You need to trust your gut and go NC immediately. – Keep detailed notes and the porn he gave your son, turn it in to the authorities. – This appears to be a pretty standard grooming technique. It’s illegal and predatory. – You’re doing the right thing here, you child is your number 1 priority.
if you're uncomfortable with it then don't do it. regardless of morals or how others will view it, you don't seem to keen on the idea so you might as well not ??♀️
This is a lack of consideration and communication on both your parts. He can't read your mind regarding what you need, but he also could have asked you. You did not tell him no, due to your previous trauma, but have you discussed this with him in a non sexual moment? You both need to set up better communication, or you'll continue to have this happen. In his mind, you said yes, so he had consent. If he doesn't know about this reaction to sex, you need to tell him. If you need something when you're upset, you need to tell him. Without the ability to communicate in a healthy manner, a relationship is essentially doomed
He can tell you he's not comfortable with that. BUT: he contacted your employer to sabotage a job. That's alarming. And I mean alarming to the level that all your red flags on the planet should be waving like crazy. And then not happy with that he contacted your mother to sabotage you again.
I think your family and friends are all focused on “underwear, no, wrong, we are all prudes, no, how can you use underwear for photos” and are not focusing enough on “a man contacted THE EMPLOYER of his wife to SABOTAGE A JOB”
Oh good God you are the toxic drama girl. He should Def keep you on block. The screaming and tantrum afterward… you have disordered thinking. Go seek therapy. Leave this boy alone.
It's not that it was a gift to me. The remainder was left with me and pay off/ahead on bills, Costco etc… he got us some snow pants and some boots and has done whatever else with what he wanted me to give him. I paid up 2 months rent, his truck got fixed, Costco runs, pay off a few things and I was told to buy a camera lense that I was looking at and boom there's 8 grand of what was left over. One of the kickers here is I didn't realize until it was brought up I only gave her the usual half of the light bill rather than putting a few months worth into it, thats beyond shitty. And I didn't even bother to ask if I could use any of the money to get her anything to make up for not being able to get her anything for her birthday or Christmas, which my father wouldn't have had an issue with if I would have, which is one of the issues with it outside of some bullshit spending, outside of some snow pants and a pair of hiking boots, she wasn't thought of and more money didn't go to paying ahead on bills.
Is it ironic that him and I have done a brilliant job at doing exactly that? Except for one huge white elephant, we’ve cultivated an excellent understanding on each other and always expressed ourselves to one another, without judgement or resentment, and we’ve grown to appreciate how strong our communications are amongst us. It’s just this one BIG problem that he claims “has been eating him alive “ and he “doesn’t want to lose me over.” I think by now I’m struggling to accept/understand if Love is powerful enough to get me thru this one, no matter which way it goes. You’re absolutely right though.
You’re communicating really well with us here and you don’t sound unreasonable, so please talk to her about your fears and sadness about what she said. Let her know you’re worried that she’s not attracted to you anymore and doesn’t have fun with you anymore, and whether that will continue. You really just need to communicate with her.
She has 26 years of being told sex is dirty, or is only for marriage, or whatever, bouncing around in her brain. So many religions/cultures bombard women (yes, and some men) with this message. It's not fair. Until she internalizes it and believes it, she's not going to feel able to fully express herself sexually. She's already years behind in theory and practice. It's also concerning in a partnership when there is such a disparity in wants/needs, on top of awkward conversation. It just doesn't sound like she's ready for a relationship. Or will be for a while.
Yeah, honestly. I'm not gonna tell OP what to do, but both my ex and myself believed he had aspd. He was pretty much just how OP describes her bf. He “had empathy” for me and was lovey toward me, but he completely lacked empathy toward other people and would talk about doing really gross things to other people or he would just do very shitty things toward people and not care how it affected them at all.
He talked about other people like they're nothing; like they could easily be disposed of. Yet, he was clingy, cuddly, and lovey toward me. I found that behavior repulsive, regardless of whether he was was lovey dovey toward me. People who lack compassion toward other people and have no regard for other people whatsoever unless it benefits themselves in some way are not the type of people to be building a family with imo. This man likely lacks empathy, and to me, it doesn't seem like a good idea for him to be raising a child. I think OP should really think about this relationship.
However, her best bet is honestly to seek a professional
I’m sorry but he has already cheated on you, multiple times. Maybe not physically, but telling another women he wants her, taking to them, sending photos of him jerking off. This is insane.. if you stay with him this will be your life. Just it’ll be worse because he will physically cheat on you.. get out now
Hah. Whenever I’m confronted with a name that looks vaguely Irish I always ask how it’s pronounced. After ‘Aoife’ I realised that I’d just be guessing.
Then don’t. This man is abusing and assaulting you. You don’t owe him a breakup conversation. The hot conversations worth having are with those who will support you when he tries to manipulate you into taking him back. Good luck and please look into therapy to process all this.
That absolutely is gaslighting. Walk away now. Lessons learned and grow from this experience, do not allow someone else to tell you how you feel about something. That's not how emotions work.
Man, this was my dose of reddit for today, I'm sorry that this is your life. We have hit another low.I am very disgusted at him for using the term “autistic” like this, but he is overall such a piece of shit, why even bother. How you solve this is breaking up with him. This is not a good relationship built on communication, respect and trust. So sorry, his little sex doll is malfunctioning. So annoying. What the fuck is this even. Why are you letting yourself get treated like this? The two of you just might just not work well together. It takes two to tango, and not everyone is a great fit for everyone in bed. Sure, this is true. But he is manipulative, abusive and plain horrible about it. Girl, really, why oh why are you still with him? Do yourself one huge favor and walk away. Head held high, you didn't fail here. He shows you who he is, and honestly, it's disturbing. Leave him and work on your low self-esteem, you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect and certainly don't need to work on your acrobatic skills. What a pathetic clown.
I thought this is what big brothers and also fathers do. They are the gatekeepers.
You need to trust your gut and go NC immediately. – Keep detailed notes and the porn he gave your son, turn it in to the authorities. – This appears to be a pretty standard grooming technique. It’s illegal and predatory. – You’re doing the right thing here, you child is your number 1 priority.
if you're uncomfortable with it then don't do it. regardless of morals or how others will view it, you don't seem to keen on the idea so you might as well not ??♀️
This is a lack of consideration and communication on both your parts. He can't read your mind regarding what you need, but he also could have asked you. You did not tell him no, due to your previous trauma, but have you discussed this with him in a non sexual moment? You both need to set up better communication, or you'll continue to have this happen. In his mind, you said yes, so he had consent. If he doesn't know about this reaction to sex, you need to tell him. If you need something when you're upset, you need to tell him. Without the ability to communicate in a healthy manner, a relationship is essentially doomed
Your schooling comes before any man and any man will respect that
Your so young and have so much a head of you don’t give up on schooling for some guy especially when you guys most likely won’t work out
People nowadays don’t get married etc until late 30s this isn’t 1960s lol
Why a lawyer is necessary. Any alternative endangers the children with an unstable unloving home, and more expense in the long run.
She told me she still ‘has a lot of personal development to do’ and feels like full-time would be too much for her mental health.
Working full time is too much for most people's mental health but we've all got bills to pay.
So she fucked him again? Just leave her skanky ass
Sounds like a greedy person…he's okay with sponging off his family but won't finance anyone else.
And I have. I’ve had over a year of school where I tried to be social and it isn’t plausible where I am. Especially with my schedule.
Get rid of this asshole. He’ll do it again. How will you respond next time.
He can tell you he's not comfortable with that. BUT: he contacted your employer to sabotage a job. That's alarming. And I mean alarming to the level that all your red flags on the planet should be waving like crazy. And then not happy with that he contacted your mother to sabotage you again.
I think your family and friends are all focused on “underwear, no, wrong, we are all prudes, no, how can you use underwear for photos” and are not focusing enough on “a man contacted THE EMPLOYER of his wife to SABOTAGE A JOB”
I’m trying to understand why you thought it was funny.
YTA for sure, OP. This first time having sex with a real life woman? Jesus fucking Christ.
Don’t talk to her about, just try being more dominant+kinky and less lovey dovey + throw in some dirty talk, she’s obviously hankering for this
What in the name of Alabama?
Bail Bail Bail
Yes, personal trainer would be an exception to me- Except in this situation where it's obvious the girl is into him.
Women always leave things behind to mark their territory
Idiot. He will leave you too.
Oh good God you are the toxic drama girl. He should Def keep you on block. The screaming and tantrum afterward… you have disordered thinking. Go seek therapy. Leave this boy alone.
It's not that it was a gift to me. The remainder was left with me and pay off/ahead on bills, Costco etc… he got us some snow pants and some boots and has done whatever else with what he wanted me to give him. I paid up 2 months rent, his truck got fixed, Costco runs, pay off a few things and I was told to buy a camera lense that I was looking at and boom there's 8 grand of what was left over. One of the kickers here is I didn't realize until it was brought up I only gave her the usual half of the light bill rather than putting a few months worth into it, thats beyond shitty. And I didn't even bother to ask if I could use any of the money to get her anything to make up for not being able to get her anything for her birthday or Christmas, which my father wouldn't have had an issue with if I would have, which is one of the issues with it outside of some bullshit spending, outside of some snow pants and a pair of hiking boots, she wasn't thought of and more money didn't go to paying ahead on bills.
Is it ironic that him and I have done a brilliant job at doing exactly that? Except for one huge white elephant, we’ve cultivated an excellent understanding on each other and always expressed ourselves to one another, without judgement or resentment, and we’ve grown to appreciate how strong our communications are amongst us. It’s just this one BIG problem that he claims “has been eating him alive “ and he “doesn’t want to lose me over.” I think by now I’m struggling to accept/understand if Love is powerful enough to get me thru this one, no matter which way it goes. You’re absolutely right though.
None hopefully lol
None hopefully lol
A year? That’s not enough for one person to survive.
You’re communicating really well with us here and you don’t sound unreasonable, so please talk to her about your fears and sadness about what she said. Let her know you’re worried that she’s not attracted to you anymore and doesn’t have fun with you anymore, and whether that will continue. You really just need to communicate with her.
Uh huh…?
From past experience?
She has 26 years of being told sex is dirty, or is only for marriage, or whatever, bouncing around in her brain. So many religions/cultures bombard women (yes, and some men) with this message. It's not fair. Until she internalizes it and believes it, she's not going to feel able to fully express herself sexually. She's already years behind in theory and practice. It's also concerning in a partnership when there is such a disparity in wants/needs, on top of awkward conversation. It just doesn't sound like she's ready for a relationship. Or will be for a while.
I suppose as long as I get into med school and graduate it won’t be much of a problem lol
Yeah, honestly. I'm not gonna tell OP what to do, but both my ex and myself believed he had aspd. He was pretty much just how OP describes her bf. He “had empathy” for me and was lovey toward me, but he completely lacked empathy toward other people and would talk about doing really gross things to other people or he would just do very shitty things toward people and not care how it affected them at all.
He talked about other people like they're nothing; like they could easily be disposed of. Yet, he was clingy, cuddly, and lovey toward me. I found that behavior repulsive, regardless of whether he was was lovey dovey toward me. People who lack compassion toward other people and have no regard for other people whatsoever unless it benefits themselves in some way are not the type of people to be building a family with imo. This man likely lacks empathy, and to me, it doesn't seem like a good idea for him to be raising a child. I think OP should really think about this relationship.
However, her best bet is honestly to seek a professional
Holy jumping to conclusions batman!
I'd flat out tell her that you're sick of hearing it's all her money so you're getting a job and she's welcome to hire a caretaker.
Or just divorce her. She sounds terrible.
I’m sorry but he has already cheated on you, multiple times. Maybe not physically, but telling another women he wants her, taking to them, sending photos of him jerking off. This is insane.. if you stay with him this will be your life. Just it’ll be worse because he will physically cheat on you.. get out now
Hah. Whenever I’m confronted with a name that looks vaguely Irish I always ask how it’s pronounced. After ‘Aoife’ I realised that I’d just be guessing.
Money can't buy trust and you deserve better. Much better. This is no different from other partners who cheated on you previously.
She reads it for the plot…..riiight
Understanding his point of view is one thing. Understanding his outbursts and how he treats his significant other is another.
He doesn't offer alternatives. He just goes based off of what ideas I have . He doesn't really put in any ideas on what he would like to do instead
This, to clarify her behaviours really bad but the solution to that is stop dating her, not try to turn into her jailer.
Yeah but it's been 4 years. You have a right to ask her to be more specific about why she isn't ready yet and when she thinks she will be.
Then don’t. This man is abusing and assaulting you. You don’t owe him a breakup conversation. The hot conversations worth having are with those who will support you when he tries to manipulate you into taking him back. Good luck and please look into therapy to process all this.
That absolutely is gaslighting. Walk away now. Lessons learned and grow from this experience, do not allow someone else to tell you how you feel about something. That's not how emotions work.
Is he on a bad spot or does he permanently have a lower income?
Alright, so stop talking to her and find new girlfriend.
Man, this was my dose of reddit for today, I'm sorry that this is your life. We have hit another low.I am very disgusted at him for using the term “autistic” like this, but he is overall such a piece of shit, why even bother. How you solve this is breaking up with him. This is not a good relationship built on communication, respect and trust. So sorry, his little sex doll is malfunctioning. So annoying. What the fuck is this even. Why are you letting yourself get treated like this? The two of you just might just not work well together. It takes two to tango, and not everyone is a great fit for everyone in bed. Sure, this is true. But he is manipulative, abusive and plain horrible about it. Girl, really, why oh why are you still with him? Do yourself one huge favor and walk away. Head held high, you didn't fail here. He shows you who he is, and honestly, it's disturbing. Leave him and work on your low self-esteem, you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect and certainly don't need to work on your acrobatic skills. What a pathetic clown.
Don't go behind her back and ask her brother. That's a last resort.
What you do is stop letting her ignore the question. She can only ignore it if you let her which means she doesn't want to tell you.
So you specifically mention how excited she was, and suddenly she's no longer interested and you need an answer as to why that is.