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15 thoughts on “Ivy live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. As this is a behavioural change it does sounds like burnout. She is constantly stressed and always on edge regardless of her workload and constantly waking up in the middle of the night is also a sign. I think it would be beneficial for her to see a psychiatrist to find out what’s stressing her out.

  2. Calm down. She said she wants to hang out. So hang out. You’ll have to guage what kind of relationship she wants, as she has previously said ‘friends’ but you’ll have to wait and see. Why don’t you propose an activity for that hang she suggested. Something you know will be good for the two of you.

  3. She got caught lying and contacting an ex behind your back. She can't unring the bell.

    She destroyed your trust. People divorce for loss of trust more than the related infidelity.

  4. My question is.. why’d you get with a smelly dude ? but also, my advice: I was with someone for a little over 3 years who had bad hygiene. I’m talking sucking his thumb while taking a shit and not washing his hands afterwards type of gross. He also got mad at me when I told him it bothers me when he doesn’t clean himself. His bad hygiene eventually caused me to get a bad kidney infection that nearly killed me.

    Ask yourself this. Are you sure he’s an okay guy? Is this the only thing that he has said “cool, I don’t care” to? Does he frequently shut down your emotions like that?

    IMO, he sounds like a Manchild. Throw him out, girl.

  5. I’ve been raped before too and what he said was horrible and unforgivable in my opinion. “That sucks but I’m selfish and wanna use you to get off” listening to you talk about your trauma should be a turn off for him anyway, he should only be thinking about how to console you and how upsetting what happened was, not about how to pleasure himself.

  6. I do try, I cook, I clean and tidy, pick the kids up if I can, I do pretty much all the DIY in the house saving money and time, but I will make a larger effort

  7. Bro, your girlfriend is utterly immature. Dump her ass, if I were you, I'd be so completely insulted, there'd be no coming back from this. There are better women out there who have their shit together so as to not insult you for taking care of your poor sister.

  8. You seem to be taking your frustrations out on her instead of the people judging you. I’m curious as to how exactly your wife looks. Most people would just make a joke about her having a baby face or say she’s going to look great at 50. I can’t imagine accusing a man of being a pedo for marrying a woman OLDER than him. First, talk with your wife and explain some of your struggles in a way that doesn’t vilify her. It’s a you and her vs the problem situation, not a you vs her situation. Lastly, if your wife is comfortable, maybe encourage her to wear makeup with darker tones, cut her hair, or even get a tattoo somewhere like her arm to signify she’s an adult.

  9. Her body will still react whether she is conscious or not. She’ll either be awake on the toilet or unconscious laying in her own body fluids. I can’t believe I actually have to say this to someone but please don’t assault your fiancée.

  10. Her body will still react whether she is conscious or not. She’ll either be awake on the toilet or unconscious laying in her own body fluids. I can’t believe I actually have to say this to someone but please don’t assault your fiancée.

  11. My birth dad said I wasn’t his and went on to have like 7 other kids. I had to track him down and find that out. I don’t have a good relationship with him because it was damaging to know I wasn’t good enough back then for him. I don’t think they would be missing out, speaking from a similar perspective


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