Isabeellagomez on-line sex cams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Isabeellagomez on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hes still manipulating you. You are apologizing to him because he says,” he's really sorry and feels bad and that's not what he wanted and he really cares about you and has offered you a no sex relationship and he promises that no sex ever again if you don't want too.” He's setting you up for the next time and there will definitely be a next time if you continue even giving ole boy your time and attention. He's apologized to get you to relax and offers “no sex if you dont want too” to let him get close to you. He had plenty of chances to stop but didn't. You apologizing for it and giving him forgiveness is a green light in his head that you were actually okay with it and he can do it again…. Dudes a real creep…. Be careful.

  2. Your over thinking this.. prolly because your older than him.. but this isn't an age gap.. you guys are still at the same stages in life

  3. Do NOT do this! He’s absolutely love bombing you and that’s a MASSIVE MASSIVE red flag! I let my ex fiance propose to me after TWO MONTHS! TWO!!! He isolated me from my family, made it so I couldn’t get a license, and didn’t take me to doctors appointments to get birth control because he was trying to get me pregnant. Absolutely do NOT do this!

  4. Even if he treats you well in other ways, you will always feel resentful about this. Either sit down with him and explain again what do you expect and see if you can compromise or make him understand or let that ?

  5. u/druidess1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. I don’t think there’s a way to get vibrations without notifications. My iPhone does it all the time as well and it’s annoying af.

  7. u/Unique-Mycologist767, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/throwaway54694, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. Yea I’m gonna have to agree with others that you got yourself into this. He sounds like an immature guy. It’s clear he wants nothing to do with a child and I think you’re gonna have to bounce.

  10. Confronting her is the only thing you can do. Before that however ask yourself what if it's true? What will you ask of her then? What if is completely unapologetic about it (in this case correct answet is break up btw) ? You know essentially establish with yourself how serous you think her actions are and what do you want to with it, before the actual talk.

  11. I find emotional intimacy on the same level as physical intimacy.

    he pushes me off of him and says things like “what the hell are you doing?”.

    why are you standing for this? It sounds like he's not going to give you what you want even though you've talked about it :/

  12. Yeah that’s what other friends have advised. I’ll try to say it but I think she might get defensive. I think what you’ve said is probably the best course of action…it’s a lot of money after all

  13. I think you missed the part of the post where he wasn't the one telling her this his two friends were it's not like he was just there trying to look good his friends are the ones who brought up these stories

  14. Thanks for taking the time to give such an interesting answer!

    Yes, it makes sense to me he lacks of emotional skills which he didn't learn in childhood. His parents got divorce quite early and he lived with her mom until last year. Her mom was abusive and would use him as a weapon against his dad, but he won’t recognize it.

    The first is a strong abandonment fear.

    Yes, he has abandonment fear but not in the ways you describe. He has never isolated me from my friends or family, instead he loves hanging around with my parents and always ask me to meet cousins or grandparents. Also I have complete control over my own time and how I spend it on my friends, weekly. Nevertheless, since we are dating he forgot about his own friends and family and I’m the one who is always reminding him to visit them (with and without me)

    Second, you would be seeing him rely heavily on black-white thinking,

    Mmm his attitude doesn’t match the description. He never blames me, instead he downplay HIS issues and is more likely he puts problems under the rug. He doesn’t play the victim role and often apologize, although those apologies mean too little lately.

    Third, you generally would not see him expressing his rages to casual friends, coworkers, or total strangers.

    He often express his rage with his mother, father and sister. Not so much with friends, but I've seen he lost his temper once. It's more usual with his family and I'm often telling him to calm down, watch his tone, or apologize.

    Fourth, you are convinced he truly loves you.

    Tbh not really. A couple months ago he told me he loves me and I replied I didn't love him yet. Deep down I think he's just a little obsessed with me, I doubt that what he truly feels for me is love. But yeah, he definitely flips.

    Thank you again for your insight!

  15. 26 is to young to lose your interest and libido. I imagine that employment and other people in your life wear you down but it would be prudent to evaluate the importance level of your relationship before you end up posting on another sub.

  16. he also by that time wanted to help anybody in the office because he wanted to get closer to all of us.

    He would try to push my boundaries all the time and he would say compliments to me (such as- you look like a kitty or you are cute


    Your boss is sexually harassing you and acting 100% inappropriate at work.

    You want to date someone more mature than your bf.

  17. I don't particularly think this specific woman in this specific post is behaving in a super mature way. (Neither is OP.) Do you not see though that you are rapidly and nonsensically generalizing from this one situation and applying a bizarre, nonsense theory to all women? That's the problem. When you stop that, you will be happier.

  18. You handled it very well. She already told you that you were the backup guy. I’m glad you held your ground.

  19. This sounds like psychosis to me, or at the very least some other grief-induced mental illness. I’m glad to see you went to the ER, I hope everything turns out okay and you find what’s going on and how to help it.


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