happened to be there and she seen him and ran up to him drunk . This is not a friend but an undercover enemy . People like this are thrown into our lives for lessons . Get rid of her now ! Just tell her it was fun while it lasted but you’ve outgrown her

  25. He said he felt uncomfortable about it because he wasn’t sure if it was inappropriate or no

    So, he knew it wasn't okay for him to get her sex toys and he did it anyway. He didn't tell you because he knew what he was doing.

    I'd be asking your friend and your husband point blank if they have feelings for each other. If she does not immediately jump to “why the fuck did he think that was an okay gift” I'd bet money they've been having inappropriate conversations about sex.

  26. Bro that’s even worse. Tell her you don’t want to attend her ex’s b-day party. Their relationship is over, so things change. Keeping stuff the same is just… wrong.

  27. He's not mature enough to be a father, you need to grow a spine and tell him to back off and be quiet. He can literally Google why he is so dumb.

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  29. You don’t need to fucking think about anything. You need to break up with your BF and figure your shit out. The way you flippantly talk about cheating as if it’s no big deal and something you just can’t stop doing is fucking ridiculous. It’s sociopathic and if you care about your bf at all you will leave and tell him how horrible of a person you are.

  30. I've been up for a couple of hours just Googling around… I found both their names, places of work, etc… No address yet, but certainly for the cops to act on. Could I report a crime if the victim doesn't want to testify? What are the odds of anything happening at all in that case? Would he be arrested on rape charges, or at least cuffed and brought in for questioning, basically being publically humiliated? It might scare him enough not to do this shit again, I don't know. But if all that's gonna happen is a cop calling my wife asking for her testimony, which she wont give, and then nothing happens, after which she'll know I went behind her back.. It wouldnt be worth breaking her trust.

  31. After 1.5years, you really should do it in person if you have no concerns for your safety. I was once dumped via Facebook message after nearly 2 years and living together, it seemed really wrong to me.

  32. Hello /u/Vegetable_School_758,

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  33. Yes, his friend moved away and then just stopped contact for no apparent reason. ?

    A dog is not in the cards for us. We're barely hanging in there (time/space/money-wise) with two cats and two kids. ? It's a good thought, though!

  34. so it sounds like he actually has met this woman and she exists? oof, that's going to make it more difficult, especially since he's probably fallen head over heels after meeting her in person.

    if you can, try to ask Chris for more details about Jessica. any photos, any identifying information, anything that could maybe help track down her real identity or reveal more about who she is. ask to see the marriage papers. hopefully he can put the pieces together enough to figure out there's something fishy, but he probably won't take it well if you directly tell him that you think she's a scammer.

    this is a really difficult situation, I'm sorry. I think it's reasonable to do anything you can to pull him out of this, but unfortunately he's a grown man and his mistakes are his own to make. if you need to make up some reason to get him to fly home, I think that's fine, but it might end up hurting your relationship more in the long run.

    ultimately, all you can do is let him know you'll always be here for him when shit inevitably hits the fan.

  35. How bout the old no more gifts, no more contact except concerning kids , stop letting her in ur life

  36. I love dogs. Absolutely love them, and mine’s half-laying on my legs as I type this. With that as a preface: your husband’s dog needs to be euthanized.

    Not because it’ll make you “even” or anything silly like that, but because it’s proven it can’t be trusted and will get violent with no provocation. You mention it took several minutes to get the dog and cat separated, so I suspect this dog is on the larger size. If that’s the case, how much damage could the dog do to you if it turned on you? What if it somehow did the same to the child of a neighbor, friend, family, or your own kids? Do you want that liability hanging over your head?

    I personally wouldn’t stay in the same house as a large-ish dog with a history of unprovoked violent outbursts. Stay at your mothers and talk to your husband into seeing the light and the dog is euthanized, or he refuses in which case you file for divorce.

    Yes it’ll absolutely suck for your husband. His fear of loss and the sadness behavioral euthanasia will bring are both understandable. His refusal to act on the new information he has is not.

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  39. Seven long paragraphs itemizing why this relationship is bad news. Not one mention of anything positive, not even a hint of about liking or loving her. What does that tell you? Seems pretty obvious. Heed the advice of the wise comments below.

  40. You're both right? Let's look at it this way:

    Your wife absolutely DOES want kids, she knows this but she doesn't know if you want kids. All she knows is that you haven't brought up having kids and you haven't done anything to indicate whether or not you're thinking about them.

    You, on the other hand, either don't want kids or are on the fence about – meaning you're not totally against the idea of having kids, but you don't have an active desire to start trying for a baby immediately. Because of this, it's not something you've thought to bring up to your wife to talk about either because you don't know if you want kids or because you figure that since she hasn't also brought up the idea of kids, it must mean she doesn't want them.

    In this scenario, direct communication would absolutely be best because this is a lifelong decision that needs to be made. Once you have a kid, you can't go back to not having a kid. You both would need to figure out if having kids is in your future, do you actually want them or not? If you don't, then is the relationship going to continue and will she be happy giving up on having kids, or is her desire to have kids and your desire to not have them taking you to the end of the line for the relationship? If you do want kids, then you both need to figure out if you want them now or in a couple years?

    In this scenario, she 100% should come up to you and just say “Hey, we've never talked about kids and I realize I don't know whether or not you want them; do you?” and then go from there to talk about it if's and when's.

    On the other hand, in your scenario, dinner is a decision that can be changed. Having chicken once doesn't mean that is the ONLY thing you can ever eat for dinner for the rest of your life. You can be prepping to make chicken and you really want chicken, but your wife is craving steak but it's not something she's dead set on and she'd be fine with having chicken if it's really what you want.

    “Probing” you, in this scenario is fine because…well, if you want chicken more than your wife wants steak, that doesn't mean she can never have steak? Being direct about it makes it seem more like this is something your wife absolutely does want and that she will be unhappy if you deny the request, when the reality is that she doesn't care either way, and she is asking you about your process and figuring out where you stand on the matter so that she can decide whether or not to ask you because she wants to take how you feel into consideration before asking something that could make you feel pressured into changing your course of action just for her.

    Also, sometimes it's nice to just talk to your partner about what they're doing. I know I like to watch people cook, not because I'm supervising them or waiting for anything, I just like watching people cook.

  41. Which itself is not their fault. Its 100% porn's fault, and society's fault (which is mostly men shaming other men).

    The problem is they don't want to accept that it's a problem that needs to be fixed. And they compare it with things like fat shaming. But we're not penis shaming. We're penis praising. We're saying smaller pensises are better for sex and are much more enjoyable. They say we're shaming them when it's really the opposite. Ugh.

  42. Any time that consent is not given, and by consent meaning absolutely no coercion in any way occurred, it is at minimum sexual assault and possibly rape. What you described is rape.

  43. External stress in my partner is just as important to our relationship as me regulating my emotions. Relationships take two people being open and honest with how they feel. And, I'm not assuming I'm without blame. She's obviously not getting what she emotionally or physically needs from me, and that's okay. People grow apart, and blame isn't needed to respectfully separate. All I know is that she is conflicted, and that hurts, but in no way does that mean I must surrender and allow my boundaries to be compromised. We've openly discussed them with each other as we grew up and changed throughout our relationship. Dismissing her actions to assume my feelings are invalid is an insecure trauma response, too. I've been working with a therapist since I was 19 because I, like her, suffer from adverse childhood experiences. I've encouraged her to come with, or go alone, to see a therapist for years, and she freely chooses not to go. And that's okay.

  44. You could say that about literally any roleplay. “How can we accomplish the thrill of you being my nurse if I know you don't ACTUALLY practice medicine?????”

    I like cheating porn, don't really know why. I'd NEVER cheat on a partner; I find it disgusting. I think there's a real difference between a kink and a lapse in morality.

  45. Her sexuality isn't a commodity with a value. If she wants to sleep with someone she does. Your analogy about 'giving it away' is rooted in women's purity being worth something- it's a deeply patriarchal misogynistic mindset. Are you worried about her trade in value?

  46. Was rushed into the marriage, unfortunately. The day I slept with her, her mum called and asked me – when I am going to marry her, as her daughter is virgin.

  47. I would of said you want us to close our eyes and hope we don’t miss and drop the baby or what ??‍♀️? cause tf ! Plus did he stay for the birth ? Cause I would of said “ you shouldn’t even be inside the room during the labor “ ??‍♀️

  48. Your husband is an immature and abusive twit. Seriously, he was over the line. Do not apologize, that's on him this time. What a d!ck!

  49. i don't think i deserve to be and i agree it is. i was in therapy until i couldn't afford it anymore, so i know what i did is inexcusable and those weren't excuses just me trying to give myself some explanation as to why i feel like another person's thoughts are in my head. don't think im going back into therapy i'd rather just keep feeling like i want to die until i have the balls to do it but thanks for the suggestion

  50. Aren't you assuming with this reply that what I'm confiding here is probably showing in how I behave and carry myself? Knowing all that maybe but you miss a part

  51. It does sound like he's drifting away on purpose. it seems like he's treating you really unkindly. could he be continuing to invite you out because he feels guilty? or maybe even enjoys being in the position to reject you? It really hurts, and is easier said than done, but yeah maybe you should cancel and stay away from him for a while before this becomes the new normal of your relationship. if you have friends in common or continue to live around the same place you could reconnect in the future. this sounds hard hope you get the support and love you deserve!

  52. Support your boyfriend and don’t talk to Alex. If he walks up, walk away. Your loyalty is with your boyfriend and not Alex. You don’t have to be rude but you can be short with him.

  53. “He is older than me but acts like a teenager.” Imagine that: a then 25 year old man with a teenager (albeit legal) instead of someone around the same age or older. Classic. lmao.

    “He agrees with me but he doesn’t do anything about it [“jokes”] bcs F is his friend and doesn’t want a fight with him…” There it is, reality. He would rather protect his dumbass friend than protect you, his gf. I don’t think he agrees that you’re being disrespected and is just placating you. Also, his friends are a package deal. You can either choose not to be around him or hope that your bf will want to suddenly stick up for you – and his friend will actually concede and stop…

    “…I am always causing fights, but they are usually over important things that are meaningful to me. I’m always the ‘bad guy’ apparently.” This is another reality check: he doesn’t give a fuck. Communication is fundamental to a healthy relationship; If it’s important to you, it should be receptive to working things out and making you feel secure in the relationship. He deflects and blames you for reaching out.

    “I deserve respect and I don’t think think I’ll get it from him in this way.” You said it.

    You know what to do, leave.

  54. Because …. he's a decent person?? I've given plenty of coworkers rides home and been given rides in return for various reasons and attraction literally never once factored in.

  55. play life on extreme difficulty

    Many see it as the opposite though

    “If i have a kid someone else will provide the things i need like housing and money”

    Its dumb as fuck but as I became a dad at 17 to someone with this mentality, its very prevalent if you have no career, no likelyhood of having one, life will be min wage sloggery etc.

    All of a sudden 90% of your brain switches off and “but baby”

    Its called kids having kids.

    having a kid before 20 is awesome, if you like having no money, no stable housing, no social life, no time and a fuck tonne of stress on a daily basis. Oh yeh, and a dog shit job as you have zero choice when you find out money and housing does not just fall from the sky

    Then as they age you watch the people you grew up with build up a good life, whilst you're doing night school in your 30's to finally be able start to catch up

    I Highly reccomend to have kids before you have stopped being one yourself!

    Thankfully for mine i stuck around, if i hadn't they would have grown up in abject poverty, instead of just broke

  56. The fact that you read her private diary shows you're too immature for a serious relationship, no matter what was said.

  57. Does he have any redeeming qualities that would make you want to stay with him? Besides the fact that he didn’t listen to you at all and he’s trying to manipulate you with “crying” photos? I personally would break up with him you are doing a lot and you are kicking butt do you want a 32 year old man child who can’t even do one thing that you ask?

  58. He is gaslighting you. He knows you want to get married and if he says no for real it is probably a deal breaker. He's just gonna keep stringing it along until you either give up or dump him.

  59. I do highly recommend using toys to help fill that fantasy, but I also recommend it to friends in general, so I may not be the best person to weigh in on this.

    I do find it alarming she suggested the person she slept with while you were on a break and idk if I could trust that she wasn’t using the threesome as a way to relieve guilt and wanting to cheat with “approval”.

    Honestly if there isn’t healthy communication and it’s not something OP can get past it would be better to just end things rather than try to force it and waste their time. It’s understandable to not feel desire but it’s not gonna get better unless you have the naked conversations and make sure you’re on the same page.

  60. I’d suggest not marry him or moving in till either she moves or he is ready to move. He needs to start thinking about you and what this potential marriage is gonna look like

  61. If hebsays you are too much, tell him to go find less. I don't do “not allowed” in my relationships.

  62. That's not really realistic. Even 30+ years ago when I was dating, we sent Polaroids. They are going to send them, nearly everyone does now. So I tell them to be smart about it.

  63. Dude you have to stop this now before she takes further advantage of you. Same goes with other people if this happens again do not let them walk all over you.

  64. He was disgusting, inconsiderate to others in the house, and lazy. Then he screamed at you for fixing it. And then he refused to apologize, and berated you for being “disrespectful & defiant”. DEFIANT? Oh please. He’s wrong, wrong, WRONG.

    Can his method work? Maybe. Is choosing that route worth grossing out and inconveniencing his family over? No.

    Also, the man needs to learn to use less tp and what a mid-poop flush is.

  65. I don’t know how to take this and feel like I’m just a side piece.

    Do you know how dumb you sound? Do you pitch a fit like a 2 year old every time she's in proximity to another male?

  66. Thanks for taking the time. Appreciate it. I do this now but what I don’t do is walk away. Which is great advice. If I left the room or even went for a drive maybe that would be a strong enough sign for her to eventually realise how important this is to me.

    I feel I’ve tried lots of other ways .

  67. Only slightly violated? That’s deal breaker worthy. You’ve stated your boundary many many times and you are correct. You cannot consent while you’re asleep. He assaulted you.

  68. That’s pretty normal to me. Women get pretty specific. I’ve heard many stories from friends. We talked about how one friend was introduced to Shibari, and I’ve seen nudes she was proud of. My other friend told me how she and her husband had sex while driving his truck.

    Now that you know she has shared these details from her friends you can let her know how it made you feel. You can ask her not to share stories anymore. However, if you haven’t discussed that this a boundary for you, it shouldn’t be assumed she felt it was a boundary. It’s normal in many circles to share those details.

    My advice is to talk to her, but don’t come from a place that she should have assumed she crossed a line.

  69. Totally understandable. Trust is a difficult thing to earn back and if he wants it, he will have to be patient and do better, consistently. Don't let any of this make you feel like you aren't doing enough to fix it because you aren't the one needing to do any fixing. He may not ever earn your trust back and that's completely valid, too. You don't owe him trust.

  70. You need to leave this relationship and spend 100% of your effort focusing on your mental health. You aren’t doing yourself or him any favors and potentially causing long term damage.

  71. If a man won't introduce you to his friends it's because he's decided you aren't getting a long term commitment, or you're the side chick.

  72. Talk to him. Tell him you appreciate him letting you decide but you are not 100% sure and need his opinion.

    You don't need to mention anything you overheard.

    You guys can come up together with a plan, be the decision to have the baby or not.

    As a guy I think you have an awesome partner that is ok letting you choose what you think it's best for you, even if that is not what he would choose. I feel like he gave you full authority to decide even though deep inside he has his preference.

    Thank him for giving you power to decide but ask him to help you with the decision. It's a life changing decision for both of you and it will be much easier if both of you are onboard with whatever the decision is.

    I can't tell you what to do, but I think this should be a 2 party decision. Don't be afraid either way.

  73. That is fair to tell him!!!

    But remember, the fact that those people are staring and laughing is a reflection of how small minded they are, and you probably wouldn’t want to associate with them anyway. 🙂

  74. That’s a good suggestion, I could! But it’ll have to come from him to suggest. I’ve already made the first move. He can’t just as a matter of fact mention that he can’t trust me. If he suggests alternatives/solutions, i’ll be more than thrilled to work something out.

  75. I doubt you’ll see my comment but in the off chance it helps, he may have sleep apnea and/or general sleep problems, the apparent snoring is a red flag. He’s not getting enough productive rest to fuel his day.

    Suggest a sleep study and blood panel.

  76. Hi, I understand your comment. This is the POV I wanted to see from the other side. Prior to dating, he had been smoking and vaping since he was 16. I want to point out that, when he entered the relationship, he gave up nicotine. That is a choice of his own as well.

  77. If you arrive and see your sisters boyfriend and your partner wasn’t invited whats stopping you from leaving. You’re co-signing this blatant disrespect by staying at an event like this with them

  78. Does your girlfriend guard her phone like it has govt. nuclear secrets on it? Hold it specifically so you can't see the screen most or all of the time? Does she get jumpy or cut off sending messages to someone if you appear suddenly nearby?

    Does she suddenly spend more time at work, seem to take longer to get home after work, or have an uptick in going out at random for errands or anything? Or ever come home and head straight to go take a shower?

    While those are easy signs she's being sketchy AF, I would bring up the simple fact that she's flirting with someone she herself described as naked while you're clearly having problems and if she's more invested in spending all her time fucking off with homeboy GQ instead of working on anything, you'll take the hint.

  79. But you are choosing a man's attention over your own daughter. You only see her one weekend a month during the school year. I'm assuming that's you going to her and not her living with you and having a proper room in her mother's house.

    Normal parents are not going to stay with someone who tells them that they don't want to live with their children except for future together children because you know they actually love their children and want to be in their lives as much as possible.

    It's not wrong for to want to not be a stepdad but then that means not dating mothers. Turns out he found you a mother in name only and not in the ways that matter towards your actual currently here children.

    Speaks volumes of him too. I would never want to be with someone and eventually bring children into the world with someone who so easily dumps their children like that.

  80. What should I say now…? He was so afraid of me not liking him and I couldn’t figure out why until I met him I also asked why he’s been single and he told me girls seem to lose interest

  81. What were you expecting if your girl is going to clubs?

    Where is a fire, there is a smoke.

    Many times girl say shit ohh he tries to kiss me, oh he tried to make out with me and in reality there was much more to it.

    Good advice. If you are not in relationship, you don't put yourself in situations like this. Unless you want stuff like this to happen.

    Its so simple

  82. Majority of men would not care if all they want is sex. That’s how it is in the real world though. Gf is at fault 100%

  83. It does seem odd, but in my experience, it's kind of common.

    I'd say it depends on the couple. If they (or even just one member of the couple) is really explicit about the relationship, obviously, that's different. But I know a lot of couples that sort of blunder around for a pretty long time before some crisis or other forces them to clarify their status.

    I'd say that OP has reached such a crisis. If they haven't SAID, “We're exclusive,” one should never leave that to chance or act on assumptions.

  84. This is how I read it: when her partner asked to go further than kissing and touching, she said no. He then proceeded to massage OP, and OP again said that she won’t go further than that. He then stops and leaves.

    That to me said that he tried again with a massage, after OP said no the first time. OP also wrote “he put it away” which to me says that he whipped it out, but I could be completely wrong.

  85. That's fucked up man, I'm sorry. That's cheating in my book.

    No idea why your wife would ever think that was appropriate.

  86. Fucking a grown woman who is married to a man I never met is not my problem. How in the world is having consensual sex anywhere near as bad as killing a baby

  87. Damn dude, you done fucked up. You may as well accept the fact that you no longer have a daughter after what you said.

  88. Thoughts?

    It's a shame he didn't bolt out of bed at about 3:55am

    Now that I've got that out of my system…

    If you're interested in seeing him again, reach out with some sort of an opening “we all have those stories that we can laugh about eventually, want to get together for X?”

    If not, send the bill.

  89. I think you know exactly what is going on and I would hope you husband can see the forest for the trees here. Good luck OP i hope you don't need it ??

  90. The only benefits I can think of are the tax breaks.. I hyphenated my last name when I got married but my SO and I discussed it long before we actually married and our children all have his last name. Considering she was literally holding your ability to see your child over your head over a name I have to wonder what her issue is and it's not being a “modern woman ” because the rest of us modern ladies aren't that cruel to our SO.

  91. But he WAS prior to the conversation. She's indicated that your scenario isn't happening. She doesn't think about it.

  92. I think this is the most accurate thing. This guy is clearly trash as a person and definitely leading OP on, but if he honestly is not ready to be a dad right now (completely fair stance to take) then OP has to take him at his word and decide what is best for her. To me I would never want to be a single parent so if I was OP I’d get the abortion, but OP may decide she has the ability to cope. Either way breakup with this guy, he ain’t a good one.

  93. This is the good advice. Don't listen to the posters telling you to go nuclear.

    If you feel raw maybe just get some romance time instead of wrecking your sleep

  94. It seems like you have a fundamental gap between what he values and what you value. I have no idea why you want to marry this person. You probably have good reasons! It could just be that you see weddings very very differently.

    But is his attitude toward making you happy that he doesn't give a crap? Or is he extremely frugal and you like to spend the money you earn? These are big problems. Big incompatibilities.

    Talk to a counselor or clergy, and figure out what's going on between the two of you. figuring out a blueprint for your marriage is much more important than the wedding. But the wedding seems to be symbolizing that for you right now.

    Don't elope! I don't argue about it. If you can't figure out a way to see it the same way and negotiate a compromise? Break up.

  95. You are attracted to someone who lies and ghosts you after sleeping together? Yikes girl, please check in to therapy to unpack that

  96. Sensory issues are not treated with medication, so anything she'd be suggesting would essentially be zombifying this person to see if it gets them to shut up. I cannot think of anything other than antipsychotics that would accomplish that. That's pretty messed up!

  97. First three are borderline ego boosting. The others are too intimate and personal.

    Now that you’re 18 you can practice a new skill that will serve you forever. Being assertive. When he says that respond in a calm voice that he can’t talk about you like that. It’s funny and it makes you uncomfortable.

  98. First three are borderline ego boosting. The others are too intimate and personal.

    Now that you’re 18 you can practice a new skill that will serve you forever. Being assertive. When he says that respond in a calm voice that he can’t talk about you like that. It’s funny and it makes you uncomfortable.

  99. People have to give up some things they LIKE when CHOOSE to have kids. She shouldn't give up her job because he likes bowling, but they both should've been prepared for sacrifices including a potential hit to one or both careers. Since he earns more, it makes sense the hit would be to hers. She could do something part time so she still brings in something and has more free time as well, or she can keep complaining and I guess hire people to take care of their kids way more often even though her schedule initially changed because of daycare not being viable.

    I think what some people don't understand is that you literally don't have to have kids. They don't have to be your raison d'être, but if a few years of the focus being on them is too much, it sounds like… you didn't actually want kids at all.

  100. I know that pedophilia (or whatever the term is for that age range) is not the same as addiction but my husband is an alcoholic and there are parallels to the “I can fix him” and “if I leave he will get worse and it’ll be my fault” between our two situations. Do. Not. Stay. You are not responsible for him or his actions. I would contact your local authorities and ask if there’s anything you need or do or a report to fill out and start planning your exit strategy. Staying shows him that it’s permissible and it’s not.

  101. Yeah, naked to see a happy ending here. Prepare as best as you can, then do what was suggested by asking about guy by name and if she would let you read the texts.

  102. Grey Rock them. It takes some practice, but the best reaction is either utter indifference or no reaction at all.

  103. Liquor can remove my filter, and my identity is honesty. Generally, I would dodge this question in a business environment or relationship, but I had my guard down. I need to alter my identity to avoid this in the future.

    Thanks for your time and feedback. I need to slow down and think before I speak, even under the influence.

  104. It’s only worth staying in the relationship if he’s able to throw down some boundaries. Does he go in as many dates with you as he does with her? Why is he allowing her to talk like that?

    He might not be interested in her, but he’s also showing a pattern of letting women think what they want about his relationship with them. This either will or does extend to you right now, since he’s clearly just fine with letting people speculate on both his relationships with you and with her.

    The complicating factor here is that you’ve only been dating for five months, so it’s naked to gauge his ability to get serious about the two of you. What IS clear is that if you stay together, she is going to be become a ‘her or me’ situation.

  105. You are absolutely right I am a full time mom and juggle gymnastics, dance and martial arts on top of it all. Because I don't want my daughter to go without and I will literally give up every hour of my day for both her and my husband before I do a thing for myself. But that's what is getting tiring. When my husband is stable it's fine but those periods are few and far between at this point and it does almost feel like I'm alone. We are about to schedule an evaluation for him but I am skeptical with how far he'll follow through and I've pretty much made it clear if he doesn't help himself I'm gone. I love him and he's a great dad but at the end of the day I can't keep doing it the way things are now.

  106. I appreciate the feedback – no I don’t want him having any sort of dealer or want us having a future of ‘what if’ with any sort of drug related conversation. I just want a healthy relationship. He’s getting help with an outpatient clinic but is it enough? I only ask the question because I’m so naive about this. Yeah you’re right – I’ll have to start to attend one of these groups to better understand this


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