HelloxEmma live! webcams for YOU!

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41 thoughts on “HelloxEmma live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This all sounds like an episode of 90 Day Fiancé, including the bit where she speaks your language but you don’t speak hers. That would be a great place to start in showing seriousness of intent.

    Your story is very romantic, but those memories of being hurt and scared are likely more powerful for her. You can’t make her forget, but you can keep what you’re doing and continue to better yourself. I can’t imagine the stress she feels trying to support you both on her low income. On top of the verbal abuse and drinking, I imagine that causes her to feel some resentment. I’d advise you to take absolutely any job you can, regardless of whether it pays well or is in your field. Show her that you will do anything to make sure she does not have to carry that burden alone.

    Aside from that, I’m not sure what to tell you. Do your best to make things right. But ultimately, if she doesn’t feel safe in the relationship any more, you do have to respect that and let her go.

  2. Dude…she's breaking up with you…How are you going to ignore it, and how are you talking about red flags. She ended the relationship- you don't get veto powers.

  3. If someone is making you choose between him and your dream, the choice is simple. If he loved you as much as you say, he wouldn't make you.

  4. You need to fill your life with new people's and hobbies and tbh. I personally think given the situation it be more considerate of your bf to play less with his friends for the moment. But you need things out of the relationship. Are you working, is that an option? Even just part time could be a great excuse to leave the house and interact with people. Whether coworkers or customers. Are there decent walking/jogging trails where you live!?

  5. Thank you! This is one of the few actually helpful responses I've gotten on here so far. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me this advice.

  6. I was abused growing up. If I saw that family member, it would absolutely ruin my day. I don’t know if I would rant about it. But it would ruin being able to enjoy anything the rest of the evening.

    Seeing him was a shock for her. Her emotions spun out of control. Yes I agree that she needs therapy. For herself. Because she is not over this. Not because she ruined your night out together.

    I’d give it a few days so she has time to process. Then I’d try to have a talk with her about going to therapy to help her process these feelings better

  7. It wouldn't hurt to also get a door jamb to stick under your door after you lock it that way if he somehow gets the lock undone he still can't get in your room. Also start talking to your friends' parents, talk to your teachers ,the counselor, call CPS or the police yourself.

    Screw your mom she's not protecting you and if she is going to punish you or yell at you because you're afraid for your safety from this man than she is not a good mother. Her job is to protect you over anybody else that includes her love life. Please keep us updated and let us know what's going on with you.

  8. You are being to dramatic. If she does all the cooking then hell yes a imaginary chef would a welcome addition. Ask her if she would mind if it was a woman and I bet shes still cool with it.

    You don't cook? Why? It's fun and satisfying and would make your wife happy if you did.

  9. You can talk to his brother to call him out on his bs and vent – I would actually enjoy that in your place – but you can't set and enforce boundaries for your fiancé, because you have no control over his behavior. So what if you tell bro not to bang on your door – he'll do it, anyway, and your fiancé will run and do his bidding, so any boundaries you set would be completely meaningless, your fiancé needs to be the one to set and enforce them.

    Your fiancé needs counseling – his brother has raised and trained him to be his emotional support animal, and until he himself realizes how fucked up that dynamic is, his brother will always be his number one priority. I would break things off for the time being, with maybe the provision to revisit the decision if he gets therapy and goes to couple's counseling with you, and you see significant improvement. And you move away from bro – never again to live! anywhere close by.

  10. It’s an overdramatised example, so OP can tone it down and his GF can hopefully understand where he is comes from.

  11. I REALLY hope this is fake. I feel sick thinking about your poor wife. How do you cheat for five years. FIVE whole years- 1825 days. And then to say it's for LUST. What the actual fuck. Sounds like the other women got tired of being the other women, you probably strung her along saying you were going to leave your wife and she got tired of your BS and gave you the boot.

    I hope you grow up and sort your shit out. You have set a poor example to your daughter. If you want to be “complete” again and your wife actually wants to give you another chance (I don't know how she could even begin to trust you) then you need to work on yourself and go to counseling and start appreciating your wife for even considering giving you a chance after five years of your bullshit.


  12. Obviously. He didn’t start dating a teenager for their personality. He started dating one cause he’s a horny creep. Please take the hint and leave this person.

  13. As the OP has stated several times all through this post:

    edit 3: thank you to everybody who is encouraging me to try fertility treatments, IVF, adoption, or fostering. I know your intentions are probably well-meaning. However, my husband have tried everything, exhausted every resource to have a family. I am not going to go into the years, and years of shots, treatments, injections, and close to $100,000 of our savings that we spent trying to start a family. The heartbreak that came with every unsuccessful treatment, every miscarriage, is unable to be put into words. We did try adoption. The adoption fell through last minute. After we had a whole room set up. We were so excited and it ended in heartbreak. We also fostered and it ended in a similarly heartbreaking fashion. I would really prefer not to discuss it past that.

    Reading really *IS\* Fundamental. ?‍♀️

    And so what if she happened to see her husband chatting with the neighbor? It could have been for only a few minutes before she went over to join them, or the only time she didn't. Why make it sound – from a SINGLE sentence – that she's hiding behind curtains for hours everyday bursting into tears and isolating herself in her house, after she stated, more than a few times, that she joins them and is friends with the neighbor?

    Other posters understand and sympathize/empathize with the OP after actually READING and understanding what she wrote, and thus advised her, which she'll be taking into account when she talks to him.

    Comprehension is Fundamental too.

    Oy. ?

  14. Your gf sounds like the type who never had sexual education or any form of talk with a adult person about sexuality. Clearly she never took care of anyone, as I can't think of anything more NOT sexual then to change someone's diaper….

    I would quietly sit down and explain this to her, it's more likely it's an education problem, but if she doesn't understand, then get the hell out of that relationship…

  15. Wow. That was a really hurtful comment. His communication skills aren’t in line with his age. Never come over again? Sounds like a 9 year old. I would highly reconsider your relationship with this man child.

  16. You sound like an immature asshole at least you realize it wasn’t the alcohol. Maybe she changed her mind about wanting kids? Whatever the reason it doesn’t give you the right to call her manipulative, involve her mom, just to be unnecessarily hurtful and to freak out, act like you’re going somewhere and then sleep on the couch.

    The issue could be when you first meet she wanted kids but after your immature actions and outbursts such as the one you had in this example became ‘normal’ she probably definitely doesn’t want a kid with you because you already behave like a child.

  17. There are some live! services that are cheaper and have a wider variety of therapists as long as you don't mind video-chatting.

    The next best thing to therapy is journaling which will allow you to get nervous feelings and scary issues out if the fog and into words so you can understand them and figure out the best way to manage them.

    Also be sure to make lifestyle improvement goals as that has a huge impact on libido and life in general.

  18. Your boyfriend is centering this issue on him. You are the victim. You were harassed. You handled it in the way you are comfortable and doesn't blow up your job.

    He needs to check his male privilege.

  19. Yea no. That's not how a partnership works. I think it's the end of the road for you guys if it's a dealbreaker. Don't break down on this. You will regret it

  20. Maybe just maybe, if you see a long term future with her consider offering to contribute to debt repayment. It would certainly speed up the process

    But if OP does that, how will other bills get paid? How will they save for a house, retirement, children, vacations? Him covering her debt isn't going to make the other bills go away.

  21. No no no nooooo OP ffs.

    This man has grabbed u, scared u, thrown a plate of food at you, pushed you and most likely verbally abused u.

    Im currently pregnant i cannot imagine the stress this is putting on you and your baby. But for the love of all that is fucking holy please get out. Go to family go to friends fucking hell go to a motel.

    You CANNOT raise a baby with him. What if the kid cries too much? What if the baby cant be soothed and “it pushes him too far”

    Wtf will you do when he hurts that baby? You are already scared of him

    And you cannot say he would never hurt that baby because you probably believed he wouldve never thrown a fucking plate at his pregnant gf.

    For the love of christ don't create another statistic. Dont make this child a trauma holder watching his or her mom get abused by dearest daddy… trust me as a kid that saw that shit.

    It's not fucking fair to put that on kids when you can't leave an abusive asshole.

  22. That does suck, what a betrayal, my goodness. This might just be the tip of the iceberg too, consider an std test. He will probably try to say anything to get you to stay, don’t be swayed. Uprooting your life again is never easy but decisions he is making behind your back put you here. It is a gift to discover before you’ve married a guy you thought you knew but clearly don’t. Without trust and respect, there is NO healthy foundation for a relationship. He will only get better at hiding things. You’ve got this, tell someone you trust and know has your back. Get all the personal support you can. I’m sorry this happened to you.

  23. I'm not hurt. But all also never let a few people dictate how my feelings are controlled. You have a good life. Besides by your comment, not like your words can ever do anything to me or matter.

  24. Have you sought couples counseling or asked her for either of you to seek individual therapy? All this time you spend doing things to further yourself, what are you doing for your marriage? It takes two to make a marriage but food for thought, It also takes two to fail at one. You hate her. Cool. Do you know how she feels? She has told you no one listens to her. Do you take responsibility for your part of the “no one” group? I've been through a failed marriage with kids. It feels horrible. I get it. I also take responsibility for my part though. I don't really see you doing a lot of that.

  25. I mean he said he would prefer that when I offered to pay for things. I literally asked what he wants.

  26. Exactly OP. This guy is going to nothing to make you enjoy it yourself, his selfishness is evident and honestly, a bad experience could seriously impact all future sex and sexual relationships. Don’t give him that option.

  27. So what exactly is the agreement? You'd pay rent of some amount and then half of utilities? operating costs?

    Or is he more or less just asking for “rent”?

    I kinda feel like I am missing his side of this a little bit, but maybe not?

  28. No.

    Divorce now. Tell the kids now – in fact make her tell the kids in front of you – and as they are over 18 she tells them everything.

    She doesn’t get to hide from the consequences of her actions anymore.


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