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48 thoughts on “Honeyxnockers live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. There is no reason anyone should be touching you without your consent.

    Choose someone else that respects you. Stop making excuses for him.

  2. people are ALWAYS going to gossip at work man, it's just kind of what happens when u put a bunch of people together who have nothing more interesting to do.

    Just ignore them. They have no say as to what ur relationship dynamics should be and it doesn't seem like ur breaking any rules in terms of conflict of interests or power dynamics. I would say maybe u could speak to ur colleague about what he would wanna do about it, but if he's not particularly bothered then u shouldn't be either.

  3. That was kind of my thought pattern too, if this girl is his best friend, it sounds like they are close, it also sounds like this friendship has been a point of contention for them for a while. It's part of why I wanted to know when the FWB part was. As an example, I had a friend turned FWB turned back into friends over 15 years ago. If I was recently dating somebody it would be difficult for me to cut that friendship off over something to me is ancient history. There are just so many variables at play here for me to make a judgement call. Btw I do appreciate the civil discourse ?.

  4. Haha yes he is single. I told him I don't have a problem with her saying anything because I prefer when women or potential partners err on the side of more communication than less.

  5. It takes time to learn your partner's boundaries. It's complicated. But it shouldn't need to be. Both parties should be considerate and patient. I wasn't always. I learned.

  6. You need to go to all the websites where you have a saved password and change them. If he had access to your phone he might have learned them all with intention to monitor you.

    Tell your lawyer what happened and get record of it so if the pic and correspondence ends up on a revenge porn site you know who to go after.

  7. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP. You don't deserve it at all. I think it's very kind of you to keep her on your insurance when you don't have to. Is this something your lawyer advised or a personal decision?

    I don't know how you didn't just tell her father her family can take over and foot the bill from here tbh.

  8. All situations are different, but if he can’t respect your wish for him to take it easy on drinking for one night, then he has a problem. Take it from someone who dated an alcoholic for 4 years. The creepiness of what he was doing aside, I think you’ll always be disappointed in him.

  9. I will ask her to be involved but if she's comfortable (which I suspect she will be as we've spoken previously) I'll make the final choice so the ring itself

    Make sure to keep it an open discussion…. material, type of setting, stone, budget, matching wedding ring….there are quite a few things to consider. Just going to a shop like Pandora to get some “input” isn't half as helpful as some people make it out to be.

    It's not unusual for some couples to take months to find the perfect ring.

  10. Maybe your sister intentionally got into a different school than you because your parents' expectations were too restrictive. Maybe you should talk to her and find out her reasoning and it will help you figure out what to say to your parents.

  11. You deal with this one day at a time. Some days will be harder than others but it doesn't mean you can't get through this. Kick her to the curb and never look back. She told you about one incident that happened 3 years ago. Imagine what else she's hiding from you.

    You can do this buddy.

  12. Did you anticipate her needs, though? Did you make sure she was shaved and showered that day? That she needed a manicure? That her hairstyle and schedule would allow for a head massage? Did you completely understand all the nuances and politics at her work, so that even if her manager was super nice about it, it would still be frowned upon or even potentially hurt her? Did you make sure that she was in a headspace to take a couple hours off, and wasn’t in the middle of anything, including discussions?

    Or did you want to go to a spa, and turn her asking you to treat her better romantically as the perfect excuse to go? Because that’s sure what it sounds like to me.

    AND you got angry with her, destroying any chance of her being able to shift mindsets. She can’t go back to work, because she would tell them…what? She is in no mood to go to a spa and worry about hairy legs or swamp crotch or anything else. You’re not her spouse, she is already overwhelmed and has money and housing to worry about (just because you are not worried about those things does not mean that she isn’t); why choose to increase her stress at all levels?

    Cuz you felt like you would enjoy a spa day, and it would get you points?


  13. I don’t get it either – they get along really well in person, but then she says what she does to me and I’m so lost by it all

  14. Given what you say about his behavior on that visit, it sounds like the trash did you a big favor and took itself out. What you describe as sex was rape.

    He did all of this because he's a piece of shit. You get through it by leaning on your support system, getting some therapy, and working through the feelings. It takes time. Be patient with yourself. And if he suddenly un-ghosts you, don't fall for it. He's a user and that's not going to change.

  15. Kai, your GF's abusive and unstable behaviors cannot be excused — but perhaps can be explained, especially if you would speak to a psychologist in your city. They may be due to her having weak control over her own emotions (i.e., a lack of emotional skills she had no chance to learn in childhood). My exW has that problem. If it is an issue for your GF, you likely would be seeing 4 other red flags.

    The first is a strong abandonment fear. I therefore ask whether, a few months into your relationship, she started showing strong jealousy over harmless events involving other women — or tried to isolate you away from your close friends and family members? She would view your spending time with friends/family as your choosing them over her. Moreover, she usually would hate being alone by herself.

    Second, you would be seeing her rely heavily on black-white thinking, wherein she tends to categorize some people as “all good” (“with me”) or “all bad” (“against me”) and will recategorize them — in just a few seconds — from one polar extreme to the other based on a minor infraction.

    Because she also uses B-W thinking in judging HERSELF, she would rarely acknowledge making a mistake or having a flaw. Doing so would imply, in her mind, she is “all bad.” She thus would blame nearly all misfortunes/mistakes on you and view herself as “The Victim.”

    Further, to “validate” her victim status, she would keep a detailed mental list of every infraction/mistake you ever did (real or imagined) and would not hesitate to pull out the entire list to defend herself in the most insignificant disagreement with you. Moreover, this B-W thinking also would be evident in her frequent use of all-or-nothing expressions like “you ALWAYS…” and “you NEVER….”

    Third, you generally would not see her directing her anger at casual friends, coworkers, or total strangers. She usually gets along fine with them. Rather, her outbursts and temper tantrums almost exclusively would be directed against a close loved one (e.g., against you, a sibling, or her parents).

    Fourth, you are convinced that she truly loves you. But you frequently see her flipping, on a dime, between Jekyll (loving you) and Hyde (devaluing you) — often making you feel like you're “walking on eggshells,” as you say. Such flips would occur in a few seconds in response to some minor thing you say or do. A few hours or days later, she can flip back just as quickly.

    Kai, have you been seeing strong occurrences of all 4 of these red flags?

  16. You said yourself, he’s not rejecting her. He’s the issue not her. Either he needs to reject her and tell her to leave him alone or you need to break up

  17. There is someone better for you than her man. Honestly, being alone is better than being with her. Real ones don't act like that.

  18. Because it’s proof they’re his kids? She made them, that’s all the proof she needs. Let’s also not act like she isn’t being supported by him

  19. I want you to look into emdr therapy, leave this girl, and do not contact your ex. you need to get with a therapist and figure out what happened that night and be prepared to face harsh realities.

  20. You're not compatible and it's totally a valid reason to break up.

    If she wants to abstain until marriage, that's her choice and a valid one.

    If you don't, then that's your choice and a valid one.

  21. I was doing a lot of running pre-covid, marathons, halfs, and a few 5k's and trail adventure runs. I got into all of that a few months before my girlfriend and I met, and initially it wasn't her thing to spectate. I didn't blame her, especially for the long races because it's a whole lot of standing around for a 5 second wave. As we were together longer, she did start coming to some big races and she had so much fun. It meant a lot to me to find her cheering when I ran the NYC marathon in 2019.

    That being said, I wouldn't want her to be there if she was going to be a downer, and I wouldn't want her to feel guilty about being there if it wasn't her thing. You know your husband best, do you think he would respond well if you pushed him to be more supportive?

  22. So don’t offer to do his hair and tell him you want to go halves on a take out and see his reaction. I suspect he’s a bum but it’s up to you to if you want to continue with the relationship or not

  23. Except the current consensus is that he did use the indefinite article, and the meaning of the line was never in doubt, only the grammar.

  24. Oh lord do you not see what kind of signal that is? Break up for your own good! She'd either gaslight the f outta you or dump you in a heartbeat if she finds a better guy… depends on whether she's lying or actually thinks like… that, but either way, you shouldn't worry about that and find someone who cherishes you for you and actually pushes you to be better in a positive way, not by holding intimacy over your head.

  25. If you tell her you spied on her you can cinsider your relationship dead. In fact it might that she would leave you over this, even if you were many years into relationship.

    You should stop spying, and hope she one day tells you about this herself (if she doesn't that is fine too).

    This who she was, and trying not to be, judge her current self not her past. You are awful person yourself. Spying on her when you have good reason to suspect infidelity, can be reasonable. However you have done it with malicious intent.

    She had trouble conveying her thoughts and feelings so you have force them from her. You need therapy for anxiety as well.

    Honestly, you leaving her would probably for her benefit.

  26. After writing the title you should have thought to yourself “hold on ….what the fuck am I doing with this guy”

  27. You did him a favor. Hopefully, he will realize it and walk away. It’s good to find out who someone is, before you waste too much time on, and invest too much of yourself in, them. Now he knows.

  28. I think everyone here knows drunk driving is bad, people who are disagreeing with the way you reacted does not mean they support alcohol abuse or have a problem.

    That being said, in this day and age, and the magnitude of ease it is to grab an Uber or Lyft or other ride sharing apps he should have known better. Do I think he's being defensive because he knows he fucked up and shouldn't have driven, absolutely. And I'm sure if he would have called you, you would have grabbed him if an Uber wasn't possible. So many options for that night to go and he chose poorly.

    Did he show any regret at all? Like he woke up with a banging hangover and said, that was completely fucking irresponsible of me? Or was he like Eh, no harm no foul? Because that is the big difference, owning up to a mistake and learning from it, no matter how insanely stupid, is a sign of maturity and growth.

    We all fuck up, and we all have limits. Guess he found yours.

    Just my 2 cents.

  29. You sound very victim blamey and it’s gross. The dude sexually harrassed your drunk girlfriend and constantly tries to continue contact with her. Instead of feeling sympathy for you gf you’re blaming her. Either break up with her so she can find someone better or work through these uncomfortable feelings. Your edits also had nothing to do with the original scenario

  30. I beleive that absense makes the heart grow fonder. It might be that he felt refreshed to be away from the relationship for a few days. Maybe he got to let off some steam or recharge.

    I think if he was gone for a month and didn't miss you, then it would be cause for concern. A few days maybe not so much.

  31. Yea I thought that I could just surprise her as I didn't want to ruin anything by outwardly asking her but now I know that would've been better

  32. Why do you think you're supposed to accept being fundamentally unsatisfied with your life, to benefit him?

  33. Do whatever you want, there isn't some one-size-fits-all answer to this.

    Though it might be a good idea to wait for a month or two before trying to get into a serious relationship again, especially if your mental health has been affected. Therapy might be a good idea too if you endured any trauma in the last relationship you were in.


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