JeniWanna online webcams for YOU!

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25 thoughts on “JeniWanna online webcams for YOU!

  1. Also: I am so sorry about your brother.

    That's kind of my dilemma, I don't want ANYONE in my family to be my caregiver. I want them to remember me as I am now.

    I'm so sorry you went through that with your brother. I can't even imagine how very hot that must have been for you. I don't want to put anyone else in your shoes.

  2. I don't think your assessment is “clear” at all. It's clear you on-line in some bizarro world where people are generally nice. Please grow up.

  3. She’s been talking to some other guy and she feels guilty. Doesn’t really wanna break up yet because she’s not sure if anything’s gonna work out with the other guy. But kinda knows it’s over

  4. Not sure honestly, I’m not very good with technology, so not sure how it works, I’ve decided to send the wife a message from a fake social media account just need to figure out how to set it all up I don’t use fb or any social media platforms so I need to do some research first

  5. Didn't say that…. keep your words out of my mouth. I said she is without a doubt not being honest about something

  6. I’ve got news for you: there probably wasn’t any family business sale. There probably wasn’t any surgery.

  7. “Not my problem, I will do whatever is best for me and, more importantly, whatever the fuck I want”

    Here is your script, go practice 😉

  8. Since things are now open to insults, I don't think you realise how hypocritical you're behaviour is. I feel sorry for the guy already. What a head fk

  9. Lmao, she sees you as a bag of money with the dollar sign (or whatever currency you use) on it. Not exactly a cherry.

  10. That same car probably would have cost you $400 monthly because you have good credit. Feel blessed he didn't ask you to finance it. See, he has standards and no personal resources. I'm praying for you whether you move forward or not.

  11. Yes, that is what I’m going to do. I’ll stay in constant contact with his parents and let them see their granddaughter as much as possible. They are really kind people. Thank you so much!

  12. This is going to be so individual.

    I knew a girl who was diagnosed with vaginismus. She did a lot of work with her now husband and got over it. She would have hated his pensis to get bigger in any way, as it could have re triggered the issue.

  13. OP, I'm not going to do the typical Reddit thing and say divorce or leave her or whatever. But man, she's giving you an insight to the kind of person she is. You literally told her it's something you're not comfortable with and she's still trying to force you into it by guilt tripping you. The boy's father, who was still in his life, straight up told you he is not comfortable with it and doesn't like it. You don't like it. The sun is 8 years old it's not like he's a newborn baby that's not going to know any different. Hell, even I wouldn't do that with my stepson.

    But the most telling part is when you told her all of these facts, you even flipped it around and asked her how she would feel in the situation and she said she wouldn't like it, but it somehow “different”. It's not different at all. It's literally the exact same thing. How can she say that something wouldn't be okay for her, but you should cave and do it?

    So for one thing, I just straight up wouldn't do that. I honestly would not, that has so many more potential negatives than it does potential positives. The only potential positive is y'all's last name is the same. Which really doesn't mean shit at the end of the day. So if I were you I wouldn't do it, I let it be known that you don't want to do it, and don't budge don't cave

  14. you telling him to stop transitioning for his grandparents' comfort is extremely transphobic and unsupportive of you, do you truly not realise that?

  15. Tell the coworker you are coming over to get your cat. That you have a ridiculous amount of proof that it is your cat and that your husband gave it away without your permission and if he doesn't give you the cat you will call the police to report him for theft followed up with a call to their company to report what he and your husband have done.

    Kick your husband out and file for divorce. See if your cat can stay with someone else until your husband is out of the home for good.

    Get grief therapy. It's one thing to create an intense bond with a pet that came into your life at a very difficult time and feel extremely connected. Believing wholeheartedly that it's your reincarnated father (?!?!) is … something else entirely.

  16. Because your friend comes with out of the blue you are thinking about ending with your fiance are you sure you love him? How long have you been with him?


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