Ivana-diaz online sex cams for YOU!

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53 thoughts on “Ivana-diaz online sex cams for YOU!

  1. He has though, but instead of fixing their problems she rather stay at her friends and drink with co workers. She has her husband. It's rude to do that, if you're getting married.

  2. Your wife is mothering your two-year-old and you're worried about her appearance? For this you want to blow up your family? What faults, exactly? What are you doing to help your wife and child with this struggle?

  3. Same. I mean we do get well along with each other but I guess we still live! in two different worlds, I’m not a party person, I rather stay at home with my husband and kids and have a good time with them.

  4. Are we talking he had no interest in hearing about your life and problems, or that he has no romantic or sexual interest in you? Or did he just not give a singular shit?

    If it was just him not showing any interest in you as a partner or FWB, then sometimes a friend can just be a confidant without being romantic or sexual.

    If he didn't give a shit about your life, problems, or you in general… probably better to not have that type of friend or crush.

  5. Sounds like you put more into the relationship than she does and she’s just reaping the benefits of having the bills paid while she does is wash clothes.. doesn’t sound like the relationship even after y’all get married.. might want to rethink the whole relationship imo

  6. I don’t think you are in the wrong. You tried to please your husband and indulge in his fantasies now he’s mad that you enjoyed yourself

  7. Well I was also thinking maybe since he became a parent so young, that’s why he lives life so vibrantly. To get the feeling of those younger years back. He’s never gaslit me, and other than our first time hooking up, he’s never coerced me. I forgot to mention that when we hooked up after I took the plan B he asked if he could cum inside me and I said “I’m not on birth control” and he said “Yeah but you already took the Plan B” and I said “No, don’t want to risk it” and he took it out. didn’t push me on it, and pulled out every single time. And I looked up love bombing & he’s not clingy, doesn’t show me crazy amount of attention, or needs to know everything i’m doing

  8. In one year, we have rarely gotten mad at each other. I thought we had both agreed if something happened that bothered us…that we would sit down…talk about it…fix it and move on since it was now in the past.

  9. It depends on how you feel about it. In your case, you clearly feel weird about it, so you should consider breaking it off

  10. She went with a friend so her friend can get a toy. She herself has one and I have no problem with it. Neither of watch porn, we both mutually agree it’s disrespectful (not judging what others think about the topic). I actually did watch porn when we first started dating. Then as soon as she said she felt it was disrespectful I haven’t gone back since. I’m struggling to understand why when I find something upsetting it’s much more difficult for her to give something up. Honestly I enjoyed porn and didn’t feel like it was necessary to stop watching but I’ll respect her wishes immediately and try to understand where she comes from. About this topic, and also other topics that are more PG13… my feelings never really come into consideration.

  11. No. A guy having a vibrator is 'liken' to a woman having a vibrator.

    A guy paying OF models and looking at porn when they know its a boundary is an issue. Thats why they lie about it. How many women do you know that lie about having a vibrator?

    Sort your head out.

    The point is that it is what arouses a person.

    I agree that the lying about the porn is/was wrong. My question is why is porn a problem for her?

    I don't know any women that lie about having a vibrator, but this isn't about me.

  12. Stop seeing him. That seems like the simplest and healthiest thing to do for yourself. Don’t be with someone that doesn’t like anything you do or how you act. And definitely don’t be with someone that picks you apart. Being alone is better than that.

  13. If they've never gotten along they certainly aren't going to start now. I'd be willing to guess they both feel like their needs are constantly being bartered and sacrificed for the other one, and no one ends up happy; and it doesn't sound like they're wrong. If this room situation is any indication it seems your parenting style is throwing them together and saying “figure it out” then acting like you've done all you can. It honestly still sounds more like you just don't want to deal with them than valid concern for their sisterly bond.

    Find a place that will be for Aubree every time she comes home that is just for her and her stuff. Tell both your kids you're sorry for being short sighted, and then let them live!.

    My insight comes from being the younger daughter in a duo that never got along. Due to conflicting personalities and various schemes and attempts to make us like we other, we are life long enemies that literally cannot be in the same room together.

  14. Those are not terms of endearment but demeaning names for someone they have no respect for. He's doing that to 24 year old women who just entered adulthood because no women his age would ever tolerate that. Now only you should leave this relationship but you get in therapy too. You have fear of abandonment and low self esteem. Might possibly from your rough childhood. You need leave asap and get in therapy to address your issues.

  15. This is not normal and quite terrifying. Please do not go back to this person. I understand that leaving will leave you with a void in your life, but you should not be with this person.

  16. I didn't read through all the comments so apologies if someone has already said this. Give him a lesson on X and Y chromosomes. It's the father who determines the sex of the baby. ??‍♀️

  17. Honestly the best way to suggest this is ask for her sizes and buy her some that you’d like to see on her! If she doesn’t like to wear them often maybe then just suggest she wears what you buy her for a special date night or occasion and suggest she can pick something that she’d like to see on you as well.

    I find it personally so agitating if a partner ever told me they’d rather I wear something else because like dude…you want me to go out and spend my time and then money on something that YOU like and I don’t even know if you’ll like this specific set?

  18. There’s no reason to have contact with her if you do t want to. You’ve expressed your reasons for no and she’s not accepting it so that her problem and you can just go low contact.

  19. They aren't your friends. They are with when it's pleasant fir them, but you can't rely on them. When you would need them tbey won't be there for you. If you want friends yoh can trust and mutually rely on, you need to find different “friends”.

  20. Be very very careful with this man around your child. People that prey on children will often seek out single mothers.

    This isnt just about your dreams of a family. You need to think about this as a mother. Safeguard your child and never introduce your child to a partner again.

  21. Yeah this should be top comment. Regardless of whether OP’s SO is supportive or not, this shit is super cringey and immature, and everyone who does it is going to look back on it and be super embarrassed that they have this crap permanently all over the internet.

  22. It’s not about you. It’s about your girlfriend feeling unheard and that you aren’t willing to show her that you care enough to look into it and present her with facts. I would feel hurt that I was dismissed so fast and that you didn’t take the time to consider the idea.

    I am done trying to get my point across. You obviously need more work on being less self-centered and more time thinking of other’s point of view.

  23. Who knows, I go with he is almost perfect and that’s good enough most of the time that’s why I make do with the stuff that’s missing cause the rest is fine

  24. Sounds like you need to go to couples therapy to see if there’s anything to save. Andrea is exhibiting independent behavior which is definitely a love buster.

  25. Rule of thumb: If you're on a ride that you don't enjoy, its time to get off.

    Could you be crazy? Maybe.

    Is he doing anything to help your case? No.

    Is there anything you can do? Not really. Everything is protected by the 'She's just a friend, and you're being insecure' notion.


    Obsessively talks about her. Goes all out for her birthday but gives you a half assed, slightly insulting bday (gift that is suitable for her). Has the energy to go to a concert with her, but the next day “I am too sick for our anniversary, sorry” Directly chooses to spend Valentines day with her over you.

    I think this is a load of shit:

    He said today that even his psychologist said that it’s my problem that I see her like something more than just a friend.

    He is clearly more invested into her than he is with you. And then tells you that it's your problem, not his.

    Honestly, who wouldn't be driven to crazy when your partner chooses a different woman over you for valentines day and puts more effort towards their friendship than your own relationship.

    If you're on a ride that you don't enjoy, its time to get off.

  26. He broke his vows. The marriage is fissured irreparably. The only way to get it back without break lines is divorce and remarry, but that's not the answer. Forgiveness is burying your head in sand and expecting things to not change. That's simply ridiculous and very damaging to yourself mentally. He cheated. That's not something you can wash as if it never happened. It did happen. Are you going to let yourself be the unhappy wife? Or will you cut lose. Staying for the children will be a huge disservice to them. They learn from you two. If you are fine with your husband cheating. Your children will learn it from you.

  27. I'm concerned that you don't want to do chores at your moms house. You'll have chores to do anywhere you live!.

    Fair enough response. The “uncomfortable” aspect I was referring to is regarding things like them asking me to be their designated driver, or asking me to pick them up when they get shitfaced, which does make me uncomfortable. I do clean up after myself, but being asked to clean up after my step-dad because he refuses to also makes me uncomfortable. Back when my mom was single and it was just me and her living together, I cleaned up after dinner almost every single night. No problems there. Sorry if I gave too much info, I tried to keep it vague in the post.

    Stay in your room the majority of the time, tidy up after yourself, pay your rent on time, be careful not to damage any property.

    Lucky for me that's how I already online, lol. The increased independence will make the quality of life much higher, though. Thanks for the reply!

  28. Yeah so you know that what you did was absolutely idiotic, and you shouldn't ever do that again.

    Unfortunately, it's over with you new partner. She's never going to be able to trust you again, for good reason. From her point of view you're either:

    Lying to her and actually still want to be with your ex The type of person who deliberately lies and manipulates people for personal gain

    You are the second type of person. You can change, but you need to be aware of what you've done.

  29. I had to come to this realization late in life myself. Im similar age and no one ever really told me up front i just noticed I wasnt being included in group events alot. Fortunately I am 100% fine rolling solo so it didnt bother me much but i can see that is not the case for everyone. You sound pretty much similar to myself. Honestly if someone feels a certain way then it's valid and you have to respect it. You need to determine if it's in good nature or just being a dbag. This one sounds like she doesn't want to spend time on her birthday apologizing for your potential actions. Also don't be so quick to blame your issues on autism it's possible your just a dbag I am speaking from experience. I've had to look in the mirror once or twice to realize the issue was me. Good luck.

  30. Whether you marry or not, when you do not establish your own legal Agreement, the Law defines your rights and responsibilities within your union (however you label it), and when necessary, after it dissolves. Perhaps you can dispel GF of the idea that it's all about breakup by working out your own Agreement, beginning with the terms that you think will strengthen the union, and only at the end discussing dissolution.

    Legally, your ceremony (however you label it) is all show and no substance. No matter if your officiant is clergy, judge, justice-of-the-peace, county recorder, the captain of a plane or ship you're on, or just lawyers and witnesses to your Agreement – whatever floats your boat works for me.

  31. Sounds more like floating your boat since you are unsuccessfully defending it.

    But fair enough, have a good one.

  32. My husband used to do that. I kept a can of Lysol by the bed. He said that was mean. We figured out it only happens when he eats spaghetti, which is one of his favorites. Now he eats it a couple of times a year instead of a couple of times a week. Talk to her about it nicely.

  33. Any weight related changes she is unhappy about, but she is the kind of girl that is VERY body positive. A lot of her friends are bigger, and a lot of the instagram/TikTok/YouTube creators she follows create content centered around accepting fat women and such. In my opinion, it seems like a coping method as she kept gaining more weight herself, but who’s to say.

    Aside from that though, she started altering her appearance one step at a time, which I was okay with at first. If she’s obsessed with getting a septum piercing, and I don’t think they’re attractive, I just couldn’t tell her not to get one(maybe this is where I screwed up lol). But slowly she started turning into a different girl, and the lie of me finding that type of girl attractive, just kept snowballing. Like when she wanted to dye her hair, I didn’t like the idea, but hair is temporary. But after she did it once, she just couldn’t stop. Now I just feel stuck, like if I tell the truth now, that I don’t like one aspect of her attractive, I don’t even know how I would began explaining how I’m okay with everything else.

  34. No joke, the adultery subreddit went nuts when Apple introduced the delete iMessage feature and the face scan to get to the phone’s hidden pictures folder.

  35. I don’t know really. Just a committed relationship we haven’t defined specifically if we want to get married

  36. That escalated quickly. I think it's a bit mean, honestly. Was this a one off comment, or does she often say things like this?

    I would talk to her about how it made you feel.

  37. She is really unwell. I think she should be inpatient for awhile until she regains control over her emotions.

  38. Dude, no. Tell her that saying you'd be FWB with her was a mistake and that's not going to work and you think it's best if you just completely cut contact.

    Never agree to be FWB with someone clingy – that's like they hear you are in a relationship with them, because that's what clingy people do – they take small amounts of interest and escalate it to the nth degree. Also, it's a bad look to agree to FWB with someone who wants more in the first place because that's kind of using them for sex.

  39. Not ADHD but autism, and I do a similar thing. I can spend 30 minutes cleaning a lamp, or dusting all the skirting boards. Not because they’re particularly dirty or “need” to be cleaned, but just because I noticed it so now it’s a task. I like doing them. I’d think my partner was weird if they did it though. My hyperfixation on weird shit doesn’t elevate its importance, if anything I only get hyper fixated on really unimportant details. It’s like bigger tasks are too stressful or the demand is too strong (“I have to vacuum”), whereas tiny weird details don’t have that pressure so it’s enjoyable to do them.

  40. “I respect your beliefs and would never attempt to pull you away from them. I think it’s reasonable to expect you to show me the same respect. I will not be discussing this with you anymore.” Then just don’t. Hang up the phone or leave the room if she starts nagging you about it again. Every time.

  41. Just googled:

    How long does tinder keep your profile active?

    But like… why build a case when you already know the evidence?

    Sending him a link, is only asking for more conflict.

    Are you looking to hear it directly from his mouth in order to move on?

    His reaction… demonstrates that he will be combative on the topic.

    And you opening the conversation up, gives potential for you to be convinced against the truth.


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