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4 thoughts on “ILoveSucking online webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay so first things first, you need to be safe. Second, this man has given you a version of himself that you would fall in love with. It’s possible the person you know is not who he is. You need to put an end to this and get away from this psychopath. If you can stay with friends or family. Please let your family know and tell them that you are in danger. If need be you should contact the police to get a restraining order.

    I am so sorry OP, this seems like something straight out of a lifetime movie. Please keep someone with you at all times. Please stay safe. This man needs serious help and you should not continue a relationship with him.

  2. Honestly, she's giving you a gift right now. Ask your fiance to talk to her about it. If he comes back with any other solution than “she's not wearing the dress anymore” then you simply do not marry him. This is a perfect chance to see if he will set boundaries with his family when they are being unreasonable.

    If he will not, you will not be happy marrying him. His family will not respect your boundaries about something more important than a dress, like how you raise your children, or how you spend your money, or where and how you online in your home, or some other thing, and he will not enforce those boundaries with them.

    I promise you, you will not be able to be happy with a man who cannot set boundaries with his mother. That is 100% positive.

  3. I have no problem w my wife going out w her friends etc. never have. however the difference in your situation is her immediate defensive attitude, the new guy & the texts and shutting down over it all. When all you said is you’re uncomfortable w this.

    Has she ever acted like this before? Is this behavior normal character for her or is this suddenly new?

    There has to be something different w her because of your gut feeling. You’re concerned for a reason.

    How about tell her you need to talk to her and she doesn’t have to say anything just listen but you want her to know how you feel. Tell her that her being defensive, shutting down and refusing to talk to you is hurtful and you don’t understand why she can’t talk about it w you. Just tell her you feel she’s dismissing your feelings and if she doesn’t want to talk at least she knows exactly how you feel. Tell her how you’re having trouble concentrating at work and you just want to know what she’s acting this way.

    It’d be hot for me to continue day to day knowing my actions or inactions were hurting my wife. It just seems she doesn’t care how you feel about this work thing and has dismissed you. It just doesn’t make sense.

    She’s never given you a reason to doubt her until now in my opinion. Her evasiveness & attitude to something that doesn’t require it is deafening loud to me.


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