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15 thoughts on “Hannafoxx1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Is he making up for it with household duties? Cleaning, cooking, laundry or maintenance? If not kick him out you only have another child to support if that’s the case.

  2. Regarding the car payments, I wouldn’t use it as an excuse to break up with your BF as he is showing a willingness to sacrifice for a mistake he made. 1.5k is a lot any normal person, and it feels like even more for you BF.

    Additionally, you are right that letting him use the car despite not having collision insurance was a bad move,so I do think you bear some responsibility here.

    However, Infinitely more concerning are the 2 “footnotes” you included. Losing his lincense due not paying insurance and hit and running from the truck are both serious red flags IMO. These actions Indicate he prefers running from his problems and a lack of responsibility. Based on this, I am suspect to the amount he’s actually changed from when you first broke up with him isn’t actually that great.

    So if you can live! with a man who makes mistakes and expects other people to pay for them, stay in the relationship. But if his good qualities don’t make up for this, I’d bail.

  3. She said she's a nightmare, so she should be glad you're getting another babysitter. And she can come see her for free whenever so they can keep their close bond.

  4. Same. Joint account for joint bills and joint expenses like holidays and car repair. Food we take turns buying the weekly shop depending on our paychecks – me the first two weeks of the month, him the last two weeks (I get paid 1st, he gets paid 15th)

    The rest stays with our seperate accounts and we spend it on what we like.

  5. In your first situation, I wouldn't say manipulating is the right word. I would say that she is seeking confrontation and drama.

    In the second situation? It's even worse.

    ” she doesnt trust me. And i Think thats bullshit, she is even texting other boys. “

    That sounds she is projecting her wrongs onto you, and it's within ballpark of manipulation.

    Her talking to her ex boyfriends would be disrespectful enough, but to actually indulge in sex talk and plans? Then she is trying to gaslight you?

    I know that the word “narcissist” gets thrown out there a lot, but that's what it seems like.

    Narcissists don't think they do wrong. If they get firmly confronted on them being in the wrong, than it's your fault and you deserved it……….as they would spin it out to be.

    You are being cheated on, dude. Emotional cheating is only a small step away from physical cheating. IF she really loved you, and not just words, she wouldn't be doing this. Don't go by what she says how she feels about your or even what you want her to feel about you…….watch her actions.

  6. Its fair.

    OP doesnt want that, also fair.

    He is asking her intentions 6months in, not demanding to break up a 30yr relationship.

  7. Imagine just living on your own with him, man.

    OP, what exactly is he bringing to this relationship? What part is he doing to move toward a place where he can be happier…or is he just complaining and expecting you to do all the organizing.

  8. Why not go for it? Relationships in your teens and early 20s are not going to last. Have a weird experience and see what it's like

  9. Sorry, OP, but your post is just another great example of why fantasies, more often than not, should stay fantasies. Your husband sabotaged his own marriage and is now having buyers remorse. The dude should have stayed wanking to swinger porn than trying to live! it out with his wife. You know the phrase, “Don't shit where you eat.”? Well, there is another equally important one, and that is, “Don't swing with the person you intend to marry.”


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