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HELLO, ❤Do you want sexy dance?♥//Squirt Show❤ // PROMO 150 TKS FOR 300 SG CONTROL LUSH❤ [444 tokens remaining]
here is a challenge. Put yourself into dominant female spaces and learn from them. Take a ballet class. Take yoga. Go to pilates. And don't be weird – which means no staring. Make eye contact and smile. Treat everyone regardless of how attractive they are with kindness and attention.
Can you do couples therapy?
Exactly what I'm saying. Based on the story it looks like the episodes started after the ADHD stimulant. What if it's a higher dose than what she needs? What if they're over medicating her? Overdose from meds is one of the most common reasons of death in the US…
Maybe she's not even correctly diagnosed… It seems she's hyperfocusing as a mania. And hyperfocus is probably caused by that stimulant. I've had friends that used to take ADHD stimulants to study for exams and they'd be hyperfocused for 24 hours…
She should go to another doctor and be assessed correctly.
Makes me think about my ex. He was lowkey proud of the fact that he punched things when he got upset. I guess he thought it made him manly? Impressive? Badass? The way he told me, it was like he was trying to show me what an alfa he was.
Nope, it only made him emotionally unstable, childish and destructive. Yes, it is a red flag.
Looks like she has an expectation. Maybe communicate what that is and possibly negotiate with her.
Tell her how uncomfortable it makes you. You don’t. Like doing it and it seems like it gone to far. It feels like she’s crossed your boundaries and I just feel soo bad for her because what In the actual fuck
Nah, just break up with the dude and stop counting on money OP doesn’t have. And spend more time with Grandma!
My coworkers think I should tell Rob how I feel. I don’t know if I can keep working here, knowing that he’ll never fully forgive me and that he won’t mentor/ trust me.
This feels like a bit of catastrophizing. Has he said that he will never forgive you? Has he said that he will no longer mentor or trust you?
I’m curious what personal favor you messed up. I get why you want to keep it vague, but I would sit and think about it, if I were you. Is it appropriate for a boss to ask for personal favors? Was it anything that you would feel uncomfortable doing for a boss you were not friends with? Why is he giving you the cold shoulder at work if the favor did not pertain to work? Is he acting like a mature manager?
I know I threw a lot of questions at you, but they’re for you to ponder. No need to answer them all here. It’s hot to tell what exactly went down, but your boss seems to be behaving inappropriately. Regardless of the favor asked (which I assume is questionable), it’s inappropriate for him to professionally punish you for it. I do think you should talk to him; apologize again, remind him that it was unrelated to work, and maybe request that he no longer asks for non-professional favors. You two need to remain firmly boss and employee, even if it feels like you’re friends.
FFS change your password and get out of that relationship. You both treat each other like shit Stop the cycle.
You're blowing it massively out of proportion in your head, unless there's key information missing from your post.
Your partner broadly communicated something she would be interested in. You said no. She asked for clarification on specifics, in case you had the wrong idea, you said no. You reminded her of the boundary when sober, she accepted that and agreed not to bring it up (knowing that if you changed your mind then you'd know where she stood).
Nothing has changed about her. She's the same person. She just communicated openly with you. If you create a situation where she feels she can't be open with you, for fear of emotional reprisals, you'll doom the relationship.
It's okay to not be interested in something. It's common for partners to have differing stances on something sexual. As long as nothing happens that you aren't both on board with, and the other person can accept that, it doesn't matter.
A third in a threesome doesn't join your relationship. You rarely see them again even. At most, they're a friend you occasionally hook up with together. For a lot of couples, the third person in a threesome is no more than essentially a toy added to the mix for mutual fun. She was asking for an experience together, not to open the relationship up.
Everyone should set their boundaries wherever they feel comfortable with. If it's something you feel that strongly about then that's fair. I would strongly advise that you may want to discuss that insecurity with a therapist though (not the not wanting to do it, but that the mere suggestion has you re-evaluating) because if you set your boundary as “must not be prepared to be more adventurous in the bedroom than me” then you may find you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
She did it before you were dating. Not while. Big difference.
If you want to sleep around like her, you should have broken up with her first.
Unless he’s a doctor and there were some really suspicious looking moles on those parts this is weird AF
Ok, I have never been a tidy person, and I have ADD. And right now, I'm in chemotherapy, which means there are days or even weeks where it's really all I can do to just do the minimum, right?
But even at my worst times, there are certain things that I, as a functional adult, do not do. These things include not leaving food out in the open for days to rot away, and not throwing trash, especially trash containing biohazards/bodily fluids, down on my own floor instead of in the trash can and just leaving it here.
There's messiness, like leaving socks on the floor or leaving water glasses around, that's pretty typical of arguments between couples with different standards of tidiness. But then there's willfully unsanitary behavior, like leaving perishable foodstuffs and items contaminated with bodily fluids out where they can grow mold, attract pests, and generally create a biologically hazardous environment for the people and pets in the space.
A person who blows her nose and then throws the used tissue on the floor and leaves it there is a person who needs help. I can't tell you whether she's depressed or what, but there is something going on with her that is causing her to exert less care and concern for the basic sanitation of her immediate environment than is normal for a healthy adult.
Mental health challenges can often look like laziness from the outside, but where laziness can be helped with motivation and discipline alone, different mental health challenges can and should be addressed in different, more specific ways by a licensed professional.
Good luck
Forgetting the age gap for a minute, don’t you think it sucked to have him ruin your first experience of snow? Did you feel embarrassed by the way he talked to you in the supermarket, or when buying the slippers? Do you think that’s how a loving, caring boyfriend should talk to the one he supposedly loves?
Sometimes a relationship starts off wonderfully, then takes a nosedive down a cliff. Now you’re at the bottom of the cliff, emotionally drained, crying, confused and questioning what to do. Ask yourself if this is the life you want, year after year. Take back control of your own life. Find your joy, get your sparkle back. Leave your boyfriend. There are so many guys out there, it’s not like he’s the last man on earth. Why settle for someone who makes you miserable?
OP, when people show them who they are, believe them. It's only been a few weeks of being official and he's already giving you doubts??? Run for the hills
Thank you, I’m just really confused as she tells me how she Wanst to be with me, how she really likes me and how she wants me to be her bf in the future however like I said it just seems like she wants friends with benefits
Reasoning for not driving him?
I can accept there is probably some frustration on his end if he is genuinely unwell, but that is not an excuse to take it out on you and the people he is supposed to love and care for.
His controlling, abusive behaviour is not OK, and you have every right to feel over it. Your children will pay the price if his behaviour continues.
Either he was cheating using that phone or he had child porn on it, nothing else should get such a strong reaction unless something we don't know is going on between you 2 like physical abuse, but assuming everything is normal between you 2, you should definitely be thinking about leaving after that cause it's not going to be even slightly ok, think about it like this, he was so scared of you finding whatever it was out that he would rather destroy it in front of you than get caught red handed so he can at least argue that you have no proof and make you feel like the bad guy for pressing too hot
Yeah you have valid reasons to end it. I would have to agree your partner is not being honest about what they actually want.
When a monogamous relationship gets to this point, the relationship is over. He wants to cheat with your friend and he’s trying to get your permission so he doesn’t look like what he is a creepy cheater. So if you stay with him at this point on what you’ve got is a cheater that wants to sleep with your friends. Good luck with that and then he can call it a threesome or an open relationship so that’s so much better right?
With 12 hours shifts their parents aren't the ones helping, but the ones doing the job. And she's the one who's helping. You wrote you want a family and kidS too. With a woman unable to meet you more than once a month. How do you imagine that part will work out?
I mean,he obviously doesn't want you anymore. Being ok with receiving oral but not giving oral? You're just a convenient cocksucker to this dude. Why are you sticking around?
Just tell him you want an actual gift that comes from his heart. Communication is everything.
Thanks for the encouragement. I just sent him this: “I know we didn’t discuss this since it’s a different kind of situation, but if you’d ever want to talk on the phone or have a more in depth text convo I’d be down. “
Yeah that would be a massive red flag for me. I wouldn’t be able to trust him, something is not right if he’s going after 18 year olds when he’s thirty. That invites the assumption that he’s not after an equal partner, just after looks and possibly someone he can control
pretty sad when the AP has your back better than your man.
maybe you and AP should date and get rid of the “husband”
you obviously hate this man (as you should) so why date him